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[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Perhaps. If you want something to sell the most world wide, PS3. If you want something to only sell in US and Europe, 360.
If you want the most sales, release them on both.
which brings me to this question.... why exactly are games like ninja gaiden and MGS 4 exclusive again?
Cause certain games sell enough to not need to go multiplat. OR the comp is doing something to make certain companies happy enough to remain exclusive to them. Perhaps monitarily or perhaps with other perks they wouldn't normally get. And in the end the console with the most sales will have the bigger base of which any game can get the most sales so theres that too.
If it did, it would take up 4 disc's :lol:
Thats if, gmasters thread/source is to be believed, the game is having disc issues on a 50 GB disc.
US/Europe Metal Gear Solid 4 Won't Have Japanese Track
They are using a 50GB Blu-ray disc and they are having disc space issues!
Sorry lemmings, you ain't getting it 8)
Interestingly, they only mention "disk space"... not "blu ray disk space". 50GB is an awful lot of space.
Wait! that means they're talking about a DVD! 360 version in one disk am confirmed!
/rabid fanboy interpretation.
... just kidding, of course. I doubt it'll come to the 360 at all, not to mention soon, and frankly, I don't particularly care too much about a 360 port.
You pretty much just refuted every idiotic fanboy argument in System Wars...all im gonna say is that if i want MGS4 i will just buy a PS3....and if PS3 owners want to play halo 3 they can get a 360....
Dont' like halo? dont like MGS4? well that's your opinion, so dont post about these games saying they suck as if it is fact...
[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]If it did, it would take up 4 disc's:lol:
Thats if, gmasters thread/source is to be believed, the game is having disc issues on a 50 GB disc.
US/Europe Metal Gear Solid 4 Won't Have Japanese Track
They are using a 50GB Blu-ray disc and they are having disc space issues!
Sorry lemmings, you ain't getting it 8)
WOW!!! I bet that 3 hour install will be so much fun! You know, the install the super powerfull ps3 needs to "run" the game. Have fun with all that, dudio.
:| why are you being so lame?
capcom are the install people,its there problem... we all know the game is going to be something special so why do you try to put it down just to big up your fanboy ego. installs are a problem if they go mainstream il give you that but there arnt any signals its going that way, and even then installs could start improving things more.... dont be lame next time ;)
I was being lame. I'll try not to be next time. It's just so hard sometimes when threads (like this one) are lame..[QUOTE="stika"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]If it did, it would take up 4 disc's :lol:
how is that a bad thing? :|
but yes i dont see it coming to the 360 either
It'll be the first 360 game to use multiple discs for one game.
Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey spring to mind...
[QUOTE="KGB32"]You pretty much just refuted every idiotic fanboy argument in System Wars...all im gonna say is that if i want MGS4 i will just buy a PS3....and if PS3 owners want to play halo 3 they can get a 360....
Dont' like halo? dont like MGS4? well that's your opinion, so dont post about these games saying they suck as if it is fact...
if only others would think this. i bet some don't even know they can own 2 systems at once......sorry that was condescending
The lemmings have been owned 8)Rhys555
i hope you know that your loyalty to a machine( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy PS stuff) and bashing other machines ( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy their stuff) gets you nothing...right? except exclusive stuff for you to buy...
[QUOTE="ukillwegrill"][QUOTE="stika"][QUOTE="ukillwegrill"]Wkile were on the topic of talking baout things kn one cares about........Viva Pinata will NEVER be on PS3.
Yeeah what now.......
well there is a diference, MGS is third party viva pinata is not, a better comparison would be ninja gaiden 2 will never be on the PS3
but it proberly will.......
mmm... somehow i think that MGS 4 will go to the xbox 720 and ninja gaiden 2 to the PS4
NG2 is published by MS, that will likely affect it going to any other platform aside from PC.
[QUOTE="Rhys555"]The lemmings have been owned 8)KGB32
i hope you know that your loyalty to a machine( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy PS stuff) and bashing other machines ( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy their stuff) gets you nothing...right? except exclusive stuff for you to buy...
The hell are you talking about? Sony lookms after my well being by supplying me with top of the range gamer machines. RELIABLE, gaming machines 8)
[QUOTE="KGB32"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]The lemmings have been owned 8)Rhys555
i hope you know that your loyalty to a machine( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy PS stuff) and bashing other machines ( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy their stuff) gets you nothing...right? except exclusive stuff for you to buy...
The hell are you talking about? Sony lookms after my well being by supplying me with top of the range gamer machines. RELIABLE, gaming machines 8)
reliable machines with crappy software
great software but crappy machines?
tis a cruel joke i say
[QUOTE="-wii60-"]Oh like im going to die for just 1 game :roll: , i bet that is 40 hours of cutscenes and 8 hours of gameplay..Rhys555
Kojima hired a editor to specifically cut the scenes down. Owned ;)
[QUOTE="-wii60-"]Oh like im going to die for just 1 game :roll: , i bet that is 40 hours of cutscenes and 8 hours of gameplay..Rhys555
Kojima hired a editor to specifically cut the scenes down. Owned ;)
actually you kinda owned yourself, you just prooved him right
[QUOTE="Rhys555"][QUOTE="-wii60-"]Oh like im going to die for just 1 game :roll: , i bet that is 40 hours of cutscenes and 8 hours of gameplay..-wii60-
Kojima hired a editor to specifically cut the scenes down. Owned ;)
Oooo a stalker :lol:...i'm banned from 8)
[QUOTE="KGB32"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]The lemmings have been owned 8)Rhys555
i hope you know that your loyalty to a machine( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy PS stuff) and bashing other machines ( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy their stuff) gets you nothing...right? except exclusive stuff for you to buy...
