Kojima is saying some pretty bold statements that could bite him in the ass later on but he said the E3 trailer was tuned to more current gen specs and that it will run much better on next gen platforms than what we saw.I don't know about you but that sounds like some bullshit cos the footage was flat out gorgeous and not what current consoles can doIn an interview with Polygon, Kojima says that the team is currently focusing around the Fox engine on a PC development platform, but with the 360 and PS3 in mind. 'While we were developing on current-gen,' says Kojima, 'next-gen came along. We're really trying to reach the peak of the current generation right now--360, PS3--and then see how much we can take it up for the next generation.'EDIT: Screw GS and it's small titles limithttp://uk.gamespot.com/e3/metal-gear-solid-v-on-xbox-one-and-ps4-will-look-better-than-e3-trailer-6410187/
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