Now instead of calling the PSP he hashes WTF are those DS games I have highlighted?????Wow so many pathetic attempts to defend the PSP here. It's junk just face it.. There is no reason what so ever to even own a PSP if it weren't for Mega Man Power Up, Exit, Loco Roco and Lumines. The only true unique games on the system. And they're great.
Why buy the same games over again when you can enjoy games such as Phoenix Wright, Advance Wars,Super Mario Bros ( The only SMB 2D platformer in ages ), Trauma Center, Hotel Dusk etc. New fresh games, just the way we like it.I'm not including Mario Kart DS or MP:H on that list though. Apart from bringing the franchise's online they didn't do much else and they are much like most of the PSP games improved rehashes.
Just stop defending the system. Console and handheld are to different things, and PSP proves that flashy 3D graphics and cool console franchise's doesn't always do the job.
Advanced wars could be said to be a GBA rehash.
Mario Bros could be said to be a Mario Bros 3, in semi 3D clone
Trauma Center is on the Wii
Mario Kart Ds could be said to be another 're hash'
MPH another rehash.
Now in reality there not re-hashes, there spinoffs, just like the PSP titles you call Re hashes.
Syphon Filter
Socom FTB
Burnout Legends
Ratchet & Clank
Killzone Liberation
Me and My Katamari
Ace Combat X
Chili Con Carnage
Tekken Dark Ressurection
Medal of Honor Heroes
Wipeout Pure
Ridge Racer
Now just like those DS titles, these are simply spinnoffs of the console, other systems couterparts.
And if the PSPs flashy graphics dont do the job then how come it has more
AAs, As and AAAs?
Oh and BTW I have 3/4 of those DS games you listed, and most of those PSP games........
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