I know the mgs fanboys will hate on this but yeah, I think it is. Why ? Simple. Gameplay outshines any othere mgs game and as we all know gameplay >everything else.
I personaly have played MGS4 two and half times (my 1st PS3 game actually) after that got MGS1 from PSN and played it twice and after that got myself a PS2 to play MGS2 and 3 (and god of war 1/2).I played 2 and 3 once each.
Overall I really enjoy the series but MGR is the best for me by far. Good graphics (for 60 fps) amazing platinum gameplay and it gets better and better as you learn the game (them perfect parrys ect) no bulls*it convoluted story, brutal, mature , funny and goofy at the same time.Feels like and MGS game in a way.Bosses are great.Many enemy types ect ect.If you want details go read a review but yeah the game is pretty mazing (with the one exeption, the camera can be an issue in some of the hardest VR missions, and thrust me they can be hard. 18 took me over 6 hours).
I really disliked Jack in 2 and even a bit in 4 but here hes is just pure awesome.He struggles between good and full on psycho the hole time.Its good stuff.
But most importantly do you remeber those awesome MGS4 raiden cutscenes and you telling to yourself:
Damn that would be so cool if it was game, I wish they make it... nah they will never pull all of this action and "cutting" off.
Well they did, and its even better. Not only the mazing combat but the cutting mechanic works great and its used so damn well for so many parts of the game.
Pretty funny how many people were butthurt about MGS spin off "OH NOOOOES it will ruin mgs" but here is me thinging that that spin off is the best Metal gear game.
So what say you. Do you agree ? Is MGR better then the rest MG games ?
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