No I just happen to play the game multiple times.. And I enjoyed replaying ME2 much more then DAO... The game can be played differently rather its on dialogue decision making or the type of class your playing..
I only replay story based games every decade or so.
Once you know everything it is boring....
Kind of like a book. Even my favorite books won't get read again until many years go by and the content seems more fresh because I have forgotten a lot of the plot.
DA: O has much more content and to me was the much more enjoyable game because the characters were much better with dialog.
I disagree they were both interesting in their own ways.. ME2 felt like the characters had much more personality rather it was Jack, Zaeed, or numerous others of people.. Furthermore the different dialogue choices and how you could play the game could radically change it.. This is no JRPG, this game has choices and things you can miss.. Baldur's Gate 2 one of the grand daddies were renowned for this.. Where a a second or third playthrough can have me discover new and interesting things (sometimes major) that I didn't know were there to begin with.
Well I felt no attachment to the characters in mass effect 1 and 2.
Didn't care when Kaiden died (my choice) and felt awkward when Ashley wanted to have sex at the end.
I did not see any major relationship with her and Shepard.
With Dragon Age you at least learn a lot about the characters and what they like.
You listen to a story Morrigan tells about an item she wanted as a kid and then you find a similar item (the mirror) and you give it to her.
You help her defeat her mother and give her a cherished book.
You learn about her opinions from politics and love to stories of her childhood.
While I enjoyed Mass Effect 1 (currently still playing 2) I was not as interested in the characters.
The biggest plus I liked in Dragon Age is the interaction with characters depending on your party and how they would chat along your journey and change conversation depending on what you did before.
Also I like to get what I want done in one play through, because I choose it to be that way. Replaying it will only have me making mostly the same choices.
I wouldn't watch the Matrix and then watch it again just because I could take the red pill instead of the blue or the blue instead of the red.
This is even more true once I get attached to the characters, playing it again differently feels awkward because of how I already established the connection and roles of my characters and what part they play in the story.
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