In the world of literature, there are some phrases, poems, soliloquiys, etc... that are remembered for all time. How about in the world of video games? What are some of the most memorable phrases ever spoken in video games? Here is a short start up list (remember to write the source as accurate as you remember):
God of War 2 (Sisters of Fate/Kratos): "You will never find peace for what you've become Kratos" / "I am what the God's have made me!"
Killer Instict Gold (Announcer): "C-c-c-c-combo Breaker!!!!!"
Mortal Kombat Series (Announcer): "FINISH HIM!!"
Mario Series (Mario): "Look, it's a-me, Mario!"
MGS4 (Old Snake): "War...has changed..."
MGS4 (Old Snake): "I'm no hero...never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wetwork"
Halo 2 (Cortana/Master Chief): "What if you miss?"/"I won't"
Mafia (Mafia Henchman): "Mr. Salvatore sends his regards"
GTA3 (Random Badguy): "Senor **** head, it is no problem to kill you
What other ones do you know off the top of your head?
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