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[QUOTE="MachoBuzzzy"][QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]Yeah,like Bioshock 2 and is gonnna flop and MAG scores better than it:| wanna bet? Fine,i bet that MAG won't score better than Bioshock 2BioShock 2, Modern Warfare 2, Alan Wake, mark my words, quote me, these games will flop. guaranteed.
Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, God of War III and MAG wont flop. none of these games will score below 8.0, here or any other site.
I seriously doubt GOW 3 will flop. Sony will do everything they can to not screw this game up. Even if it means delaying it. With that said I keep hearing rumors that GOW 3 will release in early 2010. That kind of makes sense to me since the other GOW games always released around the first quarter of the year.
I dont really want to imagine Halo: ODST flopping... the amount of KILLZOWNED! threads would be quite ridiculous.but what will be considered a flop with halo:odst? I love halo, and i would hype every halo game coming from bungie AAA! But this is an expansion pack (4-5 hours long). It's too short to get AAA! And i think a lot of people think this!
Alan Wake.Floppy_JimThere has been next-to-nothing announced about it, so it is almost impossible to say that now. And lets not forget that they made Max Payne, a true masterpiece. I thing that MAG and Heavy rain (no, this has nothing to do with them being PS3 exclusives). MAG because it is just another average shooter with more people, and you will never get the full number of players in one match, so that will ruin the purpose. Heavy Rain... well, I applaud the developers on such a bold idea, but this looks like its one of those games that is all Flash and no substance.
modern warfare 2. i'll guarantee you, it's just like COD4, with a new engine if we're lucky.
It will score 8 or 8.5. It will use the same engine and it will be more or less the same. Everyone will buy it and claim it to be the best thing since sliced bread with german suasage meat slices with a layer of butter, naturally. I wish it would flop, can't stand CoD4 and the way people talk about it as if it's the pinacle of the gaming experince. Why is this mediocre 5 hour long campagin, rambo kill fest multiplayer, video game one of the most popular ever made? There are just so many better games and this is the crap everyone talks about. Makes me kinda sick. It's like having some horrible Britney Spears album in a top 20 albums of all time.
actually, COD4 is "the pinnacle of the gaming experience." I've been gaming for 17 years now, and have never played as addictive/compelling a shooter as COD4. it's just that good, especially the multiplayer component. i've been playing longer than you, and i laughed at your post.I don't think any will flop too bad. Uncharted 2 is basically flop proof. It has WAY to much promise. God of War and Alan Wake probably have the best chance of flopping. this is the GoW dev's first PS3 game so I can see why they'd have a hard time. Alan Wake we know almost nothing about, it could be one crappy game. I doubt both of these will be under AAA though.some of the most hyped games of this year are God of War 3, Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2, Uncharted 2, and Alan Wake.. however, history tells us that at least one of these games WILL flop. it happens every year; a game that gives us little reason to doubt its greatness will indeed piss most of us off. so, anyone got a hunch on what will be this year's Spore, Too Human, Lair, Haze, or Dark Sector? my money is on Bioshock 2, simply because.. there's no way they pulled off what they're promising in a mere 18 months. plus, it's a new team, and 2k is running the show from the verybeginning.
IMO M.A.G. won't score higher than 7.5- cause it will be flawed when it comes out and will have to be fixed with a patch.
Also I think GoW has a chance of flopping but it is smaller cause Sony will do its best not to screw it up.
Alan Wake...ehh I honestly have a lot of faith in that developer (Max Payne was awesome) And Bioshock 2 might be less surprising than the first but it won't flop. Assassin's Creed 2 is my bet.
IMO God of War 3 and Alan wake are probably VERY closely monitored by Sony and Microsoft so that one of their flagship titles doesn't flop. I could see Bioshock 2 flopping. That game should not be having a sequel... I hope i'm wrong but the story could turn out awful. Also MW2. Infinity ward has always delivered but it's possible that they will make very minimal improvements so as not to anger the fanbase.
