ever since square merged with enix they have made a bunch of trashy J-POP games, and the stories have gotten terrible FFX-2, FF7 DOC, and FF12
mass effect looks like a quality story similar to KOTOR but looks even better.... the gameplay looks alot better than the worthless FFXII battle system ,
mass effect trilogyis seriously gonna PWN FF13 series of games. looks like xbox360 is the RPG console this gen.....
you sadden me. please change your screen name lol
seriously though i'm confident you know nothing of final fantasy XIII. Do you know what team are making XIII? you name is tidus there's a clue.
i don't likecomparing these two games, because they're both going to be very very different. in terms of gameplay ffxiii will murder mass effect, quote that if you want. In terms of storyline's thats a matter of opinion. I love how epic mass effect feels but Final fantasy X for me had the most depth in an rpg i've experienced since baldurs gate.
ffxiii is set to do for the ps3 what ff7 did for the ps1.
There was another thread asking what game would be better HAlo 3 and killzone, the argument i put applied to this one as well.
How much footage of ffxiii have you seen tidus? compare what you've seen of FFXIIi to Mass effect
you do know that the devs have said in interviews they're purposelly keeping the game under wraps. Wait till TGS when they're finallygonnashow the gameto make a less rash judgement
EDIT. a lot of what i know of FFXIII i got from famitsuinterviews at FF-XIII.net
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