Cows have so much invested in this game. It really should be something to see when it finally hits stores and Gamespot reviews it. I already havehalf of my review written. Wanna see it?
Another MGS, another rambling mix of odes to soldiering and anime like uber nonsense combined with some fairly interesting (if pedestrian) commentary on the future of warfare. Gaiden is back! The most hated character in gaming returns wearing the armor of the most belovedcyber ninja since Robocop 3. Why he is back or how he is back is explained (as is most of the story) through the now done to death "the nanobots did it" explanation. Yes sir the future is nanobots and we should learn to worship our new techno-masters now if this game is to be believed.
But its not really about belief because the cyber-ninja is fighting an immortal vampire which brings us to the anime like uber nonsense...much like an anime Kojima has stuck to a strict storytelling formula that he has adhered to throughout each game barring some minor superficial changes. Snake infiltrates, Snake find out what he thinks is going on, Snake is captured, Snake escapes and finds out what's really going on, Snake fights the last boss then fights Metal Gear. Along the way he fights an identical number of mini-bosses who all wield superhuman or even supernatural powers. That this rehash has been acceptable through 4 games now is an indication of the mental acuity of its mostly pre-pubescent fanbase.
Once again the game is chock full of cutscenes which certainly have their moments but for the most part will leave you staring off at the side of the TV thinking about stuff you could be doing like getting something to eat, drink, or take a restroom break. Don't do it though! You will miss important information like what Revolver Ocelot (now named Solid Ocelot I believe) had for dinner three years ago or what clone of Solid Snake is the "real one". Aside from the ridiculous and painfully re-done story we have the gameplay.
After 3games of the worst camera in gaming (top down) Kojima has finally shipped a new MGS with a 3rd person camera. Unfortunately the stiff movements of Snake and the awkward crawling animation are intact. Like all the other MGS games (unless you wantthe dirty little easter eggs strewn about) you can pretty much run through the levels until you get to the boss encounter which requires some 8-bit era bit of pattern memorization before you can trounce them easily. Hardcore fans will be overjoyed to know Snake can now hide in barrels and roll down a hill! Which is perhaps the greatest evolution in gameplay this series has experienced since its first showing.
Ultimately this game is a sad ending to an overrated series. Final score: pending actual playtime
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