Ugh, this mission.
Extracting a bunch of kids. All is going well. Find out one kid got stuck in geometry. The enemy following us shows up and kills him. **** this escorting nonsense.
Game is fetish heavy with that.
I failed that mission trying to get them all into the helicopter. Enemy attacked and killed one. It's not until way later, when you don't need it, that you get a fulton for extracting children.
You know what? I cleared the mines and the surrounding areas before I went and rescued the kids. Had no problems with that mission.
The thing that made me do an andrenaline rush was the Subsistence: Occupational Forces. Yeah, it's the mission where you destroy/kill two TT77 and a commander driving a truck between the two tank. The only differece with the earlier mission is that it's an OSP (on-site procurement) mission meaning no ITEMS/WEAPONS/BUDDY/AERIAL SUPPORT except your equipped fulton, bionic arm, and your loaded Helicopter setting. What I did was a Hot Drop on their base, rescue the prisoner near the hot LZ, go to the intel and read it, and finally intercepted the 3 vehicles. I was lucky enough to encounter two soldiers on the road. I knocked them out then wait for the tanks to stop and siren those two stunned soldiers. Meanwhile, I fultoned all the three of vehicles undetected while they stopped. I finished it as S and 7/7 in one go.
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