Well, all those game's will do 1+ million, at the very least, which is a success. Halo and Fable will obviously surpass most titles in 2010. Alan Wake will do 1+ million within a few months. Crackdown 2 will also do well due to the surprise that the original was to most gamers who bought it just to get into the Halo 3 beta. I'm guessing Alan Wake will do about as well as PS3 exclusives, though. Good, great even, but not mindblowing. It is more of a niche title, though.
Some may view that as an awesome catalogue they have a right those games will all score pretty damn well. But I see no appeal in any of those games maybe alan wake but that just a maybe.I see appeal in every single one of 'em. :) 4 awesome new exclusive titles to add to my huge library. Rad. :)
and are you really one of the best in DS like are in the the hall of heros or W/E its called?
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