So I just started playing Lost Odyssey, and all graphical wows aside, I gotta say it is an excellent JRPG, in the vein of the classic Final Fantasy games that got me into the genre in the first place, only with HD-era graphics. Everything was just perfect for me, it had the core gameplay from the classic JRPG (turn-based combat, realtime worldmap, even ships with a captain named Sed :D), but it combined it silky smooth runtime and gorgeous graphics. I'm just awed and I'm loving the game. Plus the story, while cheesy and bit predictable, was still well-voiced and really, it's what you'd expect from the genre anyway.
So that brings me to Final Fantasy 13, which probably won't be coming anytime soon, but I'm alreadly really upset about. Because we all know what is going to happen; Square will never turn back the clock, and make FF a turn-based game, like VII, VIII, or X were. No, they will make it like XII, a real-time Final Fantasy. Now, I've played XII, and while it was all right, it just didn't have the same magic the VII, VIII, or X had. I think part of the problem was that there was a lack of the tactical combat situations you had when you could only select one action per round, and had to make strategic decisions about what those actions would be.
Lost Odyssey has done everything right in my opinion. In the world of gaming, graphics should go forward, and Lost Odyssey has done that. But far MORE importantly is what the game does NOT do. It does NOT remove important parts of the core JRPG experience that has made it so addictive for millions of fans everywhere. There's an old saying about things that aren't broken, I wish Square knew about that one.
The sad thing is, me and anywhere from a few hundred thousand to maybe even a million gamers are going to buy FF XIII anyway. That's right, I'm getting it anyway, despite the fact that I already feel it'll be inferior to Lost Odyssey. Why? Because I've always loved the Final Fantasy series, and I'm putting out hope that just maybe they might get their spark back someday. But I guess I'm just flabbergasted at Square for not realizing that changing core gameplay features in this beloved series is a horrible idea. Lost Odyssey has clearly shown that turn based combat not only can still work, but can be incredibly deep and fun as well. Here's to hoping Square gets the memo.
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