Im playing through th CoD Classic right now and . . . I hate it :|
Allied Assault (from what I remember) was sooo much better...
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I liked MoH:AA alot better, espically the online. The Bridge and Hunt maps are still excellent multiplayer maps.Communities even make mods to replicate them for other games like RO.
I found CoD and UO to have better level design and multiplayer (especially UO on non-vehicle maps). But without AA there wouldn't have been any CoD to speak of. And I have fond memories of both games. I should go back and play through them again. I miss the days of quality and fun WWII shooters.
Well, I thought the beginning levels of AA were better than the beginning levels of CoD. But CoD went from good to incredible from about Stalingrad onwards. Whereas AA got pretty boring at a certain point in the campaign.
The single player in AA was pretty good and it had a nice tank section. It did have pretty annoying gun handling though and that hit flinch on the sniper stage was pretty bad. The dev team tried to advance their AA formula in CoD, add iron sights, fix the hit flinch problem with leaning, improve the multiplayer flow, fill the levels with friendly bullet sponges and add more variety. It worked pretty well, CoD is basically an evolved AA.
Edit: I remembered that you can lean in MoH:AA multi after all.
I prefered AA in singleplayer and CoD (with UO) in MP. And I still think Pacific Assault is criminaly underrated
I prefered AA in singleplayer and CoD (with UO) in MP. And I still think Pacific Assault is criminaly underrated
Yea me too. I agree the online was horribly laggy. But singeplayer was amazing.
And i say Allied Assault. For the sole reason of Omaha beach. *My guts!* (nothing there btw :D)
The whole SP was better IMO, it just felt like playing trough Saving Private Ryan. And amazingly the two expansions were nice too. Battle of the bulge was preaty epic too. And berlin wasnt to shabby either.
COD without question. The MoH people left EA to form their own dev house, Infinity Ward, and we all know how that turned out. Infinity Ward makes shooters that far exceed anything that the MoH series ever produced. It's like the next evolution of the might like it better...but evolution? If anything what IW has produced in CoD2 and 4 can classify as devolution might like it better...but evolution? If anything what IW has produced in CoD2 and 4 can classify as devolution[QUOTE="donalbane"]COD without question. The MoH people left EA to form their own dev house, Infinity Ward, and we all know how that turned out. Infinity Ward makes shooters that far exceed anything that the MoH series ever produced. It's like the next evolution of the premise.AdrianWerner
I agreee. I think Cod was overall superior to AA, but, as you brought up, PA was vastly superior to the streamlined CoD 2. might like it better...but evolution? If anything what IW has produced in CoD2 and 4 can classify as devolution[QUOTE="donalbane"]COD without question. The MoH people left EA to form their own dev house, Infinity Ward, and we all know how that turned out. Infinity Ward makes shooters that far exceed anything that the MoH series ever produced. It's like the next evolution of the premise.AdrianWerner
I agree. The first generation of military shooters was much better than the ones we're playing right know. In almost a decade nothing evolved in the genre, it just got worse due to the health regeneration, short and unnispired single-player campaigns and the "10 seconds" saving system.
I love both dearly as they were two of my favorite games back in the day. For single player I would have to go with AA, the mission design was just so much better; Omaha Beach, infiltrating a sub base, stealing a tank, it was great. As for multiplayer it would go to CoD especially with the UO expansion. That game sucked so much time out of my life when I was in high school; I'm pretty sure my grades dropped. :P
obviously you're not gonna like it. you're playing the console version with subpar controls and you're used to MW's easy gameplay. but for it's time, CoD was a masterpiece. and much, much better then MoH:AA.
MoH: AA was one of the first games i got along with Return To Castle Wolfenstein for my first proper gaming PC with its Radeon 8500 128MB graphics card :twisted: oh yes it was awesome back then. So because of that its always going to have that nostalgic factor for me. Later on i got the first CoD and i was blown away and have been a huge fan of the series since. Except CoD 3 i couldn't stand that game it was horrible imo. might like it better...but evolution? If anything what IW has produced in CoD2 and 4 can classify as devolution[QUOTE="AdrianWerner"]
[QUOTE="donalbane"]COD without question. The MoH people left EA to form their own dev house, Infinity Ward, and we all know how that turned out. Infinity Ward makes shooters that far exceed anything that the MoH series ever produced. It's like the next evolution of the premise.RyuRanVII
I agree. The first generation of military shooters was much better than the ones we're playing right know. In almost a decade nothing evolved in the genre, it just got worse due to the health regeneration, short and unnispired single-player campaigns and the "10 seconds" saving system.