CoD4 and the way people talk about it as if it's the pinacle of the gaming experince. Why is this mediocre 5 hour long campagin, rambo kill fest multiplayer, video game one of the most popular ever made?
actually, COD4 is "the pinnacle of the gaming experience." I've been gaming for 17 years now, and have never played as addictive/compelling a shooter as COD4. it's just that good, especially the multiplayer component.C_BozkurT_C
disagree. its simple brainless fun nothing more. if you think that is the pinnacle of gaming then... wow im trying to think of way of finishing that sentence that isnt patronising or insulting, but i cant, so ill just leave it at that
If Alan Wait, err, I mean Wake releases this year, then there is where my bet lies. Right around 5 years and still not one snippet of gameplay footage? I know, Remedy likes to take their time, blah, blah, blah. I do not care, if you cannot show one clip of gameplay in 5 years time, something is not quite as it seems. In otherwords, this game is all talk and no show based around some nifty tech. Duke Nukem Forever is calling Alan Wake to the halls of vaporeware Valhalla.
but what will be considered a flop with halo:odst? I love halo, and i would hype every halo game coming from bungie AAA! But this is an expansion pack (4-5 hours long). It's too short to get AAA! And i think a lot of people think this!
I dont really want to imagine Halo: ODST flopping... the amount of KILLZOWNED! threads would be quite ridiculous. i dont know why..but this made me laugh haha.. My vote goes for bioshock 2 or alan wake.. I personally cant see gow3 or uncharted flopping and infinity ward has had 2 years to sprouse up the game so i think it 'MITE' just get a 9 but we'll just have to wait and see...[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"][QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]Alan Wake.ToScA-agreed. that game is going to flop HARD. Based on what?
"Based on what" is the appropriate question either way. As in nearly 5 years they have not shown even a snippet of gameplay. So, on the other side of the coin, let me ask you just what are you basing your general feeling of it being a success on? Speculation, right? Now, see the thread title again, as speculation is what this thread is all about.
Final Fantasy 13*waits*MachoBuzzzyLies! Why must you lie like that! :cry:
Explain your reasoning good sir.
Based on what?[QUOTE="ToScA-"][QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"] agreed. that game is going to flop HARD. ironcreed
"Based on what" is the appropriate question either way. As in nearly 5 years they have not shown even a snippet of gameplay. So, on the other side of the coin, let me ask you just what are you basing your general feeling of it being a success on? Speculation, right? Now, see the thread title again, as speculation is what this thread is all about.
I was merely asking why he thinks it will "flop HARD" seeing as his post doesn't reveal much of where his speculative opinion comes from. Is it because of the lack of information concerning the game? Is it the long development time? Is it Alan Wake's jacket? I did a similar post. However, I'd be happy to explain why I think GOW3 will flop should anyone ask. And to answer your question, I find the concept (or rather, what we know about the concept so far) to be very promising and seemingly unique. It's a breath of fresh air to an industry flooded with what I consider to be too much of the same and I believe that many will welcome this direction taken by Remedy. I also think that Remedy will deliver gameplay-wise, much based on their previous work with the Max Payne games.[QUOTE="ironcreed"][QUOTE="ToScA-"] Based on what? ToScA-
"Based on what" is the appropriate question either way. As in nearly 5 years they have not shown even a snippet of gameplay. So, on the other side of the coin, let me ask you just what are you basing your general feeling of it being a success on? Speculation, right? Now, see the thread title again, as speculation is what this thread is all about.
