Wow, you really wasted your time there didn't you?
What did you expect, people to come in here and go, "Oh my god, I'm so sick of Mario, his appearence in SImCIty and Link to the Past made me vomit all over my shoes!"
My list is much shorter:
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Land
Supr Mario World
Super Mario Land 2
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Sunshine
New Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Galaxy
Ten games spread over 22 years and 7 consoles. That's one true Mario game about every two years. Not too shabby.
Basically this for me as well. Just add the original Mario Bros *aka the one where you are running along that four platform thinger trying to kill the many enemies that come out of the pipes, collecting coins and dodging the rogue fireball that goes across the screen*
Well thats counting games like OoT, which there was a little picture of him, or MGS: The Twin Snakes, where he had a little bobble head that hardly anyone notices.
What a stupid list..... OOT? you count it as a Mario game, because there is a picture of him through a window in Hyrule Castle.... give me a break.... this is the stupidest thread I've EVER SEEN!
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