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I'd say FFXII by a mile! I'm at the beginning of disc 4 in LO and it's starting to get really boring.. there's a reason FFXII scored so much higher everywhere...ejstrup
Do tell, for I am curious.
[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="Echo13791"]alright thanks. Your help is much appreciated. I don't think I like random encounters very much but I do like traditional turn based combat. Story is also a huge part for me. Its what made Mass Effect amazing IMO. I'll be picking either one up tomorrow so any more recommendations would be greatVideo_Game_King
Take it from someone who beat Mass Effect 4 times, LO was way better.. FFXII is a joke compared to LO. If you loved FFX, you'll love LO.
What if I loved old school JRPG's? Would you still reccomend it?
LO stays true to everything JRPGs stand for. Awesome game. Check my review on it.
[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="Echo13791"]alright thanks. Your help is much appreciated. I don't think I like random encounters very much but I do like traditional turn based combat. Story is also a huge part for me. Its what made Mass Effect amazing IMO. I'll be picking either one up tomorrow so any more recommendations would be greatVideo_Game_King
Take it from someone who beat Mass Effect 4 times, LO was way better.. FFXII is a joke compared to LO. If you loved FFX, you'll love LO.
What if I loved old school JRPG's? Would you still reccomend it?
He is saying that if you loved old school JRPG's like the old final fantasy games then you will love LO. He is saying FFXII is completely different from every other FF. I just played through Mass Effect and that RPG was AMAZING. I don't know if I can go back to traditional. I mean I kind of like grinding (kind of) but HATE random encounters. i've got used to them but really just find them annoying
I know that final fantasy XII isn't a next gen game like Lost Odyssey but these are the two RPG's I am considering playing though. I just finished Mass Effect and need another RPG. I have a PS3 to play FFXII and 360 to play LO. Which is a better game and which should I get?Echo13791I have played both and overall prefered FFXII. The choice though is up to you.
I played both and i must say i enjoyed LO much more . It is a great game and will last you long . Let us know wich game you will get :)natsirt67
yeah....I still can't decide. Its really frustrating. So obviously I've already deduced that LO has a MUCH better storyline which is a big part for me. I think thats what made me love mass effect so much. I already know that there are random encounters in LO which I really don't enjoy and I know you can avoid fighting monsters if you want in FFXII. I also don't hate the gambit system like some people do, although I haven't really used it all that much. How are the enviroments different? of course LO has better graphics but how about the feel of the cities and the areas. JUst please lay it out on me, I want to hear everything you guys have to say. I'm not concerned about wasting my money because I know both games will be great, I just want to pick the better game because I'll be playing it for a while
ok ive played every final fantasy game thats ever came out (even the crappy ones: mystic quest, ff8, X2, 11, and 12) I broke the clock (maxed it out at 99:59 ) on 7, and put over 100 hours on 12. i have beaten them all. (to give you an idea of my tastes, my favorite FF titles were 3(6 in japan) 7, and 10.
I also logged in over 100 hours on Lost odysee.
heres my opinions:
Final Fantasy 12:
this final fantasy is nothing like any final fantasy thats ever been out. (kinda like 11 in which it feels like your playing an offline MMORPG) I DID NOT like this game. but i completed it, completionist style. the main reasons why i didnt like it were, 1) the game played itself. no lie, the last battle i hit attack one time and sat back with the controller on the floor and watched my party kill the final boss.2) the story was horrible. the main characters werent even in your party, you were forced to play second fiddle to NPCs that werent even in your party. 3) the world felt like it was very small. 4) no overworld map
Lost Odysee:
this game is what final fantasy 12 should have been. i have seen posts that this game sucked because it was turn based. (ummm ALL japanese RPGS are turnbased except for final fantasy 12) lost odysee had the better story by far (and thats what most people play RPGS for anyway, for the STORY otherwise the turn based gameplay wouldnt have used so much the past almost 20 years (the original final fantasy and dragon warriors came out around 1987, yep they were turnbased, and the first JRPGS) the only problems i had with Lost odysee was 1) the ability to create the ring accessories was pretty much useless, i never even worried about the type of rings i had on my characters until the end of the game, and even then i didnt make any myself, i found the best in the game with treasure hunts and hidden bosses. 2) no overworld map to walk around on like most other rpgs.
overall i reccomend lost odysee. (if your only going to get 1)
best advice is to rent both see which fit your tastes.
[QUOTE="ejstrup"]I'd say FFXII by a mile! I'm at the beginning of disc 4 in LO and it's starting to get really boring.. there's a reason FFXII scored so much higher everywhere...Video_Game_King
Do tell, for I am curious.
I noticed you said you liked oldschool jrpgs so you might like LO.
