Not going to happen.
I can still dream.
Man this is gonna be great. Between this, Wonder Boy The Dragon's Trap, and Samurai Showdown 4 on Switch this week, I am very happen with my quickly growing collection of games for the Switch. And Street fighter 2, Disgea 5 complete, and Minecraft is also on the way next month. This system is white hot. It is very fun to take it to work to show people games. It has been a blast so far.
@emgesp: You own a contemporary home console though, right? Why do you need the same games to release on Switch as an incentive to buy one? :/
Doesn't that sort of stand as a juxtaposition to your opinion on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Why get a console for games that are already available somewhere else?
Well its not like Nintendo is making up the lack of third party support with a crap ton of exclusives. How many real exclusives did the Wii U see? Now compare that to the number of great third party games available. I'm sorry, but I can't justify a console purchase based off a couple of good games. I'm not lying when I say that the Wii U literally had maybe 2 games that I would have wanted to play (MK8 and Mario Maker).
Switch currently has only 2 games that peak my interest (Bomberman and MK8 Deluxe).
@emgesp: You own a contemporary home console though, right? Why do you need the same games to release on Switch as an incentive to buy one? :/
Doesn't that sort of stand as a juxtaposition to your opinion on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Why get a console for games that are already available somewhere else?
Well its not like Nintendo is making up the lack of third party support with a crap ton of exclusives. How many real exclusives did the Wii U see? Now compare that to the number of great third party games available. I'm sorry, but I can't justify a console purchase based off a couple of good games. I'm not lying when I say that the Wii U literally had maybe 2 games that I would have wanted to play (MK8 and Mario Maker).
Switch currently has only 2 games that peak my interest (Bomberman and MK8 Deluxe).
I went over this with another user, using the PlayStation 4 as an example for 2017 so far, 95.79% of the games it has seen this year are multi-platform games.
It's very hard to justify spending $300 (let's be honest it's $370, you need a Pro controller) on something that is so limited in what you can experience on it regardless of how good the few games it gets are.
@emgesp: You own a contemporary home console though, right? Why do you need the same games to release on Switch as an incentive to buy one? :/
Doesn't that sort of stand as a juxtaposition to your opinion on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Why get a console for games that are already available somewhere else?
Well its not like Nintendo is making up the lack of third party support with a crap ton of exclusives. How many real exclusives did the Wii U see? Now compare that to the number of great third party games available. I'm sorry, but I can't justify a console purchase based off a couple of good games. I'm not lying when I say that the Wii U literally had maybe 2 games that I would have wanted to play (MK8 and Mario Maker).
Switch currently has only 2 games that peak my interest (Bomberman and MK8 Deluxe).
...With E3 hot on the heels of the console's announcement/release. Expect the biggest reveals to be done there. Also, that's a personal opinion, not some broad sweeping opinion of a collective group of potential buyers. Sure, Nintendo may not be able to get you on board, but it doesn't mean others won't.
@emgesp: You don't sound like a very convincing fan of Nintendo games to me.
Not interested in Smash Bros. Mario 3D World, Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade or Retro's excellent Donkey Kong?
Sounds a bit fishy wishy to me. ;)
I empathize with those who feel they would like to have seen Nintendo modernize themselves. Fortunately there is an alternative in PS4 and Xbox One. I also feel that despite efforts to secure quality 3rd party titles like Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101, people were looking for more, but sometimes you just have to confess and say Nintendo just really isn't for you. I mean a fan of Nintendo who doesn't like Zelda is quite a rarity.
I went over this with another user, using the PlayStation 4 as an example for 2017 so far, 95.79% of the games it has seen this year are multi-platform games.
It's very hard to justify spending $300 (let's be honest it's $370, you need a Pro controller) on something that is so limited in what you can experience on it regardless of how good the few games it gets are.
Yeah, to me $370 is not secondary console level pricing. Switch is more of a $199.99 console in my eyes.
@emgesp: You don't sound like a very convincing fan of Nintendo games to me.
Not interested in Smash Bros. Mario 3D World, Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade or Retro's excellent Donkey Kong?
Sounds a bit fishy wishy to me. ;)
I empathize with those who feel they would like to have seen Nintendo modernize themselves. Fortunately there is an alternative in PS4 and Xbox One. I also feel that despite efforts to secure quality 3rd party titles like Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101, people were looking for more, but sometimes you just have to confess and say Nintendo just really isn't for you.
Mario Odyssey is more my style in terms of 3D Mario games. I'd pick up BOTW if I owned a Switch and it was on sale, I don't like RPGs like Xenoblade, Donkey Kong would be another game I'd pick up at a discount.
I want a Star Fox game that hasn't been bastardized by awful controls, I'd also like to see another Punch Out and F-Zero game. F-Zero GX on GC is still amazing.
@emgesp: I take it you weren't a Wii fan either? Didn't that console have Smash, Mario Kart, some of the best 3D Mario titles, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Punch-Out, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, Sin & Punishment and Zelda to name a few?
