This is not a fanboy post, this is serious. Right after I finished MGS4 I played many other games like Bioshock, Uncharted, replayed GeOW1 barely. Half-Life 2 took the crown from best game for me but now the crown goes to MGS4 for me. I can't play any other game without thinking about MGS4, im not kidding. MGS4 just set the standard for storytelling so high I don't think it's possible for any game this generation to achieve it, until MGS5 perhaps?
I just got GeOW2 the other day (don't ask me how I got it, it was a effin pain to get!) and I finished it, it was really good but the story is just lackluster, I know EPIC is not known for storytelling but it's a good improvement overall. I actually enjoyed the first one a little more, Im not saying anything else! Please don't start flaming me, it's called OPINION.
Anyway Bioshock was a very close second but otherwise there hasn't been a game that kept me on the edge of my seat like MGS4 did. I really want everyone to play this masterpiece.
Can anyone relate to this problem?
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