All the great heroes have their distressed damsels: Robin Hood and Maid Marion; Jack Burton and Gracie Law; James Bond and...well, half the female population of Europe. But for Nintendo's favorite plumber, Mario, his main squeezes - the Princesses - are numbered three, and they aren't cheap dates either.
Which Mario's Babes is your Favorite??????
Princess Peach Toadstool
First Appearance:
Mario's been saving Peach for years now, going way back to 1985's Super Mario Bros..
Like most girls, Peach apparently just wants attention, as she is usually kidnapped by the evil Bowser. But, to her credit, she has displayed some serious/gravity-defying fight skills in such games as Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Super Princess Peach.

First Appearance:
Mario first set his eyes on her in Super Mario Galaxy.
This princess is known Stateside as Rosalina, and in Japan as Rosetta. One girl + two names = drama.
But, Mario could do worse for himself. With her space princess status, protecting the cosmos and granting Mario new powers to aid him on his adventures, Mario's got a good deal. And while we don't wanna call him a gold digger, you can't blame the guy for taking the free spaceship Rosalina gave to him. I mean, what's a mustached mushroom-eatin' plumber supposed to do?
Daisy loves Mario... and a lil' Luigi on the side.
Princess Daisy
First Appearance:
Mario's sure got a thing for chicks in space. Daisy made her mark in Super Mario Land, with Mario having to save her from the evil clutches of an alien king.
Daisy clearly likes to play favorites among the brothers, having caddied for Luigi
in NES Open Golf Tournament. Whatever happened during that lil' fairway tryst seemingly took eight years to deal with, as Daisy didn't rear her red-haired mane until Mario Tennis. Since then, Daisy routinely shows up wherever Mario plays a sport.
The one that started it all...
First Appearance:
Pauline started it all, risking Jumpman's life (whom we know today as Mario) as she played the role of DK's captive. But, honestly, we can't blame Big M. That hair, that Jessica Rabbit-tight red dress... Most people think Mario traded up with Peach, but one look at Pauline and you can see why some remain on the fence.
Pauline, clearly torn up by Mario and Peach's dalliances, kept her future appearances to cameos only, popping up in early NES games like Pinball. But she came back with a vengeance in Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2.
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