very awesome indeed. also for anyone interested heres some of the options for shepards back story
Proflie Reconstruction: Pre-service history:
"Both of your parents were in the Alliance military. Your childhood was spent on ships and stations as they transferred from posting to posting, never staying in one location for more than a few years. Following in your parents' footsteps, you enlisted at the age of eighteen."
"You were born and raised on Mindoir, a small border colony in the Attkan Traverse. When you were 16 slavers raider Mindoir, slaughtering your family and
friends. You were saced by a passing Alliance patrol, and you enlisted with the military a few years latter."
Earth-born was not shown
Physchological Profile:
Sole Survivor-
"During your service, a mission your were on went horribly wrong. Trapped in an extreme survival situation, you had to overcome physical torments and psycholohical stresses that would have broken most people. Your survived while those around you fell, and now you alone are left to tell the tale.
War-Hero -
"Early in your military career you found yourself facing an overwhelming enemy force. You risked your own life to save your fellow soldiers and degear the enemy despite the impossible odds. Your bravery and heroism have earned you medals and recognition from the Alliance fleet."
Ruthless -
"Throughout your military career, you have held fast to one basic rule: get the job done. You've been called cold, calculation, and brutal. Your reputation for ruthless efficiency makes your fellow soldiers wary of you. But when failure is not an option, the military always goes to you first."
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