seriously, I love Nintendo, I have always been a sheep and I will most likely be picking up a wii cause its a damn nintendo system, but I wanna see what the hell the fuss is about cause all I see is minigames and nothing much else
right now there is only really one game I really want and thats SSBB, the rest of WIi Games look REALLY lackluster to an actual gamer like me, compared to things like Mass Effect, Too Human, Halo 3, Lost Odyssey, Gears 2, Bioshock, Alan Wake, Forza 2, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, PGR4, Crimson Skies 2, Blue Dragon, Dead Rising 2, Shadowrun, Splinter Cell 5, and Banjo Threeie Wii Games to me look sad
I mean if they ported morrowind to the wii with a battle system like oblivion then that might be awesome, or if they finnally made a Pokemon MMO buut
Ive lost interest in Zelda thanks to TP
Metroid Prime sucks I want the 2D ones back
they still have yet to revolutionise the kirby franchise and give him his own 3D Adventure game like Mario 64
pikmin never interested me
I've never really gotten into a mario platformer becides mario sunshine (loved it)
Mario Kart used to be fun with friends, but its just been the same old thing
Mario Sport 1 Mario SPort 2 and Mario Sport 3 never ever interested me
a True Donkey Kong game doesnt exist anymore
Mario Party is possibly the lamest thing alive
Advanced Wars never made a good 2D - 3D transfer
I never did try F-zero GC though, although I kinda liked the SNES version way back when, nothing too special though
Wario again another good series turned into minigame crap
I guess I had to grow out of them after awhile...
but I am wonderign what actual hardcore deep game expiriences does the wii supply?
the only thing that comes to mind is No More Heroes, but al lI have seen is a cinematic trailer and I never did like Killer7
the only game I will be buying a wii for is SSBB, and if Capcomn announces Power stone 3 for the 360 anytime soon I will prolly loose insterest in SSBB also.. IDK prolly not, lol I could play both
also, no one say sadness plz, I hate horror (becides mebbe alan wake, it seems more adventure than anything)
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