[QUOTE="Yandere"][QUOTE="yoshi_64"] Of course I do, what did he do that was productive in any manner during those 40 hours? Did he help the economy by working? Did he help a person in need? Did he help the needy? Did he educate his mind on many glaring factors that need attention in this world? No? Ok, so waste of time am confirmed. You cannot tell me it wasn't a waste of time, don't be naive and try to defend those by declaring I must have some kind of "right" to declare what is most obviously a fact. Obtaining a name in the Guinness Book of World Records would have meant something back in 1980 but now-a-days it contains mediocre filled "achievements" of ego boosting and wasteful celebration on those without any ability to do something more productive and meaningful to our world or as a human being. Idleness is a waste of life. yoshi_64
If him doing something that doesn't effect anything makes it a "waste of time" wouldn't doing any of those things be a "waste of time" as in the grand scale of things they don't effect anything at all?
Helping out the world and people around you or yourself has more prominent and long lasting effects on life, over something as trivial as spending time on a single video game for almost two days worth of valuable time. After all the most valuable resource you can have is time. Why waste it over something so trivial when there's a world out there to explore and starts to transcend! Limit yourself no more and continue onward to the path of life! Be not the stone that gathers moss and roll ahead, face the world and defeat the noise! But in all seriousness folks, it's a waste of time. Whether you agree or not is fine by me, but you're in a state of denial if you cannot believe he could have seriously done something more productive. Better your social life maybe? How about your mind? Limit yourself to staying at home for two days with no time used to gain something, find something, or learn a valuable lesson in life? Talk about B-O-R-I-N-G! First: it is called Guinness world record and not Noble peace prize
Second: he did good for himself and his confidence because now he is in the record book. If we talk about wasting time, then, what is the difference between a gamer who plays 40 hours continously and another who plays 40 hrs discontinously? The amount of time spent = same. Thus, according to you all gamers waste their time?
Moreover, If we go by your logic then "more than" half of the things people do in this world would be called waste of time.
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