Anyway, I personally prefer the battlesystem, the world and the story in FFXII. Furthermore, some of the characters in LO REALLY annoys me. I also thought the game emphasized too much on magic. Melee attacks don't seem to be all that great compared to magic attacks.
Sometimes when you enter a battle, you'll end up waiting approximately 10 secs before you get to do anything. It didn't bother me much in the beginning, but it's starting to annoy me a bit now. FFXII has freeroaming monsters, so you can pick when to fight and wont have to wait for a battle to load. It's weird, I thought I would like oldschool turn-based fighting, cause I've always loved it... but in LO I just hate it :/
Basically there's a bunch of minor annoyances in LO that make me prefer FFXII. I don't know which one you'll like most, but imo, you should definitely get both games at some point, if you like rpgs :)
[QUOTE="Video_Game_King"][QUOTE="ejstrup"]I'd say FFXII by a mile! I'm at the beginning of disc 4 in LO and it's starting to get really boring.. there's a reason FFXII scored so much higher everywhere...ejstrup
Do tell, for I am curious.
I noticed you said you liked oldschool jrpgs so you might like LO.
Anyway, I personally prefer the battlesystem, the world and the story in FFXII. Furthermore, some of the characters in LO REALLY annoys me. I also thought the game emphasized too much on magic. Melee attacks don't seem to be all that great compared to magic attacks.
Sometimes when you enter a battle, you'll end up waiting approximately 10 secs before you get to do anything. It didn't bother me much in the beginning, but it's starting to annoy me a bit now. FFXII has freeroaming monsters, so you can pick when to fight and wont have to wait for a battle to load. It's weird, I thought I would like oldschool turn-based fighting, cause I've always loved it... but in LO I just hate it :/
Basically there's a bunch of minor annoyances in LO that make me prefer FFXII. I don't know which one you'll like most, but imo, you should definitely get both games at some point, if you like rpgs :)
thats the thing. I LOVED Mass Effect but I can't even call it an RPG because its so different from everything else. I enjoyed but didn't love FFIII for my DS and LOVED Oblivion but that is also different from everything else. I've played all the Pokemon games since I was little but I really doubt that they count. I just don't think I've had much if any experience with JRPGs. One thing I took from FFXII is my friend who has literally never played an RPG before played through it and clocked 120 hours. He really loved it. I have another friend who has played ME, Oblivion, and MANY other FF games and JRPGs and said he really enjoyed LO (also said that its story was like Mass Effect's on crack (good thing)). I have just recieved so many opinions, yet its hard to make anything of most of them because they just say that one is better and can't really explain why. For people who do some of them are just very bias and I can't really trust what they say. I still can't decide what to do, lol
[QUOTE="natsirt67"]I played both and i must say i enjoyed LO much more . It is a great game and will last you long . Let us know wich game you will get :)Echo13791
yeah....I still can't decide. Its really frustrating. So obviously I've already deduced that LO has a MUCH better storyline which is a big part for me. I think thats what made me love mass effect so much. I already know that there are random encounters in LO which I really don't enjoy and I know you can avoid fighting monsters if you want in FFXII. I also don't hate the gambit system like some people do, although I haven't really used it all that much. How are the enviroments different? of course LO has better graphics but how about the feel of the cities and the areas. JUst please lay it out on me, I want to hear everything you guys have to say. I'm not concerned about wasting my money because I know both games will be great, I just want to pick the better game because I'll be playing it for a while
The enviroment are pretty well done , the city is something like ff 7 .Don't worry about the random encounters , i hated them like you but it doesn't get annoying in LO.
wow finally someone does a right genre comparison
its always something like Mass Effect vs Drakes or whatever
However, youre comparing two games from different gen
Lost Odyessy is great because it has great graphics and and FF12 is still actually pretty good. I would say theyre both equal really.
wow finally someone does a right genre comparison
its always something like Mass Effect vs Drakes or whatever
However, youre comparing two games from different gen
Lost Odyessy is great because it has great graphics and and FF12 is still actually pretty good. I would say theyre both equal really.
I might just not get either. Nevertheless, if I do get one it'll be LO. THanks for all the help guys. Feel free to keep giving input though, my opinion is wavering
[QUOTE="Video_Game_King"][QUOTE="ejstrup"]I'd say FFXII by a mile! I'm at the beginning of disc 4 in LO and it's starting to get really boring.. there's a reason FFXII scored so much higher everywhere...ejstrup
Do tell, for I am curious.
I noticed you said you liked oldschool jrpgs so you might like LO.
Anyway, I personally prefer the battlesystem, the world and the story in FFXII. Furthermore, some of the characters in LO REALLY annoys me. I also thought the game emphasized too much on magic. Melee attacks don't seem to be all that great compared to magic attacks.
