Why is Metacritic used as the games industry when the basic principle of it is biased? How can one site be given more weight than other? Its generally worrying when you have publishers withholding bonus because a certain game didn't gain an arbitrary score on a site that sells to the highest bidder.
It sucks because there is no standards as far as scores, or what they mean. A 3/4 star movie is considered great. But, if you calculate that to a percentage, it is a 75%( or a 7.5/10) which looks like a mediocre score. In reality, a 2 star movie is "average" (which, btw, calculates to a 5/10, or 50% score).
Until game ratings are standardized, sites like metacritic should not be taken too seriously.
Game ratings are standardized as much as film. Metacritic colors reflect this. A game with a score of 65 is yellow while a movie scored 65 is green. That's not true. Giant Bomb, for instance, rates games on a 5 star rating, where IGN and Game Spot use a 10 point scale. 4/5 stars is actually higher, according to GB's site, than 80% - but Metacritic scores it as an 8/10.
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