honestly why r u here complaining about it when you can go there and find out if u can return it?
and if u dont want it ill take it..i got some games i cud trade away anyways
i prolly give u cod3, lost planet, and some other game for it
This topic is locked from further discussion.
[QUOTE="whocares9"]Dude, those 4 bombs to defuse right before you get to the artifact things where he gets the vision or whatever. yea, that is EXACTLY the same experience I got from the game. That citedal part is so boring..than you get some lame tool to touch each "keeper" or something like that...now I am forced to run around that boring place with really long elevator ride. I am in your boat and I am glad I am not the only one who thinks this game is oddly below average.
Oh...my god...dude, the keepers quest is a SIDE quest. Have you ever played an RPG before? Or for that matter are you literate?
Oh come on, I know this is a side quest. I tend to try and do everything I am told to do though. I am following the story of the game really well so no need to try and attack me by saying I am not literate.
This reply will be full of fail.Mass Effect is teh boredom. The first firefight in the game is easy, the game sucks. What's up with the stupid snoozefest part where all you do is walk around and talk to people? Where's my chainsaw bayonet?macmutt
That's the gist of it I think. My reply is this::roll:
Looking at your posting history it seems you have been a bit bitter toward Mass Effect for a while now. It makes me wonder whether you just made this thread because you have some kind of hate towards Mass Effect.KrazyKenKutarag
I don't, I own the game. I will give it another shot.
i fell asleep watching citizen kane too, imo the movie is technically great... but a total bore, none of it has any kind of fire to it beyond its basic concept... same goes for when i got the Xenosaga games, i'd just get bored after 15 minutes of gametime no way i'd play it all the way through (loved Xenogears, though that was back in the day when i liked rpg's like that, except xenosaga is all talk no action)... i get bored of playing assassin's creed after an hour as well, and when i picked up a copy of one of the sly games i got sleepy after 30 minutes... same goes for Oblivion, i rented it and played until i got into the free roaming world, got bored and quit, same goes for when i tried out WoW (or WOW what snoozefest!)
Ninja Gaiden or God of War or Diablo 2 though, i can play that stuff forever :D
omg all this dialog and immersiveness is so BORING! all i want r guns n explosivez!dipper145
I like RPGs too and don't need only guns and explsives....I caught all the dialog parts but just missed the immersiveness part. I rather play a good story than watch it and read it.
[QUOTE="dipper145"]omg all this dialog and immersiveness is so BORING! all i want r guns n explosivez!whocares9
I like RPGs too and don't need only guns and explsives....I caught all the dialog parts but just missed the immersiveness part. I rather play a good story than watch it and read it.
In RPG's most of the story elements happen in cutscenes and dialogues, I don't know what your getting at.
[QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="dipper145"]omg all this dialog and immersiveness is so BORING! all i want r guns n explosivez!KrazyKenKutarag
I like RPGs too and don't need only guns and explsives....I caught all the dialog parts but just missed the immersiveness part. I rather play a good story than watch it and read it.
In RPG's most of the story elements happen in cutscenes and dialogues, I don't know what your getting at.
Maybe the story just isn't that satisfying for me here. I can't get into it. Seems really plain..."Oh look, a different species alien who hates humans and wants to kill them all...you are hero who must stop this villian"....where is the immersion? the back stabbing? the gripping story that everyone is talking about? Like the entire council scene where Serin gets off...like 20 minutes of pointless dialog even though we all know he is going to get off clean.
[QUOTE="KrazyKenKutarag"][QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="dipper145"]omg all this dialog and immersiveness is so BORING! all i want r guns n explosivez!whocares9
I like RPGs too and don't need only guns and explsives....I caught all the dialog parts but just missed the immersiveness part. I rather play a good story than watch it and read it.
In RPG's most of the story elements happen in cutscenes and dialogues, I don't know what your getting at.
Maybe the story just isn't that satisfying for me here. I can't get into it. Seems really plain..."Oh look, a different species alien who hates humans and wants to kill them all...you are hero who must stop this villian"....where is the immersion? the back stabbing? the gripping story that everyone is talking about? Like the entire council scene where Serin gets off...like 20 minutes of pointless dialog even though we all know he is going to get off clean.