I was merely asking why he thinks it will "flop HARD" seeing as his post doesn't reveal much of where his speculative opinion comes from. Is it because of the lack of information concerning the game? Is it the long development time? Is it Alan Wake's jacket? I did a similar post. However, I'd be happy to explain why I think GOW3 will flop should anyone ask. And to answer your question, I find the concept (or rather, what we know about the concept so far) to be very promising and seemingly unique. It's a breath of fresh air to an industry flooded with what I consider to be too much of the same and I believe that many will welcome this direction taken by Remedy. I also think that Remedy will deliver gameplay-wise, much based on their previous work with the Max Payne games.Good answer. You are right, he did not provide any explanation as to why he thinks it will. However, I did, although I never said it would flop hard. Reason being, it has been nearly 5 years and we have not even seen any gameplay, so how are we really to judge either way given the lack of any substantial evidence? Yes, it SOUNDS like it will be good and Remedy are known to be excellent devs. However, that does not make it immune, as has been the case all too often this gen. I do hope it turns out to be all that it is hyped to be, but hype and reality are more times than not at odds with one another.
As far as God of War 3 goes, well, it is an established AAA franchise, while Alan Wake is an unkown that has been in development far too long for there not to be even any gameplay footage available. Logic tells me that in this case, there is obviously something that Remedy does not want us to see. In which case, I think it is far more realistic to expect Alan Wake to fall short rather than GOW3, which will be finishing off a a trilogy in a proven AAA series. Opinions of course vary though.
I was merely asking why he thinks it will "flop HARD" seeing as his post doesn't reveal much of where his speculative opinion comes from. Is it because of the lack of information concerning the game? Is it the long development time? Is it Alan Wake's jacket? I did a similar post. However, I'd be happy to explain why I think GOW3 will flop should anyone ask. And to answer your question, I find the concept (or rather, what we know about the concept so far) to be very promising and seemingly unique. It's a breath of fresh air to an industry flooded with what I consider to be too much of the same and I believe that many will welcome this direction taken by Remedy. I also think that Remedy will deliver gameplay-wise, much based on their previous work with the Max Payne games.[QUOTE="ToScA-"][QUOTE="ironcreed"]
"Based on what" is the appropriate question either way. As in nearly 5 years they have not shown even a snippet of gameplay. So, on the other side of the coin, let me ask you just what are you basing your general feeling of it being a success on? Speculation, right? Now, see the thread title again, as speculation is what this thread is all about.
Good answer. You are right, he did not provide any explanation as to why he thinks it will. However, I did, although I never said it would flop hard. Reason being, it has been nearly 5 years and we have not even seen any gameplay, so how are we really to judge either way given the lack of any substantial evidence? Yes, it SOUNDS like it will be good and Remedy are known to be excellent devs. However, that does not make it immune, as has been the case all too often this gen. I do hope it turns out to be all that it is hyped to be, but hype and reality are more times than not at odds with one another.
As far as God of War 3 goes, well, it is an established AAA franchise, while Alan Wake is an unkown that has been in development far too long for there not to be even any gameplay footage available. Logic tells me that in this case, there is obviously something that Remedy does not want us to see. In which case, I think it is far more realistic to expect Alan Wake to fall short rather than GOW3, which will be finishing off a a trilogy in a proven AAA series. Opinions of course vary though.
Remedy released almost no gameplay footage for Max Payne 1 & 2. And they take their time.[QUOTE="tktomo01"]Hey, I thought Spore was awesome.... Anywho, I hope its Alan Wake, I don't even care about that game. And BTW, I wonder why Halo 3: ODST isn't on there? The expansion to the game that sold more copies than there are human beings will probably get a LOT of hype.di_sgt_barberit's not even worth mentioning. anyone not blinded by teh_gratenss_of_masterpeace_BBQ_OMGHALO3 knows it's just a map pack with a 3 hour bonus mission that's being marketed like it's Halo 4. You sound butthurt. But don't worry, I'll buy an extra copy of ODST just for you.
