Look, i like any kind of RPG's as much as the next guy, but c'mon we all know as talented as Bioware might be at making games, they just have an unfortunate habit of using too much dialogue in there games, to the point that you actually doze off when waiting for a talk scene to end.
Why can't they incorporate more cutscenes to tell there stories, i'm being serious i really loved the look of the first Mass Effect, but when watching my brother in law play through it, before deciding to buy it or not, there was so much friggin' dialogue i literally fell asleep.
Then Dragon Age was coming out and i was really excited about it, so much so that i didn't even wait for reviews, i ran out bought the game and the hardcover strategy guide, but then of course the inevitable happened, all the long winded dialogue of Bioware developers kicked in and i was asleep in no time, now i traded Dragon Age and i'm stuck with a $30 strategy guide.
C'mon Bioware dev's use some more cutscenes to get your story across and minimize the dialogue, that's my opinion anyway.
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