The hell are you talking about? Sony lookms after my well being by supplying me with top of the range gamer machines. RELIABLE, gaming machines 8)
Sony's history of faulty hardware is well known. You obviously are just trolling or are truely clueless. Loyalty to 1 company you DON'T work for is just plain stupid. Have fun playing ONLY Sony games while the rest of us enjoy ALL games.
Id rather have faulty hardware that is repaired for free under warranty than crappy software that will never be fixed, and a lack of good games. Ooo good games are coming ... but the back cateloge of good games on the 'faulty hardware' far aoutweighs the stuff to come.
If I wanted to watch a movie with game cut scenes, i'd go buy an arcade of dragon's lair. I don't think MGS will be as big a hit as sony fans want it to be. Hell, i hate Halo 3, but even IT sold amazing compared to any sony game.
[QUOTE="KGB32"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]The lemmings have been owned 8)Rhys555
i hope you know that your loyalty to a machine( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy PS stuff) and bashing other machines ( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy their stuff) gets you nothing...right? except exclusive stuff for you to buy...
The hell are you talking about? Sony lookms after my well being by supplying me with top of the range gamer machines. RELIABLE, gaming machines 8)
Reliable? As if... I've heard many a people tell me they've had to have theier PS3's fixed by Sony. Even to the point of Sony telling them they have to take the console back to where they bought it and have them deal with it. Sony doesn't make reliable hardware, they just haven't had as much trouble this gen as Microsoft has... or as they have in the previous 2 generations.
[QUOTE="KGB32"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]The lemmings have been owned 8)Rhys555
i hope you know that your loyalty to a machine( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy PS stuff) and bashing other machines ( made by a company who has no idea who you are, NOR care for your well long as you buy their stuff) gets you nothing...right? except exclusive stuff for you to buy...
The hell are you talking about? Sony lookms after my well being by supplying me with top of the range gamer machines. RELIABLE, gaming machines 8)
i meant physical well being....
[QUOTE="Rhys555"][QUOTE="-wii60-"]Oh like im going to die for just 1 game :roll: , i bet that is 40 hours of cutscenes and 8 hours of gameplay..stika
Kojima hired a editor to specifically cut the scenes down. Owned ;)
actually you kinda owned yourself, you just prooved him right
the game looks horrible! the last pics are very bad. it looks a ps2 game!!
[QUOTE="stika"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]If it did, it would take up 4 disc's :lol:
how is that a bad thing? :|
but yes i dont see it coming to the 360 either
It'll be the first 360 game to use multiple discs for one game.
Lost odyssey/Blue Dragon
[QUOTE="stika"][QUOTE="Rhys555"][QUOTE="-wii60-"]Oh like im going to die for just 1 game :roll: , i bet that is 40 hours of cutscenes and 8 hours of gameplay..PAL360
Kojima hired a editor to specifically cut the scenes down. Owned ;)
actually you kinda owned yourself, you just prooved him right
the game looks horrible! the last pics are very bad. it looks a ps2 game!!
... You're kidding right? Wow some people can be so pathetically attached to their one console. I'll find someone religious person to pray for your soul. It's the least I could do.
I've asked this question on all 5 of the MGS4 threads on this form and not one person will responed with an me where its on 50 gb discs :P
its on a 25gb disc like all PS3 games unless it has been stated, as 25GB is the standard for the PS3 Games.
On Topic: I have a PS3 and I'm glad it's still an exculsive because since November, 26. 2006 I've been disappointed with the exclusives on the PS3 so far.
Uncharted was ok but not the block buster I wanted.
Havenly Sword was not my kinda game.
Didn't try Lair.
so on and so fourth.
Anyway, I'll wait till I hear that MGS4 is on 50gigs
i'm not even speculating about the prospect of MGS4 on 360, but cows shouldn't be so sure of this multiple disks business
games have had multiple disks before, so it could happen again with games needing loads of space
M$ could still be willing to spend money bribing konami to bring MGS4 out on 360 on 4+ disks than have the game remain a PS3 exclusive
as for why the game is so big, several sources have mentioned this lossless high-def audio .. i'm sure konami could compress it etc to reduce the total game size .. kojima prob wouldn't like it, but then again, he wouldn't like a 360 port to begin with
If it did, it would take up 4 disc's :lol:
Thats if, gmasters thread/source is to be believed, the game is having disc issues on a 50 GB disc.
US/Europe Metal Gear Solid 4 Won't Have Japanese Track
They are using a 50GB Blu-ray disc and they are having disc space issues!