[QUOTE="ironcreed"][QUOTE="ToScA-"] I was merely asking why he thinks it will "flop HARD" seeing as his post doesn't reveal much of where his speculative opinion comes from. Is it because of the lack of information concerning the game? Is it the long development time? Is it Alan Wake's jacket? I did a similar post. However, I'd be happy to explain why I think GOW3 will flop should anyone ask. And to answer your question, I find the concept (or rather, what we know about the concept so far) to be very promising and seemingly unique. It's a breath of fresh air to an industry flooded with what I consider to be too much of the same and I believe that many will welcome this direction taken by Remedy. I also think that Remedy will deliver gameplay-wise, much based on their previous work with the Max Payne games. 404-not-found
Good answer. You are right, he did not provide any explanation as to why he thinks it will. However, I did, although I never said it would flop hard. Reason being, it has been nearly 5 years and we have not even seen any gameplay, so how are we really to judge either way given the lack of any substantial evidence? Yes, it SOUNDS like it will be good and Remedy are known to be excellent devs. However, that does not make it immune, as has been the case all too often this gen. I do hope it turns out to be all that it is hyped to be, but hype and reality are more times than not at odds with one another.
As far as God of War 3 goes, well, it is an established AAA franchise, while Alan Wake is an unkown that has been in development far too long for there not to be even any gameplay footage available. Logic tells me that in this case, there is obviously something that Remedy does not want us to see. In which case, I think it is far more realistic to expect Alan Wake to fall short rather than GOW3, which will be finishing off a a trilogy in a proven AAA series. Opinions of course vary though.
Remedy released almost no gameplay footage for Max Payne 1 & 2. And they take their time.Well, we will see, but that certainly does not mean that Alan Wake will be immune just because Max Payne was. I am just going on what is available - which is NOTHING substantial in nearly 5 years. I think that is plenty reason enough to be skeptical, but then that is just me, I guess.
Not to be rude, but this caused me to browse your ratings as well, and the other CoDs are rated fairly high, and they all follow the same basic formula except for setting.tktomo01I disagree - Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2: The Big Red One and Call of Duty 3 are really quite different from Call of Duty 4.
[QUOTE="di_sgt_barber"][QUOTE="tktomo01"]Hey, I thought Spore was awesome.... Anywho, I hope its Alan Wake, I don't even care about that game. And BTW, I wonder why Halo 3: ODST isn't on there? The expansion to the game that sold more copies than there are human beings will probably get a LOT of hype.SSCyborgit's not even worth mentioning. anyone not blinded by teh_gratenss_of_masterpeace_BBQ_OMGHALO3 knows it's just a map pack with a 3 hour bonus mission that's being marketed like it's Halo 4. You sound butthurt. But don't worry, I'll buy an extra copy of ODST just for you.
No need to get angry little fella, Hes just making fun of an expansions pack.
Cod IV set the bar to high. Probably be in a similar situation as GTA IV. It may not have accomplished as much as its predecessor but it will still be awsome.
Lies! Why must you lie like that! :cry:[QUOTE="MachoBuzzzy"]Final Fantasy 13*waits*Aljosa23
Explain your reasoning good sir.
Aljosa Has been caught,data entered in Pokedex, i knew you were gonna post since this is your top/best/most/anticipated/GOTC/GOTY game:P TBH i was expecting a more hostile replayGet rid of Alan Wake. That will be a HIT!:DUncharted 2 will flop, so will bioshock and alan wake
MAG will flop because it is coming out the same month as MW2 and it is made from the same team that made SOCOM. Heavy Rain will flop since there is no hype for it and it is an exclusive.xxxjayzxxxYep!:) Except I don't expect it coming this year. And the Socom fanboys from last year(and there are a good amount of them) will flock to MAG because the other Socom was a miserable failure. Heavy Rain will flop because of no hype as well.
[QUOTE="xxxjayzxxx"]MAG will flop because it is coming out the same month as MW2 and it is made from the same team that made SOCOM. Heavy Rain will flop since there is no hype for it and it is an exclusive.NYrockinlegendYep!:) Except I don't expect it coming this year. And the Socom fanboys from last year(and there are a good amount of them) will flock to MAG because the other Socom was a miserable failure. Heavy Rain will flop because of no hype as well. you can't flop without hype
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