While I agree with things like "Health Regenertation is a step down" Im thinking WUT? how hasnt the war genre evolved? what do you possible want them to achieve? games like Modern Warfare 2's single player is MUCH better than the majority of old war games... in every single way. and im not even a big fan of MW2.I found CoD and UO to have better level design and multiplayer (especially UO on non-vehicle maps). But without AA there wouldn't have been any CoD to speak of. And I have fond memories of both games. I should go back and play through them again. I miss the days of quality and fun WWII shooters.
same MoH AA is really like CoD 0 in a weird way since most of them formed IW.But still last gen (early) was great for WW2 games i mean cmon last gen had some sweet games Battlefield 1942,MoH AA,MoH PA,CoD1,CoD2.
I wish we could get back but the in thing this gen has been modern war.Wish we would see a good vietnam game cause theres never been one that i have played BF:V was average aswell :( theres so much dev's could do with it.
games like Modern Warfare 2's single player is MUCH better than the majority of old war games... in every single way. and im not even a big fan of MW2.Birdy09MW2 was good, but MW1 and WaW were more primitive gameplay-wise than MOH:AA was. MW2 was improvement, but at most it finally reached AA level.
And you want to know how to evolve wargames? Look at Arma2 or Crysis. IW is stuck in making games that would feel advanced a decade ago.
MW2 was good, but MW1 and WaW were more primitive gameplay-wise than MOH:AA was. MW2 was improvement, but at most it finally reached AA level.[QUOTE="Birdy09"]games like Modern Warfare 2's single player is MUCH better than the majority of old war games... in every single way. and im not even a big fan of MW2.AdrianWerner
And you want to know how to evolve wargames? Look at Arma2 or Crysis. IW is stuck in making games that would feel advanced a decade ago.
I havnt played arma 2 so I cant comment, but Crysis? really? it embodies many elements I hate in modern shooters... Rechargable shield and health - mayaswell be playing halo. Boring landmarkless lands to travel across. often with the same old vehicle section. Terrible average characters. Bland Empty Story Line Story presented poorly in cutscenes with no interactivity. featherlight instant grenade throwing (granted hes in a nano suit but still... lame) Botched up totally unbalanced and dead multiplayer. Whats the point in having all those "different paths" when I can just jump in the ocean and board a submarine by skipping absolutely everything? =/ "fun" right? might like it better...but evolution? If anything what IW has produced in CoD2 and 4 can classify as devolution I give you that under the premise of health packs(why are they in war shooters...atleast with Scifi shooters it makes sense depending on the game) But come on now the rest of it? It isn't like level design, AI, gunplay really got worse over the years in these games...i mean for crying out loud it stayed the same :P As for pacing and a game being more streamlined. While I wasn't fond of COD 2. I would argue COD 4s campaign was pretty good for what it is. Not a ton of filler...which I would argue AA and COD 1 do have....filler in some cases.[QUOTE="donalbane"]COD without question. The MoH people left EA to form their own dev house, Infinity Ward, and we all know how that turned out. Infinity Ward makes shooters that far exceed anything that the MoH series ever produced. It's like the next evolution of the premise.AdrianWerner
Of course its all a matter of opinion...BUT...MOHAA and MOHAASH walks all over any WWII game ever made. Played it. Was the best in the world. Top of OGL boards for 4 years. Serious, best games ever.
But come on now the rest of it? It isn't like level design, AI, gunplay really got worse over the years in these games...i mean for crying out loud it stayed the same :P As jg4xchampNo, they actualy did get worse. CoD4 and WaW were corridor shooters, ZERO freedom, non existant AI, respawning enemies and close to zero variety of any kind. THey both felt like FPSes from Doom era.