[QUOTE="KrazyKenKutarag"][QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="dipper145"]omg all this dialog and immersiveness is so BORING! all i want r guns n explosivez!whocares9
I like RPGs too and don't need only guns and explsives....I caught all the dialog parts but just missed the immersiveness part. I rather play a good story than watch it and read it.
In RPG's most of the story elements happen in cutscenes and dialogues, I don't know what your getting at.
Maybe the story just isn't that satisfying for me here. I can't get into it. Seems really plain..."Oh look, a different species alien who hates humans and wants to kill them all...you are hero who must stop this villian"....where is the immersion? the back stabbing? the gripping story that everyone is talking about? Like the entire council scene where Serin gets off...like 20 minutes of pointless dialog even though we all know he is going to get off clean.
It's one of the best stories in a videogame I've ever played, it just seems like it isn't for you. How far into the game are you BTW. Your just describing the events in the first hour or two that lead up to the actual plot.
You know what thanks for that post. But next time blog it honestly. We don't need to hear every fanboys rants on every game on system wars forum, that is not what it is used for, maybe you should post something on topic.Taiko88
Oh yea, something on topic in system wars? You mean like "Flop Effect is the big suxors!" ..something like that? I am trying to get good feed back this time and maybe find out why I don't like the game that a lot of people seem to be liking. My blogs would just get ignored. Face it, as much as you don't like it ..it was a good idea for me to do it here...I got a lot of feed back for it and most of it was positive and I am actually giving the game a second chance tomorrow. Whats the big deal? if you don't like the thread...skip it.
[QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="KrazyKenKutarag"][QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="dipper145"]omg all this dialog and immersiveness is so BORING! all i want r guns n explosivez!KrazyKenKutarag
I like RPGs too and don't need only guns and explsives....I caught all the dialog parts but just missed the immersiveness part. I rather play a good story than watch it and read it.
In RPG's most of the story elements happen in cutscenes and dialogues, I don't know what your getting at.
Maybe the story just isn't that satisfying for me here. I can't get into it. Seems really plain..."Oh look, a different species alien who hates humans and wants to kill them all...you are hero who must stop this villian"....where is the immersion? the back stabbing? the gripping story that everyone is talking about? Like the entire council scene where Serin gets off...like 20 minutes of pointless dialog even though we all know he is going to get off clean.
It's one of the best stories in a videogame I've ever played, it just seems like it isn't for you. How far into the game are you BTW. Your just describing the events in the first hour or two that lead up to the actual plot.
I mean I am about 2-3 hours into it and just getting done with the citadel parts. I would think that 3 hours would be decent enough to judge considering the game is only about 12-20 total anyways. That is almost 25% of the game.
[QUOTE="macmutt"]This reply will be made into a new thread to further get my point out to more people considering the purchase.
HA-HA-HA, oh man this post is a coincidence, i used to have a 360 Elite up until about 3 weeks ago, and i was waiting for this game forever like everyone else, well my brother-in law, who lives right down the street picked it up on launch day and he saw me on Thanksgiving and he couldn't stop telling me how great the game is so much so that i even recommended it to my friend before i even saw or played it, and i'm going to be getting a Wii in a few days but he actually had me second guessing that.
So i goto his house today to finally see Mass Effect, now he was about 2 hours into the game and i saw it from this point where he was in a small gunfight and he had to disarm like 4 bombs, and these moronic enemies have the worst A.I. i ever saw their actually running right up to you and your men just to get blasted, not to mention my brother in law is the worst player at 1st & 3rd person shooters you ever saw, he just has no coordination in the 3-D world and yet he was picking off these enemies without losing an ounce of health, i mean c'mon these little shoot outs were so pathetically easy.
Then it goes into a cutscene and then he and his crew are flying in their ship to an even larger ship and then the snooze fest begins, he starts exploring this whole area and having all these long drawn out conversations with people and i finally asked him, do you have to talk to all these people, and he said yeah it helps add to your experience points.
So before you know it, it's been over an hour since he arrived on this ship and that 3 minute gunfight and when we finally shut it off to goto dinner he was still on the ship talking to people when we shut it off, it was then i knew that the only game i missed out on since i traded my 360 Elite was Call of Duty 4 and i didn't even miss out on it because he got that on launch day too and i've played it like 4 times already.
