The last Mass Effect was on PC and did fantastic on 360, so that argument doesn't quite hold up, either. It's already multiplat and doesn't matter either here or in the real world.
And you don't care about those game's? Oh well. Many do. You =/= the majority, remember. Those game's will sell well.
I was speaking for myself though i dont represent any group of gamers all of those exclusives may be revieced well but that doesnt change the the way I view them. Im just voicing my opinion. I know there are plenty of othe gamers who feel the same but same can be said for any game. as for sales it depends on what you consider selling well wheter its 4mill + or 2mill + i can guarantee you some of those games wont go 2mill+ 2 million to be is still pretty good in sales though I dont know if you would concur with that though.Well, all those game's will do 1+ million, at the very least, which is a success. Halo and Fable will obviously surpass most titles in 2010. Alan Wake will do 1+ million within a few months. Crackdown 2 will also do well due to the surprise that the original was to most gamers who bought it just to get into the Halo 3 beta. I'm guessing Alan Wake will do about as well as PS3 exclusives, though. Good, great even, but not mindblowing. It is more of a niche title, though.
Some may view that as an awesome catalogue they have a right those games will all score pretty damn well. But I see no appeal in any of those games maybe alan wake but that just a maybe.
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