Sorry lemmings, you ain't getting it 8)
Why are threads still being made about this? Hasn't this already been established like 10,000x's now? MGS4 isn't coming to XBox 360. This was a given a long time ago. Hideo isn't making anymore MGS games after this. So even if a new one was to be made, it wouldn't come from the original creator. :roll: So please close these threads.
This is like saying Gears of War 2 or Super Mario Galaxy is coming to the PS3. Sorry cows, you ain't getting it either. :P
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="Franky-the-bat"]The sad thing is it would probably sell better on 360 anyway.stika
In America, yes. Worldwide, no. Devil May Cry for proof.
i thought devil may cry in Europe sold better on the 360 ?
The PS3 I think has a slight edge. It's pretty even in Europe. In the U.S. DMC is selling almost 2:1 on the 360 -vs- the PS3. Kind of makes sense though since there are 11 million 360's sold in U.S. and only 4 million PS3's. Those numbers really don't surprise me.
Why is this being argued again? Konami has stated over and over again that MGS4 is a PS3 exclusive. Until Konami says otherwise, this is not to be debated and there shouldn't even be any topics on whether or not it's going to the Xbox 360.
take away DMC4 and GTA IV regular Playstation exclusive 360 really be in trouble only reason microsoft selling a few console now is cause of theses games hmm 360 got a long summer ahead of them no exclusives till fall LOL PS3 MLB the Show March
GT5 April HAZe in MAY MGS4 and MEtal Gear Online in JUNE Killzone in the fall Littlebigplanet in august Fall Resistance 2 in the fall O yeah Fianl Fantasy in December i luv having alot of ps3 exclusive the whole year o yea 09 is Ps3 year to LOL god of war 3 zone of the enders 3 the gateway 3 final fantasy vs XII afika Angel Rings FreeRealms MMO the agency MMO dc unversie MMO
If it did, it would take up 4 disc's :lol:
Thats if, gmasters thread/source is to be believed, the game is having disc issues on a 50 GB disc.
US/Europe Metal Gear Solid 4 Won't Have Japanese Track
They are using a 50GB Blu-ray disc and they are having disc space issues!
Sorry lemmings, you ain't getting it 8)
so what if it's 4 discs? it didn't stop LO from being a great game.
[QUOTE="stika"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]If it did, it would take up 4 disc's :lol:
how is that a bad thing? :|
but yes i dont see it coming to the 360 either
It'll be the first 360 game to use multiple discs for one game.
The first? *looks at LO and BD* Hmm, the first you say?
If it did, it would take up 4 disc's :lol:
Thats if, gmasters thread/source is to be believed, the game is having disc issues on a 50 GB disc.
US/Europe Metal Gear Solid 4 Won't Have Japanese Track
They are using a 50GB Blu-ray disc and they are having disc space issues!
Sorry lemmings, you ain't getting it 8)
i'm sure it would be much smaller with compressed assets like most games have. KOTOR would have needed Bluray too it all the dialog was 7.1 and uncompressed.
If it did, it would take up 4 disc's :lol:
Thats if, gmasters thread/source is to be believed, the game is having disc issues on a 50 GB disc.
US/Europe Metal Gear Solid 4 Won't Have Japanese Track
They are using a 50GB Blu-ray disc and they are having disc space issues!
Sorry lemmings, you ain't getting it 8)
you seem to be forgetting one VERY important thing though. The 360 can handle compressed data FAR better then the PS3. MGS4 is all uncompressed data for textures and audio. The 360 could handle this game easily and it'd be a hard pressed task, but could easily fit on one disc with proper compression.take away DMC4 and GTA IV regular Playstation exclusive 360 really be in trouble only reason microsoft selling a few console now is cause of theses games hmm 360 got a long summer ahead of them no exclusives till fall LOL PS3 MLB the Show March
GT5 April HAZe in MAY MGS4 and MEtal Gear Online in JUNE Killzone in the fall Littlebigplanet in august Fall Resistance 2 in the fall O yeah Fianl Fantasy in December i luv having alot of ps3 exclusive the whole year o yea 09 is Ps3 year to LOL god of war 3 zone of the enders 3 the gateway 3 final fantasy vs XII afika Angel Rings FreeRealms MMO the agency MMO dc unversie MMO
o.O? Wow...
WOW! so much crap and not one of those interest me in the slightest. Can't say the 360 line up impresses me either though. 07 was a fantastic year for games and I plan on catching up during 08.take away DMC4 and GTA IV regular Playstation exclusive 360 really be in trouble only reason microsoft selling a few console now is cause of theses games hmm 360 got a long summer ahead of them no exclusives till fall LOL PS3 MLB the Show March
GT5 April HAZe in MAY MGS4 and MEtal Gear Online in JUNE Killzone in the fall Littlebigplanet in august Fall Resistance 2 in the fall O yeah Fianl Fantasy in December i luv having alot of ps3 exclusive the whole year o yea 09 is Ps3 year to LOL god of war 3 zone of the enders 3 the gateway 3 final fantasy vs XII afika Angel Rings FreeRealms MMO the agency MMO dc unversie MMO
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