MOH:AA had far more variety in it's missions, even had stealth missions, the levels were far more open, so both you and AI could so something besides charging forward, not to mention it was less scripted. In AA you could actualy choose which way to aproach each goal, it wasn't full freedom, but CoD4 and WaW had zero freedom even in type of aproach. All you could do was charge forward, because you couldn't even play cautiously thanks to endless respawns
No, they actualy did get worse. CoD4 and WaW were corridor shooters, ZERO freedom, non existant AI, respawning enemies and close to zero variety of any kind. THey both felt like FPSes from Doom era.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]But come on now the rest of it? It isn't like level design, AI, gunplay really got worse over the years in these games...i mean for crying out loud it stayed the same :P As AdrianWerner
MOH:AA had far more variety in it's missions, even had stealth missions, the levels were far more open, so both you and AI could so something besides charging forward, not to mention it was less scripted. In AA you could actualy choose which way to aproach each goal, it wasn't full freedom, but CoD4 and WaW had zero freedom even in type of aproach. All you could do was charge forward, because you couldn't even play cautiously thanks to endless respawns
...Fairenough.I can concede those points. I don't know if i would say the MOH:AA AI is any good to be quite honest(it's pretty bad now to be honest)..but whatever....Fairenough.I can concede those points. I don't know if i would say the MOH:AA AI is any good to be quite honest(it's pretty bad now to be honest)..but whatever. jg4xchampA large part of how good AI seems has nothing to do with actual coding for it. A large, if not largest part of it is level design. If you make linear corridor level even the brighest AI will look dumb. I'm not sure if AA actualy had better AI, I just know it had a lot more room to manouver than in WaW and CoD4. SImiliarly...HL2's AI isn't as dumb at it seems. There is a great SP mod called Minerva, everyone thought the author modified the AI, it was just so much better, but he explaied he just opened up the levels more and AI on it's own started to behave better.
Or FEAR, so praised for AI, Monolith's guy actualy said the AI is pretty simple, it's just so fun to play against because of how they designed the levels
A large part of how good AI seems has nothing to do with actual coding for it. A large, if not largest part of it is level design. If you make linear corridor level even the brighest AI will look dumb. I'm not sure if AA actualy had better AI, I just know it had a lot more room to manouver than in WaW and CoD4. SImiliarly...HL2's AI isn't as dumb at it seems. There is a great SP mod called Minerva, everyone thought the author modified the AI, it was just so much better, but he explaied he just opened up the levels more and AI on it's own started to behave better.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]...Fairenough.I can concede those points. I don't know if i would say the MOH:AA AI is any good to be quite honest(it's pretty bad now to be honest)..but whatever. AdrianWerner
Or FEAR, so praised for AI, Monolith's guy actualy said the AI is pretty simple, it's just so fun to play against because of how they designed the levels
Ok I haven't played FEAR in a while so forgive me, but a ton of those levels would fall under corridor shooter status. A lot of the levels were kind of repetitve. The gunplay was so GODLY though.Ok I haven't played FEAR in a while so forgive me, but a ton of those levels would fall under corridor shooter status. A lot of the levels were kind of repetitve. The gunplay was so GODLY though.jg4xchamp
Ach...but they just looked like corridors :) Notice just how many entry points each room had, so many ways to manouver and double back on you.
And yes...tonight's Dex will be fricking crazy :)
I remember thinking Call of Duty was better, but I don't remember why exactly. Think the weapons felt nicer. Wasn't it CoD that introduced iron sights? Either way I definitely preferred CoD's multiplayer.
The first CoD and UO are even better than current CoD games. MOHAA on the other hand is a simple run-and-gun, really boring by todays standards.GulliversTravel
Ummm....MOHAA "run N gun?" Im sorry, but every single FPS I have EVER played is run N gun. AND you must not have ever played it or been any good at it or you would think otherwise.
Everyone has their own opinion rather they like something or not, but to say one FPS is "run N gun" and another isnt is just ignorant.
You have missed a huge amount of sub genres then., but every single FPS I have EVER played is run N gun.
Tbh I think it was Operation Flashpoint back in 2001, however it had sight silhouettes instead of using the 3D model; though i'd say COD popularized it.Wasn't it CoD that introduced iron sights?.
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