[QUOTE="Casiotech"][QUOTE="i_like_pizza"][QUOTE="Casiotech"] [QUOTE="pins_basic"]The sheep did over react but a 9.5 is a 9.5 which equals the real deal. It doesn't matter if it gets GOTY or not, 9.5 is an awsome score that is given to a game if it is, well... awsome.i_like_pizza
Just like Metroid Prime got a 9.7 and it's not even any good!
You people need to stop going by what others are telling you to think about a game and start seeing these things for what they are.
I would never waste my precious time playing a game like MP3 when I could be playing Crysis or something that is state of the art!
In 2007 we need Amazing graphics, gameplay, AI, realism, physics, framerates, HD, online play, etc. All these wii games including SMG are stuck in 2002.
Sure in 2002 MP was great but in 2007 MP3 is below average.
*Checks GR average score of more than 90 reviews for MP with an average score of 96.3%*
Right, and Bob Marley didn't even know what marijuana was. :roll:
You're a terrible fakeboy. MP was easily the best game of last gen. It's been voted on several times in SW, and it wins every time. MP and RE4 were the jewels of last generation.
no doubt of the last generation. Now MP3 (bore) and RE4 have been ported over to the NEXT GEN-eration (which didn't go anywhere for nintendo) which is really pathetic that they use old NES games and N64 games as a selling point.
Again, you're a terrible fakeboy. You said MP was terrible, but then you say it was the best game of last generation.
And, are you kidding me? The generation went nowhere? At least Nintendo did something besides bumping up resolution. They actually provided me a way to get a new experience out of gaming. I appreciate that they don't want to stagnate the market.
I like the PS3 and 360, but I will only buy the Wii for my own house this generation because I don't want to be playing games with dual analog for another 10 years. I'm sick of it. There are better ways to play.
you mean waving your hands around like an idiot?
Do I have to mention that pretty much every 3rd party game is either bad or a terrible 360 ports with little or no good wiimote functionality?
Bump up rez? LOL. What about HDR lighting, dynamic shadows, physics engines, AI engines. The wii didn't even do that. C'mon kid, raise your game.
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