Mario Tennis offers so much less in content for more than double the price. Rocket League gave us exhibition mode, split screen co op, online partying, chat options, as well as many courses and tweaks/customizations for your vehicle. I'm not going into super detail because most of you already probably know what the game is and what it offered for a decently competitive price.
But Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash for 50 bucks? How? HOW? You have 12 characters to start off with and 4 to unlock (much smaller roster than Mario Power Tennis), only 4 game modes, 3 course options to choose from, and 25 "medals" to unlock. It's unbelievable this game is on disc at retail.
But wait, there's more. The online is not only laggy and barebones, but they've gone one step back than they normally do. I played a few singles matches, which was okay besides the lag. The options here are okay for what the game is offering (match type, play type, etc). Then, I wanted to do doubles. So, okay. I click doubles and wonder how long it's going to take to be paired with a partner and then find our opponents. WRONG.
You can only play doubles online if you have someone sitting next to you on the couch. There's no online pairing. Or wait, yes, you can buy an Amiibo (which I own none, so theoretically let' say I buy this game for 50 bucks (I rented it) and then buy an Amiibo for another 10 or whatever it is they cost, you're looking at a full priced title here) that will play alongside you. WTF. How is this possible? Doubles ONLINE is only exclusive to people playing LOCALLY?
I rest my case with Nintendo games. Zelda U is my last hope for them.
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