I myself already had and beat such 360 titles like Gears of war, Oblivion, Crackdown, Bioshock, Call of Duty 2 & 3, The Orange Box, Halo 3, so it was then i realized i wasn't missing anything and the Wii and Super Mario Galaxy were looking better and better.
I even tried to call my friend to tell him not to buy Mass Effect after all but it was too late, infact he had just gotten to the part with the big ship where the real boredom was about to begin, so he is now returning it tomorrow and switching it for Bioshock per my recommendation.
Dude, those 4 bombs to defuse right before you get to the artifact things where he gets the vision or whatever. yea, that is EXACTLY the same experience I got from the game. That citedal part is so boring..than you get some lame tool to touch each "keeper" or something like that...now I am forced to run around that boring place with really long elevator ride. I am in your boat and I am glad I am not the only one who thinks this game is oddly below average.
I would say just go for the main quest and leave the side quests at citadel... Feros is where you gotto be.. expose the sucker(Saren).. the keeper scnanningis one messed up thing.. I havent done it and I dont think I will do it.. Did you know you can fasttravel at the CITadel.. You will get a ship soon toothen you will see whatsup..
[QUOTE="KrazyKenKutarag"][QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="KrazyKenKutarag"][QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="dipper145"]omg all this dialog and immersiveness is so BORING! all i want r guns n explosivez!whocares9
I like RPGs too and don't need only guns and explsives....I caught all the dialog parts but just missed the immersiveness part. I rather play a good story than watch it and read it.
In RPG's most of the story elements happen in cutscenes and dialogues, I don't know what your getting at.
Maybe the story just isn't that satisfying for me here. I can't get into it. Seems really plain..."Oh look, a different species alien who hates humans and wants to kill them all...you are hero who must stop this villian"....where is the immersion? the back stabbing? the gripping story that everyone is talking about? Like the entire council scene where Serin gets off...like 20 minutes of pointless dialog even though we all know he is going to get off clean.
It's one of the best stories in a videogame I've ever played, it just seems like it isn't for you. How far into the game are you BTW. Your just describing the events in the first hour or two that lead up to the actual plot.
I mean I am about 2-3 hours into it and just getting done with the citadel parts. I would think that 3 hours would be decent enough to judge considering the game is only about 12-20 total anyways. That is almost 25% of the game.
Since it's going to be a trilogy they bring out the major plot that spans all the games in the later stages of the Mass Effect. If you still don't like it, then the game obviously isn't for you and I'll respect your opinion.
[QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="KrazyKenKutarag"][QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="KrazyKenKutarag"][QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="dipper145"]omg all this dialog and immersiveness is so BORING! all i want r guns n explosivez!KrazyKenKutarag
I like RPGs too and don't need only guns and explsives....I caught all the dialog parts but just missed the immersiveness part. I rather play a good story than watch it and read it.
In RPG's most of the story elements happen in cutscenes and dialogues, I don't know what your getting at.
Maybe the story just isn't that satisfying for me here. I can't get into it. Seems really plain..."Oh look, a different species alien who hates humans and wants to kill them all...you are hero who must stop this villian"....where is the immersion? the back stabbing? the gripping story that everyone is talking about? Like the entire council scene where Serin gets off...like 20 minutes of pointless dialog even though we all know he is going to get off clean.
It's one of the best stories in a videogame I've ever played, it just seems like it isn't for you. How far into the game are you BTW. Your just describing the events in the first hour or two that lead up to the actual plot.
I mean I am about 2-3 hours into it and just getting done with the citadel parts. I would think that 3 hours would be decent enough to judge considering the game is only about 12-20 total anyways. That is almost 25% of the game.
Since it's going to be a trilogy they bring out the major plot that spans all the games in the later stages of the Mass Effect. If you still don't like it, then the game obviously isn't for you and I'll respect your opinion.
