This forum has been using Gamespot's scores soley to judge the quality of titles, as well as systems.
There is a few huge flaws with this setup.
1. Firstly, each game is reviewed and grades by one individual who will without a doubt have some inherent bias in him. Whether that bias deals with the system, the genre, the franchise, etc. No matter how hard anyone tries, bias will exist, even if you try to suppress it.
2. When titles are compared amongst one another, you are now essentially comparing... What reviewer A thought about game 1 versus what reviewer B thought about game 2. When you break it down to that level... you begin to realize how strange the arguments on this site become.
Aggregate sites like Metacritic alleviates many of these problems. In fact, it's the very reason I use it as my main source of judging what the top titles are.
1. You are now judging what the critics though of the game, rather then just one critic.
2. When comparing titles, you are comparing what critics thought about game 1 versus what critics thought about game 2
Hey... no one is stopping SW from continously using Gamespot as their means to measure titles. I'm sure, as a buisness decision, Gamespot makes more money. People flood the front pages, waiting for a score to come out... versus flooding metacritic instead. As such, I applaud Gamespot for mandating this... *ahem* oh ya, the "community decised to use Gamespot's scores".
What are your thoughts on this? Which method do you prefer and why?
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