seriously the game is just like watching a whole big movie rather than playing the game. when your finally playing, it ends too soon, and your already involved in a 15-20 min cutscene for nothing. i think gta iv is better. because your playing the game more than just watching long random cutscenes.caliente_hot
It helps to actually own the game before criticizing it.....
i was looking at gamerankings lastnight. Yes i know we only use gamespot score's here. Gamerankings give's a much better overall impression of how the industry views a game though. MGS4 isn't rated as highly as games such as Bioshock or Half life 2 or even GTA4. Of course this could change as more reviews are added.
40% of 360 owners also own a PS3. Coincidence? One sect is made up of delusional fanboys, the other is made up of smart people who know what the TRUE best system is.
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