Honestly? You might not be as big a Nintendo fan as you think. I feel like you enjoy the idea of Nintendo but it sounds to me like you don't enjoy much of their franchises at all. :P
Easy, majority of early adopters of new consoles are usually the hardcore, Wii being an exception.
You can't tell me that the majority of current Switch owners didn't own a Wii U. It is pretty obvious reading countless forums and facebook pages that current Switch owners are/were Wii U owners as well. You can't actually believe that the majority of Switch sales are because of non Wii U owners.
Considering the previous console was a bust, I'm not willing to say who is or isn't buying the Switch. Do you really think the overall sales (in excess of 2.4 mil) can be accurately represented by the few web pages and facebook posts you've read?
@emgesp: I'll give it a try. But Ori and The Witness are on my Xbox One queue first. :P
All the same, are you completely certain that you want a Nintendo console like the SNES? Or are you really looking for a Nintendo console similar to the PS4/Xbox One? Keeping in mind most 3rd party titles these days don't really resemble SNES-style video games.
When I say I want it more like the SNES I'm not saying I want a bunch of 2D games. I'm saying I want a modern Nintendo console to have both great 1st and third party support.
Not going to happen.
Japanese third-party developers are already on-board with the Switch. It's the Western third-party support that might be an issue.
@emgesp: I take it you weren't a Wii fan either? Didn't that console have Smash, Mario Kart, some of the best 3D Mario titles, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Punch-Out, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, Sin & Punishment and Zelda to name a few?
Honestly? You might not be as big a Nintendo fan as you think. I feel like you enjoy the idea of Nintendo but it sounds to me like you don't enjoy much of their franchises at all. :P
I own a Wii and some of those games you mentioned. Its definitely not one of my favorite Nintendo consoles, but it has some gems that are worth playing and it was priced adequately for what it offered.
@Jag85: Well some of them are. :/
There hasn't been a whole lot of content announced from Platinum Games, From Software, Namco Bandai or Konami yet for Switch.
@emgesp: It had great titles like SMG 1&2, Metroid Prime and Punch-Out but then Smash, MK Wii and Animal Crossing were among the most disappointing in their franchises.
Still, I don't want to make any definitive assertions but it sounds to me like your tastes in video games has changed since the SNES days and your preferences have moved towards what Sony is offering with PS4; which is a great thing because the PS4 is a titan of a system and offers such a diverse range of games but maybe you're only giving Nintendo a hard time because they didn't change along with you? They are still rather traditional which I feel alienates them quite a bit understandably, even if they still produce excellent games.
Easy, majority of early adopters of new consoles are usually the hardcore, Wii being an exception.
You can't tell me that the majority of current Switch owners didn't own a Wii U. It is pretty obvious reading countless forums and facebook pages that current Switch owners are/were Wii U owners as well. You can't actually believe that the majority of Switch sales are because of non Wii U owners.
Considering the previous console was a bust, I'm not willing to say who is or isn't buying the Switch. Do you really think the overall sales (in excess of 2.4 mil) can be accurately represented by the few web pages and facebook posts you've read?
Come on, we both know who the majority are that is buying the Switch right now. I'm surprised you even question that. The Switch is not a Wii level smash hit. Yes, the sales are very good right now, but the Switch isn't ushering in a whole new audience of gamers. Wii U sold excellent at launch as well and look how that turned out.
I highly doubt a big group of casuals payed $360 to play Breath of the Wild.
Whoa there, let's not forget that, unlike both the ps4, and the x1, the Switch is in an extremely low supply, hence the such high demand for the console/handheld hybrid. Secondly the Switch is breaking records set for a Nintendo console, in which the only console in recent times that saw a massive success in the sales department was the Wii. The ps4 was selling at a faster rate than the world's highest selling console of all time, WITH direct competition, the x1 (something that is clearly absent in the Switch case). Now I'm not knocking on the Switch achievement, but let's not get so carried away that we forget the actual perspective of the Switch sales success.
Nice. Loved the game on the Wii U and will definitely be getting this version when I get the Switch.
@ermacness: Actually we don't know yet if that's the case.
We will have to see. The Switch is selling at a faster rate than the PS4 in Japan, but then the console market isn't that big in Japan so it's understandable and worth mentioning that I think the PS4 did really well considering Japan primarily prefer portable gaming.
It's also, apparently, the second biggest launch in the game industry since 1995.
But this is only right now. What really matters is if the pace continues on.
Will definitely pick up. Need another switch game desperately. This one might be my favorite MK especially now that they fixed battle mode
Remember system warriors: If you slagged off sony for HD remasters early on in the PS4 life (Uncharted collection, last of us remastered) you can't talk this one up now.
except those weren't sold at full price
and those remasters were badly needed as these games struggled to hit ~25-30 fps on outdated ps3 hardware
The last of us remastered was full priced, and released months after the launch of the PS4. This remaster is most equivalent to that. Did you criticize Sony for that too?
@Jag85: Well some of them are. :/
There hasn't been a whole lot of content announced from Platinum Games, From Software, Namco Bandai or Konami yet for Switch.
@emgesp: It had great titles like SMG 1&2, Metroid Prime and Punch-Out but then Smash, MK Wii and Animal Crossing were among the most disappointing in their franchises.
