i played this game for 11 hours now. and allthough i think it has some great qualities, i have to agree, and there are a lot of issues i have with he game myself. i was surprised that there were so many things that would bother me in this game:
- loading times at the strangest moments
- converstaion choices that are basicly the same... (don't give us a choice if it's all the same outcome...)
- The promise of exploration soon becomes empty when you can only land on a couple of planets, and most of them are restricted small areas on an empty wasted rockland ...
- Graphics are very inconsistend. some fases and textures look awfull. (some times the game is breathtakingly beautifull though)
- insane texture pop-in delay... sometimes TEN seconds..
- framerate issues
- Guns sound the same and appear to have no impact.. - a shotgun sounds a lot different than an assault rifle. especially when it's all modded up.
- you can use some guns, but you are not able to hitt anything with it cause you're not trained.. (then don't let me use it...)
they give you the choice... what's the matter with that?
- Partners are completely retarded (though slightly better than the retards in Halo3...)
I guess i will finisg it, cause it has a lot of interesting aspects too.. but it could very well be that i rather play another game after 16 hours or so.. but i'm still giving it a chance
bottom line.. even though it has some flaws it's still the best game ever made.
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