Dean takashi..alot of ppl know him. he is the guy who sent back the "HALO PACKAGE" back to microsoft..its the promotional package which every reviewer recieved for Halo 3 release..but he said it is "BRIBE"and i wont loose my honor and send it back xD..he has posted a news article about why mass effect or as he sayd MASS DEFECT fails..
here is a line of what he says in the article:
" the game play is maddeningly flawed. Call it Mass Defect."
he also has some "STUPID(s)" by number 1-2-3 and so on
"You never run out of ammo. But you're always shooting these solid mass bullets at the enemy. Every guns sounds and fires and behaves the same, whether it's a shotgun or an assault rifle. Stupid. Then, when you're shooting at a target, an orange box appears as the one and only place on that target where you can actually hit them with a mass bullet. That's not even close to realistic, and counts as stupid No. 2. Then you can't even tell if you've hit your target because your target just keeps coming at you or does not even flinch upon impact, whether their shields are up or down. That's stupid no. 3."
and he keeps going and going on...
"he also has this pic with his article i think he is pointing out to it..but i didnt read it al..i dunnol"
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