Well, tomorrow is sunday so I will try to throw a few hours into it and see. Thanks for the replys people.
lol, its funny how u lemmings act like u kno soo much about RPGs!! wats your past RPG experience's?? KOTOR?? one game?? yes RPGs have tons of talking, but its supposed to draw you into the experience. not bore you with it. Also, part of an RPG is that the action is supposed to be highly engaging, and fun! i mean something has to make up for all the talking thats being done! ive been playing RPGs for years. and a good example of a action/RPG would be KH 1+2..good story, and very fun gameplay. Lems just go back to your shooters. if u want to play a real RPG, get a PS3, and play FFX and XII while waiting for XIIIFurbyballistik
Wow, your acting like all Xbox fans just got into RPG's last gen, way to generalise.
lol, its funny how u lemmings act like u kno soo much about RPGs!! wats your past RPG experience's?? KOTOR?? one game?? yes RPGs have tons of talking, but its supposed to draw you into the experience. not bore you with it. Also, part of an RPG is that the action is supposed to be highly engaging, and fun! i mean something has to make up for all the talking thats being done! ive been playing RPGs for years. and a good example of a action/RPG would be KH 1+2..good story, and very fun gameplay. Lems just go back to your shooters. if u want to play a real RPG, get a PS3, and play FFX and XII while waiting for XIIIFurbyballistik
You know guys, as agressively and fan boy like he says this ...he does have a point. I played a lot of RPGs back in the day and usually the story draws you in BAM right of the bat and than is followed by some of the best tactical combat...this is what I am not finding here in Mass Effect. I will give it more time though.
lol, its funny how u lemmings act like u kno soo much about RPGs!! wats your past RPG experience's?? KOTOR?? one game?? yes RPGs have tons of talking, but its supposed to draw you into the experience. not bore you with it. Also, part of an RPG is that the action is supposed to be highly engaging, and fun! i mean something has to make up for all the talking thats being done! ive been playing RPGs for years. and a good example of a action/RPG would be KH 1+2..good story, and very fun gameplay. Lems just go back to your shooters. if u want to play a real RPG, get a PS3, and play FFX and XII while waiting for XIIIFurbyballistik
Lol you are talking about JRPGs right??? no thanks.. the combat system is sooo horrible... Combat in Mass effect so much better. man if you know how to control your teammates you will be amazed too.. Joker..
but I dont really like RPGs just cuz of the damn combat system they used for ages and those JRPGs havent even learned yet.. Who said Combat isnt engaging in Mass Effect, I think you havent played Mass Effect, or you was stuck somewhere and you didnt know what to do.. lol
[QUOTE="PBSnipes"]Whocares9 please stop bashing Mass Effect, this thread clearly shows you have no grasp of the game's mechanics, the most glaring evidence being you didn't know what weapons your character could and could not train with (the Vanguard character cannot train with either ARs or SRs). You also obviously do not understand the RPG elements, seeing as how you expect your character to have perfect aim from the first minute. Next time do some reseach or even better, read the manual. whocares9
Could the fact that the game have this complete reliance on statistics be reason enough for someone out there like me to not like it? I thought it was an RPG driven with SHOOTER mechancis. Not just completely an RPG.
People have been saying this for months. Cows keep trying to bash it by calling it a shooter, and people keep trying to shove logic in their faces by pointing out that it's merely Real Time combat with guns and powers. Yes, EVERYTHING is statistics based, and it's been said many times. Nobody is going "MASS EFFECT IS A SHOOTER/RPG!" in the same sense people go "BIOSHOCK IS A SHOOTER/RPG!" Mass Effect is a hardcore WRPG. I personally find it brillient, and the dialogue is MUCH more interesting than the dialogue in games like Oblivion. I often find myself talking to every person possible to fill up my Codex to try and learn as much about the universe as possible.
It's not for everybody, and I really don't think this is a post honestly asking about returning the game. I think you're just trying to bash it... but that's just me.
[QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="PBSnipes"]Whocares9 please stop bashing Mass Effect, this thread clearly shows you have no grasp of the game's mechanics, the most glaring evidence being you didn't know what weapons your character could and could not train with (the Vanguard character cannot train with either ARs or SRs). You also obviously do not understand the RPG elements, seeing as how you expect your character to have perfect aim from the first minute. Next time do some reseach or even better, read the manual. Apathetic-Irony
Could the fact that the game have this complete reliance on statistics be reason enough for someone out there like me to not like it? I thought it was an RPG driven with SHOOTER mechancis. Not just completely an RPG.
People have been saying this for months. Cows keep trying to bash it by calling it a shooter, and people keep trying to shove logic in their faces by pointing out that it's merely Real Time combat with guns and powers. Yes, EVERYTHING is statistics based, and it's been said many times. Nobody is going "MASS EFFECT IS A SHOOTER/RPG!" in the same sense people go "BIOSHOCK IS A SHOOTER/RPG!" Mass Effect is a hardcore WRPG. I personally find it brillient, and the dialogue is MUCH more interesting than the dialogue in games like Oblivion. I often find myself talking to every person possible to fill up my Codex to try and learn as much about the universe as possible.
