[QUOTE="Flamestos"] So.. lets see new account in here bashing MGS4 and looking down it's enthusiasts who enjoy the story and gameplay. Then you respond to me by listing literature as a means to prove how intellectual you are like it means to me on the internet.
System Wars is a place habited by 80%-90% of fanboys who come to bash fans of other systems that that do not have and of course they're users like you who come along in the manner you do like your opinion holds more weight then it does but hey if that gives you a special feeling inside have at it.
The reason they're no "commonplace" answers is because most won't get the fact that their opinions aren't law as they keep pushing on with their arguments.
Figured I'd give you a minute to get that third edit in there so you didn't leave any particularly blatant errors.
One thing I notice about the people who respond to anyone calling MGS cliche, melodramatic, and just not that well written is that, after they call the people leveling these complaints pseudo-intellectuals, they never stop to think... "Well, this guy is OBVIOUSLY just an officious psuedo-intellectual trying to tell me that maybe I'm not quite the judge of brilliant writing that I think I am... But have I ever bothered to hear what any genuine intellectuals have to say about MGS? I mean, I'm claiming it's brilliant - what do the real intellectuals out there think?"
I would say give a copy of any MGS game to Derrida, but he's quite recently dead. The crowd which claims Kojima's writing skills are nothing short of genius is, as I've already stated, the analog of same crowd that claims The Titanic is is truly incredible writing. They more or less do exactly what you're doing to anyone who levels any complaints against it - call them pseudo-intellectuals, and never bother to look beyond their own ranks for the definition of a real intellectual. It's more or less a circular defense - "If you don't like MGS and recognize it's brilliance, you're stupid, and therefore your criticisms of it are the criticisms of a stupid person, and are as such not worth listening to.
The problem with MGS is the dramatic scenes are all but ripped from popular movies that came out in the few decades before hand. The characters are cliches from spy movies and anime. The story kind of makes sense, but keeps on throwing in more and more abstracted, far fetched metaphysics that make sense only upon superficial inspection to make it keep on trucking. Almost the portrait of something created to appeal to people whose critical senses haven't been tempered by decades of watching the same garbage roll by.
It's such a tired conceit, the whole "my opinion is a special thing." Someone says "Dumb and Dumberer was far superior to its forefather - my opinion, so it can't be wrong!"... Doesn't make them any closer to the continent that right lives on. You tell me MGS is brilliant and suggest that I'm nothing but a pseudo-intellectual in starkly disagreeing and outlining what's cliche about it, perhaps you're the one who thinks your opinion is so high and mighty that you won't even consider that the writing behind the game in question is not particularly original or well structured.Yes, I edit my post because my broswer sucks get over it. I never once called Metal Gear Solid brilliant care to quote where I did?
Games are about entertainment and when people like you come along bashing what people enjoy (which is their opinion. You like most people don't seem to accept this) because of whatever underlining issues you may have is pathetic get it?
The thread comparing NG to MGS is a joke. NG story is nothing but pure filler it'll be better served as an arcade **** action game, the story in MSG solid has flawed over the top and convoluted as it is crushes it.
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