[QUOTE="Highlander0689"][QUOTE="NiTiZ"][QUOTE="Highlander0689"]If I were to sell one of my consoles the 360 would go first. Long before my PS3 as a matter of fact. It's quite useless and is an albatross that taints the perfect view of my PS3 and my HDTV.
It seems as if you're trying to justify your purchase of a 360. Why don't you just sell the thing since you're obviously too poor or you mom isn't willing to let you have both consoles? Right now your denial is apparent. You know you chose the wrong console and now you're desperatly trying to defend your malinformed decision. How sad.
I dont need to justify my 360 purchase, nor do i need to justify my Wii purchase or PC purchase. The games do that for me:wink:
If that's the case then why make this thread bashing the competition? You know subconsciously that you made the wrong decision. Now you're trying to bash that which you want most. It's basic psychology. Your denial is quite tragic bordering on disturbing and even vulgar.
The first step is to admit that you have a problem.
I have a PS3:wink: The only wrong decision i made was paying for the thing.
That's funny now you're belitting your own purchase. You obviously chose to buy it for a reason. One doesn't merely shell out hundreds of dollars on something they hate. If that's the case your problems are deeper than I imagined. You clearly need help.
However, I seriously doubt that's the case. Any sane person wouldn't spend hundreds of dollars on something they didn't want. So, I'm going to call your bluff on that one. It's apparent that you don't have a PS3.
What's sad now is that you'd even go as far as lying to justify your purchase. Meaning that you falsly admit to giving into the conspiracy you so adamently described. If you aren't lying that means you did give into the conspiracy and are a hypocrite. Either way you lose.
Ah, fanboyism is easy to overcome with a little logic.
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