Sometimes when you enter a battle, you'll end up waiting approximately 10 secs before you get to do anything. It didn't bother me much in the beginning, but it's starting to annoy me a bit now. FFXII has freeroaming monsters, so you can pick when to fight and wont have to wait for a battle to load. It's weird, I thought I would like oldschool turn-based fighting, cause I've always loved it... but in LO I just hate it :/
Basically there's a bunch of minor annoyances in LO that make me prefer FFXII. I don't know which one you'll like most, but imo, you should definitely get both games at some point, if you like rpgs :)
Ah, the minor things. Let me just say that FF12 and other free-roaming games still have random encounters. Sure, there's no separate map, but they're still randomly generated. There's no set amount of monsters in each area, like Mystic Quest (or Mystic Quest Legend for Eurousers). And I have played FF12, as I have a policy about rendering set opinions about games I haven't played. For all I know, Final Fantasy VII could suck horribly, I haven't played it. Only exception is remakes/ports, and that's a fairly obvious one.
" I'm at the beginning of disc 4 in LO and it's starting to get really boring"
this makes no sense...surly you are complimenting the game by saying it doesn't get boring until the last disc.
I've played both. To give an accurate verdict.
Gameplay - FFXII by a mile.
Story/characters - Lost oddysey by a mile.
ok ive played every final fantasy game thats ever came out (even the crappy ones: mystic quest, ff8, X2, 11, and 12) I broke the clock (maxed it out at 99:59 ) on 7, and put over 100 hours on 12. i have beaten them all. (to give you an idea of my tastes, my favorite FF titles were 3(6 in japan) 7, and 10.
I also logged in over 100 hours on Lost odysee.
heres my opinions:
Final Fantasy 12:
this final fantasy is nothing like any final fantasy thats ever been out. (kinda like 11 in which it feels like your playing an offline MMORPG) I DID NOT like this game. but i completed it, completionist style. the main reasons why i didnt like it were, 1) the game played itself. no lie, the last battle i hit attack one time and sat back with the controller on the floor and watched my party kill the final boss.2) the story was horrible. the main characters werent even in your party, you were forced to play second fiddle to NPCs that werent even in your party. 3) the world felt like it was very small. 4) no overworld map
Lost Odysee:
this game is what final fantasy 12 should have been. i have seen posts that this game sucked because it was turn based. (ummm ALL japanese RPGS are turnbased except for final fantasy 12) lost odysee had the better story by far (and thats what most people play RPGS for anyway, for the STORY otherwise the turn based gameplay wouldnt have used so much the past almost 20 years (the original final fantasy and dragon warriors came out around 1987, yep they were turnbased, and the first JRPGS) the only problems i had with Lost odysee was 1) the ability to create the ring accessories was pretty much useless, i never even worried about the type of rings i had on my characters until the end of the game, and even then i didnt make any myself, i found the best in the game with treasure hunts and hidden bosses. 2) no overworld map to walk around on like most other rpgs.
overall i reccomend lost odysee. (if your only going to get 1)
best advice is to rent both see which fit your tastes.
Eh? I was up in action in the last battle, healing and raising allies while damaging the Final Boss (because the Gambits can't keep up with the damage).. You must be too overleveled or have great equipments by then.
btw, is it true that you have to grind ALOT in FF12? I don't mind it. Also, is it hard to avoid facing monsters when u don't want to fight them? The game trailers review also just said it wasn't very fun to playEcho13791
As with just about every RPG grinding is usually involved. And yes, you can run away from monsters.
Personally I would go with FFXII. I thought the new gameplay worked great, though it has a bit of a long learning curve (managing gambits pays off greatly). One reason why so many people didn't like it.
But from what I've gathered from FFXII is most people didn't enjoy it because it ditched to whole love/emo storyline and went a more mature route. I still thought the game was fantastic and definitley recommend it.
I LOVED Mass Effect but I can't even call it an RPG because its so different from everything else.Echo13791How so? Anything where you choose what dialogue is spoken and have an inventory system, is clearly an RPG by anyone's standards. Mass Effect is my favorite RPG this gen by far, lets see if FFXIII can top it. On topic - Lost Odyssey for its story, and FFXII if you enjoy the combat system.
I own both and beaten both games. In my opinion, FF12 is better on a completely different level than LO will ever be. LO isn't terrible and is worth 1 playthrough. Play both but for the sake of getting spoiled, play LO first and save the better game in FF12 for after.
I really enjoyed Lost Odyssey... felt like a true old school Final Fantasy only with much better visuals. Pretty good story to boot.
I've never played FFXII
Necro thread.
Really... no one thought the topic was slightly odd?
ooops.... nah i didnt'.... I assumed there were people out there that didn't mind playing older games.
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