It's not for everybody, and I really don't think this is a post honestly asking about returning the game. I think you're just trying to bash it... but that's just me.
Lots of people said that it is a shooter with RPG elements. I believed them, as it seemed like it from the videos as well. I think teh dialog is brilliantly done in the game..don't get me wrong. The characters looks amazing..specially the alien species...but there is nothing pulling me to talk to everyone. It may look like I am bashing a game but obviously it will when what I am doing is saying that I am not impressed by it....more less it is the same thing...oh well. I at least want to know why people like it so much.
[QUOTE="Furbyballistik"]lol, its funny how u lemmings act like u kno soo much about RPGs!! wats your past RPG experience's?? KOTOR?? one game?? yes RPGs have tons of talking, but its supposed to draw you into the experience. not bore you with it. Also, part of an RPG is that the action is supposed to be highly engaging, and fun! i mean something has to make up for all the talking thats being done! ive been playing RPGs for years. and a good example of a action/RPG would be KH 1+2..good story, and very fun gameplay. Lems just go back to your shooters. if u want to play a real RPG, get a PS3, and play FFX and XII while waiting for XIIIwhocares9
You know guys, as agressively and fan boy like he says this ...he does have a point. I played a lot of RPGs back in the day and usually the story draws you in BAM right of the bat and than is followed by some of the best tactical combat...this is what I am not finding here in Mass Effect. I will give it more time though.
Most RPG's have a slow start, Mass Effect had everything come together pretty quick compared to other RPG's. It just seems like your here to bash Mass Effect.
[QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="Furbyballistik"]lol, its funny how u lemmings act like u kno soo much about RPGs!! wats your past RPG experience's?? KOTOR?? one game?? yes RPGs have tons of talking, but its supposed to draw you into the experience. not bore you with it. Also, part of an RPG is that the action is supposed to be highly engaging, and fun! i mean something has to make up for all the talking thats being done! ive been playing RPGs for years. and a good example of a action/RPG would be KH 1+2..good story, and very fun gameplay. Lems just go back to your shooters. if u want to play a real RPG, get a PS3, and play FFX and XII while waiting for XIIIsteve17989
You know guys, as agressively and fan boy like he says this ...he does have a point. I played a lot of RPGs back in the day and usually the story draws you in BAM right of the bat and than is followed by some of the best tactical combat...this is what I am not finding here in Mass Effect. I will give it more time though.
Most RPG's have a slow start, Mass Effect had everything come together pretty quick compared to other RPG's. It just seems like your here to bash Mass Effect.
I really have the game though, oh well..whatever. I didn't hate it actually just found it a bit boring and unsatisfying. If you call that bashing what I did here than fine.
[QUOTE="Apathetic-Irony"][QUOTE="whocares9"][QUOTE="PBSnipes"]Whocares9 please stop bashing Mass Effect, this thread clearly shows you have no grasp of the game's mechanics, the most glaring evidence being you didn't know what weapons your character could and could not train with (the Vanguard character cannot train with either ARs or SRs). You also obviously do not understand the RPG elements, seeing as how you expect your character to have perfect aim from the first minute. Next time do some reseach or even better, read the manual. whocares9
Could the fact that the game have this complete reliance on statistics be reason enough for someone out there like me to not like it? I thought it was an RPG driven with SHOOTER mechancis. Not just completely an RPG.
People have been saying this for months. Cows keep trying to bash it by calling it a shooter, and people keep trying to shove logic in their faces by pointing out that it's merely Real Time combat with guns and powers. Yes, EVERYTHING is statistics based, and it's been said many times. Nobody is going "MASS EFFECT IS A SHOOTER/RPG!" in the same sense people go "BIOSHOCK IS A SHOOTER/RPG!" Mass Effect is a hardcore WRPG. I personally find it brillient, and the dialogue is MUCH more interesting than the dialogue in games like Oblivion. I often find myself talking to every person possible to fill up my Codex to try and learn as much about the universe as possible.
It's not for everybody, and I really don't think this is a post honestly asking about returning the game. I think you're just trying to bash it... but that's just me.
