Ok so yea, about 6-7 weeks ago I signed up for the Gamestop, Game informer magazine subscription because I really like Game Informer and use to subscribe to it a few years back. So yea, 7 weeks have passed and still not one magazine in the mail. Keep in mind when i signed up for this magazine, the sales rep told me it only took 4-6 weeks for me to receive the Magazine.. Well after the other day I decided I wanted to buy God Of War 2, So I was already at the mall with my buddy and thought id stop in gamestop to pick up God Of War 2 and while I was there I could also ask them why the hell I still havent received my GI magazine. So I go there and tell them I want a copy of God Of War 2, so the sales rep goes to the back and he comes back with just the God Of War 2 disc in his hand and the instruction booklet, from there he actually goes out to the sales floor and gets the display box from the shelf for god of war 2 and puts the disc inside it!! Now keep in mind he actually grabs the box that says "for display use only" on the cover!! AND HE WAS GOING TO CHARGE ME FULL PRICE FOR IT!!
I THEN ask him about my GI subscription and he just says "oh it takes 7-9 weeks, so just wait a couple more weeks" He didnt even offer to give me a copy of the new issue they had at the store AND PLUS on top of that he was going to charge me full price for a OPENED God of war 2 IN THE DISPLAY BOX and DIDNT EVEN OFFER TO WRAP IT!!! Im tired of EBgames.. THEY PULL THIS CRAP EVERYTIME, WHen I went and bought Fight night for PS3 when it came out, they did the same thing!! Went and pulled the display box off the shelf and try to sell it to me at full price!! So at that point i told him to forget and i took my business to circuit city
OH and by the way.. its now been 8 1/2 weeks.. STILL NO MAGAZINE
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