[QUOTE="Finale-"]It seems like a direct FFX sequal but with different characters, but that isn't a bad thing. VandalvideoMinus the effimenante male lead.
At least we all aren't confused about that one...
...or are we?
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[QUOTE="Finale-"]It seems like a direct FFX sequal but with different characters, but that isn't a bad thing. VandalvideoMinus the effimenante male lead.
At least we all aren't confused about that one...
...or are we?
Minus the effimenante male lead.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Finale-"]It seems like a direct FFX sequal but with different characters, but that isn't a bad thing. x_boyfriend
At least we all aren't confused about that one...
...or are we?
confused how?
ok, i dont know wether to be excited about this post , or outraged at all the doubters and haters that think this game will suck or something.
first off, a little credit and respect needs to be given to the ones making this game. these are not just some upstart game devs, these peopz have MORE than proven themselves in this industry, and this is NOT OPEN FOR DEBATE(unless your 12-14 and have nothing better to do right now which is usually the case here in SW's). these peopz(devs) success in this industry tells me that both Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey will make the hardest rpg critic happy. Godspeed :)
[QUOTE="fuzzysquash"][QUOTE="supermechakirby"][QUOTE="JiveT"]What killed my interest in this game and supermechakirby mentioned it was from an early build is that terrible looking video where he's fighting this army of dudes or monsters or something. He keeps doing the same attack but its turn based and seems to take forever. It looks like a boring chore more than anything. If you go to Youtube and look it up you can watch it. I don't know what to think about this game yet.plainoldsam
but yea that is like the first battle of the whole game, you dont even really have any attacks
True, but the game is still turn-based. They're not going to overhaul the entire battle system.
Last generation, jrpg's on the PS2 got a lot of criticism from Xbox fans because they were "turn-based" and "archaic" compared to the wrpg's on Xbox.
So those who don't like turn-based combat are unlikely to find Lost Odyssey appealing.
True, but LO won't be entirely turn based like most people think. Here's some info I gathered about the battle system throughout the months."Basically, it's turn-based, but we put some real-time flavor to it. It's more strategic than real-time action. The basic structure is turn-based - you walk around in the adventure portion, then you encounter monsters, and it comes to a battle scene. It's not seamless ? it's adventure, then battle, then adventure, then battle. As you progress, there will be a lot of things you have to concentrate on in the battle scenes, and also you'll need to focus on timing. It's turn-based, strategic combat with some real-time features.
Perhaps the most interesting part of Sakaguchi's comments centered on the battle system. According to the article, Lost Odyssey will employ a wall system which will require players to ensure that the front guards protect the rear. Enemies will se these formations as well and Mistwalker plans to add an "analog trigger system for physical attacks" to breech the walls.
Sakaguchi explained that magical attacks in Lost Odyssey are much more powerful than physical attacks, so sorcerers will have to be protected with the front line while they do their thing. He went on to hint that acquired skills will be needed to equip accessories and that the obtainable skills will vary between mortals and immortals in the game. He then told readers that item synthesis will work through combining items infused with magical power along with a basic weapon.
- turn-based
- skill system differs for chars that can't die and chars that can die
- includes weapon synthesis
- wall system protects chars on the back line"
Sound kinda like Enchanted Arms to me.
ok, i dont know wether to be excited about this post , or outraged at all the doubters and haters that think this game will suck or something.
first off, a little credit and respect needs to be given to the ones making this game. these are not just some upstart game devs, these peopz have MORE than proven themselves in this industry, and this is NOT OPEN FOR DEBATE(unless your 12-14 and have nothing better to do right now which is usually the case here in SW's). these peopz(devs) success in this industry tells me that both Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey will make the hardest rpg critic happy. Godspeed :)
lots of hate from cows jealous that they lost Sakaguchi
Superb thread for probably one of the most overlooked games coming out for the 360 thus far....in my opinion. I also had no idea that it was coming out this year. I was under the impression that it was an 08' release, but thankfully it is not.ironcreed
yea alot of people dont realise how close it is to release
I think they think its a holiday 07 release for japan only.. but they have been working on both the japanese and english versions at the same time
Ugh, this game looks sooooooo ridiculously boring to me :S
I think console turn based games should not exist. They work well for handhelds, but not for consoles. (IMO of course)
I think they coulda made it a whole lot better if it hadn't of been turn based. Think of the fast paced action it could of had, like shown in the trailer!
Another flop from Mistwalker.Paul_TheGreat
Huh? They haven't even developed a flop yet. :| I guess you don't know that Gamespot's score is all that matters in System Wars, and it has been receiving great reviews, except by EGM. Your point is moot.
Another flop from Mistwalker.Paul_TheGreat
yes, this game has flopped so hard... not a single game has been sold, and not a single reviewer has reviewed it....
I wonder why?
Nobuo Uematsu has been one of my favorite names in gaming for a long time. I'll be checking out all of Mistwalkers games based on that alone.THETRUEDOZAH
wow your picking up a game based on the music alone? lol thats dedication
Ugh, this game looks sooooooo ridiculously boring to me :S
I think console turn based games should not exist. They work well for handhelds, but not for consoles. (IMO of course)
I think they coulda made it a whole lot better if it hadn't of been turn based. Think of the fast paced action it could of had, like shown in the trailer!
just not your type of game I guess
but maybe the story would keep you entertained, for all we know LO could have one of the best stories in video games
which would kinda be hard with KOTOR's story ranking up there number 1 for me, and god I cant wait for Mass Effect, that will have a brilliant story...
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