Lots of people said that it is a shooter with RPG elements. I believed them, as it seemed like it from the videos as well. I think teh dialog is brilliantly done in the game..don't get me wrong. The characters looks amazing..specially the alien species...but there is nothing pulling me to talk to everyone. It may look like I am bashing a game but obviously it will when what I am doing is saying that I am not impressed by it....more less it is the same thing...oh well. I at least want to know why people like it so much.
Well going by that thread that was posted earlier, you really don't understand the game.
When you aim, you'll notice your recticle is a set size. When you move, it increases in size. When you fire, it steadily grows. When you stop firing and sit still, it steadily shrinks. Putting points into the weapon your using and upgrading your weapon to be more accurate makes this little recticle smaller, decreases the size it increases by when moving/shooting, and makes it shrink faster. Other than that, the shooting mechanics are completely normal. If a guy is standing so my recticle is completely inside of him, it will hit. You also have abilities like Overkill which keeps accuracy consistent (Overkill makes the recticle not increase in size and makes your weapon not overheat for a short duration).
You complained about choosing Vanguard and then being horrible with the Assault Rifle and the Sniper Rifle. I am trained in Soldier, am VERY compitent with the Assault Rifle and just unlocked the Sniper tree, to which I am greatly improving in that as well.
So no, the game doesn't do a dice roll the determine if you hit. You just picked a ****that didn't suit your play **** and then used weapons that you couldn't upgrade in, making them nearly obsolete. On the bright side, if you beat the game as a Soldier, I hear you can use Assault Training on other ****s, allowing them to be quite potent with the Assault Rifle. Horay for replayability.
lol, its funny how u lemmings act like u kno soo much about RPGs!! wats your past RPG experience's?? KOTOR?? one game?? yes RPGs have tons of talking, but its supposed to draw you into the experience. not bore you with it. Also, part of an RPG is that the action is supposed to be highly engaging, and fun! i mean something has to make up for all the talking thats being done! ive been playing RPGs for years. and a good example of a action/RPG would be KH 1+2..good story, and very fun gameplay. Lems just go back to your shooters. if u want to play a real RPG, get a PS3, and play FFX and XII while waiting for XIIIFurbyballistik
FF is a stale piece of crap now and i'm bored with it, haven't even bought the ps2 one yet.
I refuse to insult your taste in games. If you don't like it, trade it in, but I can guarantee you this, you won't get all your money back. Why would Gamestop/EB/any other company give you your money back when they have to sell the game as "Used".
They can't sell an open game as "new" even if you onlyplayed it once.
Just view it as a learning experience. Any game that has any type of question in your mind whether or not you'll like it, RENT it.
There are tons of games that get reviewed highly because they are good at what they do. I'm not big on Halo but thousands would disagree with me. Just because a game gets good reviews/ is loved by alot of people doesn't mean you will love it.
Remember that and rent more :)
Mass Effect = best game this year, best game this gen and one of my favorite games of all time. A masterpeice that everyone should try.
Yes it is up there with my all time fav rpgs (earthbound, ff7, elderscrolls series, suikoden 1 and 2, Fallout series, TOS, Golden Sun, Wizardy Gold, KOTOR, Chrono Trigger, Mario rpg, Dragon Quest series, Eternal Sonata, Vandal Hearts, Final Fantasy Tactics, Shenmue 1 and 2, etc...)
I'd give it awhile. It takes a little while for it to pick up, as with most RPGs, but it gets really good..But then again, it might not be your kind of game..That's fair. It think it's great. The story is really good..heretrix
Second best RPG i ever played. Best being Planescape Torment.
That may be what you think, and you have the right to it. But I am loving it, after a little bit of playing around I liked the combat system.
Quote to ByFly: is the combat system in JRPGs really horrible, or are u not smart enough to know how to use it?? it does take quite a bit of intellegence to understand, you know? and how are you gonna say Mass Effects combat system is far better than JRPGs combat system? just to inform you, the Japanese started RPGs. and they started it many years ago..so dont you think they would have perfected it by now? oh!! i almost forgoy, your a lemming, so ofcourse you believe ME's combat system is better..as long as it has shooting in it right??Furbyballistik
Some people may not think the same way as you do, and so think the style of combat system the JRPGs have is just boring and horrible. Also the Japanese did not start RPGs.
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