Mediocre graphics, clumsy animation, horrible menu/interface, overall lack of polishness is what comes to my mind after playing the demo. But the game is getting some serious preorders because of 2 factors:
1) Current drought of games on the xbox 360. Now, I do think xbox's library is the best this gen, but so far in 2008 it has been lacking. In fact, all consoles are lacking games. Later on, fantastic games such as Fable 2 and GoW2 are coming out, but not soon enough. Of course very good multi platform games such as Civ Revolution and SCIV has been released recently but one is a turn based strategy and the other is, well, a fighting game.
2) Diablo like dugeon crawler with gear progression! I think Sillicon Knight hit the sweet spot with this. Consoles are horribly lacking on this type of games. Hack, Too Human would sell great on the PS3 as well!
Well, there you go. Too Human got too lucky*: An ok game that will get AAA hype and sales because it is the right type of game on the right time! I will rent it, even buy it if I finally "get" the control scheme, even though I didnt like the demo. I loved Diablo 2 and need a dungeon crawler with gear progression.
I just wish Too Human could have been more polished like MGS4. And yeah, getting the right type of game at the right moment is not just luck...
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