Still, I don't want to make any definitive assertions but it sounds to me like your tastes in video games has changed since the SNES days and your preferences have moved towards what Sony is offering with PS4; which is a great thing because the PS4 is a titan of a system and offers such a diverse range of games but maybe you're only giving Nintendo a hard time because they didn't change along with you? They are still rather traditional which I feel alienates them quite a bit understandably, even if they still produce excellent games.
I would say my tastes have evolved. I mean I still game heavily on my old Nintendo consoles, so I can't say my tastes totally changed. I just like consoles with a variety of good games.
Come on, we both know who the majority are that is buying the Switch right now. I'm surprised you even question that. The Switch is not a Wii level smash hit. Yes, the sales are very good right now, but the Switch isn't ushering in a whole new audience of gamers. Wii U sold excellent at launch as well and look how that turned out.
I highly doubt a big group of casuals payed $360 to play Breath of the Wild.
BOTW is not germane. Maintain focus on MK8D. Why? We knew when it was coming and it is within the launch window and I'd bet many people focused on that game and purchased a Switch well before it came out because of the availability of the console. The game drops next Friday and there will be a lot of bummed out people who will not find a console at retail.
And no no no. The overall atmosphere surrounding the current console as well as its predecessor is night and day with enthusiasm (consumers and Nintendo), advertising, etc.., For this reason one I wouldn't bet anything regarding who is and is not purchasing a Switch.
@emgesp: If that's how you feel. I think you'd find more enthusiasm in your game discussion if it was less about Nintendo, because I don't get the impression you like many of their games. That's just what I read from your posts.
@emgesp: If that's how you feel. I think you'd find more enthusiasm in your game discussion if it was less about Nintendo, because I don't get the impression you like many of their games. That's just what I read from your posts.
Currently, no I don't like many of the games they have been pumping out. I'm just bitter old school Nintendo fan that is all.
I'll be buying on launch I guess. I feel like playing some Mario Kart and posting so sick screenshots.
Nintendo's current marketing strategy is super effective, just look at iJustine's Youtube channel and her advertising Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the second-highest scoring Mario Kart game given by GameSpot. The highest scoring is Mario Kart DS which GameSpot gave a 9.2/10 score.
@onesiphorus: so Nintendo can re release a game that came out 3 years ago with a shitty battle mode and now fix it and they get a pass? Pass
Did you cry about TLOU: Remastered?
@jcrame10: Nintendo can shit in your hands and it will be celebrated.
Frankly they really shit on Wii U owners with this move, they should have updated the game.
@manticored: When was the last time Nintendo gave a rats ass about their consumers?
I couldn't tell you.
Nice, another game I'll pick up if I can ever grab a I can't remember the last Mario Kart I played, I think it was Double Dash. I still won't expect picking up a Switch until later this year, I'm more curious to see what Nintendo does for E3...
I wonder how much Nintendo paid gamespot and these reviewers from the truckloads of money they make pedaling gimmicks to give this score.
@jcrame10: Nintendo can shit in your hands and it will be celebrated.
Frankly they really shit on Wii U owners with this move, they should have updated the game.
so far the Switch itself shits on people who supported the Wii U its kind of like how Sony supported PS4 with remakes in the beginning to wow the 360 owners who switched over.
@onesiphorus: so Nintendo can re release a game that came out 3 years ago with a shitty battle mode and now fix it and they get a pass? Pass
Did you cry about TLOU: Remastered?
what was wrong with the first TLOU that they improved with the remaster?
It worked for Sony and Microsoft, so it only makes sense to do it here. And I like the additions and what it brings to the overall value.
Yeah but the Switch is in a much worse position than Sony, and Microsoft were.
Worse how? Selling like gang busters. Hit day one with a 10/10 game. Has a feature no other console can match aka portable console titles. With Arms hitting on June 16th, Splatoon 2 in July, MK8 is a good stop gap between those two. And there's tons of indies filling up the roster in between.
And yes indies are the switch third party and it was a genius idea for Nintendo to go in that direction. If Ubisoft,EA, and Activision don't want to play ball then indies will.
Lol indies... That's practically the same as mobile games. The switch is just a handheld with a controller. I can also stream my ipad to TV, and play on it with a controller.
But we were talking about games, and Switch doesn't have many, and sure there are games coming, but currently they are doing worse than Sony, and Microsoft did when their console released in games.
Downplay indies and the switch all you want. Enjoy your laugh. Nintendo is laughing to the bank and me as a switch owner I'm having a great time.
When their consoles released in games? You mean COD, Ryse, and Knack? LOL okay.
That may be so but other, competent companies are laughing at how much Nintendo is losing money by being out of stock every day practically since launch...
Remember system warriors: If you slagged off sony for HD remasters early on in the PS4 life (Uncharted collection, last of us remastered) you can't talk this one up now.
Halo Collection, God of War III, Gravity Rush, GTAV, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, Resident Evils 4-6.
You cant use GTA V, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil...
Sony and Microsoft didnt publish those games or have anything to do with them being re-released
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