or maybe not! All these people on system wars keep saying how blu ray is NEEDED. I can understand their confusion, what with heavenly sword and uncharted nearly maxing out the blu ray disc and all. But take a look at Mass Effect, a game that is pobably much more epic and broader than both those ps3 games combined, yet only takes up a measly 6.4 gigs! Thats truly amazing. The game has some of the slickest graphics ever seen on a console and theres so much depth to the worlds. Not to emention over 2.5 million words of dialogue. Thats pretty frieking amazing. All with another 2.6 gigs left to boot! I've also heard people, cow's no doubt, saying how mass effect was trimmed by 4 gigs to make it fit on dvd9. If they have 2.6 gigs left over on the final product, why would they trim so much? Please, Cows, explain. Here is the link.
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