Actually I'm hyping MAG, Heavy Rain, Trico and Cross Edge all AAAA on Metacritic and Gamerankings, every single blog, newspaper, magazine and website. None of the reviews will have a single complaint about ANY of the games.
They will be heralded as the greatest games of all time, they will stop the conflicts in the middle East, they will give intelligence to those who lack it, they will solve the worlds energy crisis, they will make sure the polar ice caps start to freeze up again, they will cure cancer, they will put an end to poverty and starvation, they will truly unite humanity throughout the entire world, they will be known as the 4 true wonders of the modern world. That is the greatness these 4 games will achieve and there's nothing you or anybody else can do about it.
And yes, I'm seriously serious about this very serious issue... seriously, I'm not joking.
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