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[QUOTE="nobi125"]Is this some kind of ignorant joke?Warp_2567excuse me? I felt that this would be a great comparison because these game both came out in Nov. of 2001 and also, I posted Halo PC pics and MGS2: Substance pics to make it more fair. Firstly, you probably shouldn't have bumped this ancient thread. Secondly, shouldn't you be comparing Soul Calibur and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, as they were the highest scoring games last gen? Thirdly, Metroid Prime scored the same as why put MGS2 in this thread at all? Fourthly, Halo looks better in most of those screenshots.
First of all, Metroid Prime was the best game this gen for consoles. And lastly, MGS2 wins that pic war, but I'd like to see a Halo 2 v.s. MGS3 pic battle. That would be interesting.Basinboylol sorry i thought this was funny
The pics are bad for MGS so really I HAVE to say halosuper_mario_128
I don't know. We all have NEXT GEN goggles now, so it's a tough call.
I give the edge to MGS2...not to mention HALO doesn't have to DRAW MC, only what he sees, making it a bit easier to make the rest look better, yet MG2 competes.
[QUOTE="nublet_90"]Im sorry but there's no way mgs2 is among the best of this gen.Warp_2567
I think it scored a 9.6 for a reason
and i think halo scored a 9.7 for a reason :P[QUOTE="Xgsa-Vortex"]Halo looks better. MGS2 is undoubtably the better game, though....rickjamesxxhalo 1 9.7 mgs2 9.6
According to GS. Look who cares about what the critics say, some people like one game over another, this is about Screenshots!
Let's have some fun in this well made and legendary thread!
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"]The pics are bad for MGS so really I HAVE to say haloSolidTy
I don't know. We all have NEXT GEN goggles now, so it's a tough call.
I give the edge to MGS2...not to mention HALO doesn't have to DRAW MC, only what he sees, making it a bit easier to make the rest look better, yet MG2 competes.
Solid Snake > Master Chief...and MGS2 looks damn good for the underpowered system.Kahuna_1lol master chief would kill solid snake in seconds dude
master chief who saved humanity from aliens that nearly wiped out humanity 500 years in the future
or solid snake whos boss fights include gay vampires fat guys on roller skates and 100 year old snipers
oooo lol
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