We saw from the very first reveal that the focus of the xbone was NOT going to be on gaming but on TV/snap shot features. That should already be inexcusable. This is gaming...But now, the thing that has become even more apparent is that:
-Your TV does TV better then the xbone.
-Your PC multi-tasks and "snaps" better then xbone can.
-And of course the PS4 does gaming WAY BETTER then the xbone ever can (what matters the most)
Etc etc
The xbone is marketed as the "all in one," YET it does not do any one thing better then the competition in each field already does.
Every one has a TV and every one has a laptop or smart phone which do multi-media features better too, so again, there is no point to the xbone
And still we have yet to even adress the many other big problems the xbone has:
-The fact the xbone is 100$ more expensive then a PS4 while offering 50% weaker hardware/specs then a PS4
Xbone is under-powered and over-priced...Soo you cant even say that the xbone is just an incremental upgrade in prettier graphics, because its worse then that
-There is also the fact the xbone UI is a slow, cluttered, unresponsive mess...Install times are horrendous on the xbone too....
-The Kinect terms of agreement states that Microsoft has the right to gather any info it wants from you with Kinect and do what ever they pleaae with it....they confirm themsefles its a spy cam...considering Microsoft is in bed with the NSA...gee I wonder whats going to happen...but they claim it will be for "marketing purposes" suure
-The fact Microsoft has already tried to butcher consumer rights with their always online/xbone DRM schemes....they were forced to stop at the last second due to fear of losing more and more pre-order sales....but the plans are still there in place...whats to stop Microsoft from trying again...they want to bring it all back....just listen to their PR
And I could keep going on and on but I dont want to drag this thread out
I just dont see how anyone rational can think something like the xbone is ok for gaming or for consumers...
After spending some time with the xbone at my cousins house, there is a strong sense that there is no purpose, rhyme or reason to the xbone or any of its features.
Xbone TV or snapshot features add nothing of value to gaming....they only serve as a distraction...I want to game not watch TV on a small window to the side...or have to bother with snapping useless features to the side when all I want to do is game...
Where as innovative patented PS4 share features are centered around GAMING and add to the value of GAMING...
I know its not just me, it really does feel like the xbone is a sleazy cash-in, uninspired machine with most its features tacked on or hidden behind xbox live pay wall fees. SO I.e xbone is also very anti-consumer...
Im just gald i've made the decision to never get an xbone. All I will ever need is my PS4. Its cheaper, more powerful, keeps the focus on gaming, and does gaming better then anything else out there...and of course for those awesome Playstation exclusives!!!!
Thankfully the xbone is getting slaughtered by the PS4 in sales, thats how competition works...but it is still dissappointing that a product like the xbone is not out right failing....because it opens the flood gates for products like the xbone to be accepted...for Microsoft's anti-consuner practices to be accepted etc....for the sake of competition and for the sake of the consumer the xbone needs to fail miserably....we need to make a stand and send the correct message.
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