Its over 9000!
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I fail to see the relevance to system wars, but I do prefer windows 7 over vista, just an overall cleaner operating system.Diviniuzneither do I.
Is this suppose to be pwnage against consoles? Only thing I see is massive pwnage against Apple.
Well, Mac will never sell as much as Win, i think that is no surprise, it's a shame because it's a fine product too, i hope i can buy a MacBook later this year.
I only tried Vista at work, never had it on my PC because i though it was awful, and i was (and still) loyal to XP, however, i have to admit that Win 7 is quite good, and i haven't had much of a problem with it, so yeah, i'm a proud member of those 90 000 000.
This doesn't have much relevance on System Wars (on OS wars yes) but i do agree that Windows 7 is a great OS.
i second that. in fact im enjoying using it right now...i only use my vista notebook now to umm......hmm.....come to think of it i DONT use that notebook anymore. this is 10 times the computer that one isGood for them. Windows 7 is a great OS.
Its over 9000!
How is this related to SW, what's next how many Sony Bravia's were sold? :P
Where are all those Vista lovers now?
How NDP sales are related to SW. How PS3 hardware sales related to SW. what's next pspgo sold only 500 :P[QUOTE="Instashot"],9792.html
Its over 9000!
How is this related to SW, what's next how many Sony Bravia's were sold? :P
Where are all those Vista lovers now?
Isn't it related because the PC is a gaming platform and Window's 7 is one of the operating system a lot of those games are running on ?
Hmm 90,000,000 copies lets compare that to the millions of copies that were probably pirated.EXLINKLicenses sold. You could download a pirate copy and unlock it with a license.... and there was the build of it that was free for quite a while, even after release. I think various cheap licensing initiatives is one reason sales have been this large.
Feel free to spend 2-3 times more for an apple product.[QUOTE="RedruM_I"]Microsoft = monopoly = sucks.htekemerald
This along with apple's patents, which is pretty much causing a monopoly for furture tech. Just looking at the list is pretty painfull thinking they could get away with that,
Is this suppose to be pwnage against consoles? Only thing I see is massive pwnage against Apple.
Well, Mac will never sell as much as Win, i think that is no surprise, it's a shame because it's a fine product too, i hope i can buy a MacBook later this year.
I only tried Vista at work, never had it on my PC because i though it was awful, and i was (and still) loyal to XP, however, i have to admit that Win 7 is quite good, and i haven't had much of a problem with it, so yeah, i'm a proud member of those 90 000 000.
Mac books are awful, buy a superior laptop for half the price.,9792.html
Its over 9000!
No wonder Mac are such haters. They cant be stopped. Mac got what its deserves for putting money into hating another company so much and look at the results at the end of the day.I fail to see the relevance to system wars, but I do prefer windows 7 over vista, just an overall cleaner operating system.DiviniuzIts boasting M$, so it warranted. I am one of those chumps, I say chumps because I still have to dual boot XP to play many games.
I fail to see the relevance to system wars, but I do prefer windows 7 over vista, just an overall cleaner operating system.DiviniuzPC is teh best selling system of the generation in like half a year! Consoles got owned definitely for sure! Happy now?
[QUOTE="Diviniuz"]I fail to see the relevance to system wars, but I do prefer windows 7 over vista, just an overall cleaner operating system.bobbetybobPC is teh best selling system of the generation in like half a year! Consoles got owned definitely for sure! Happy now? It's over 9000000000! And since this is called System Wars I'll just say Mac fails hard.
Windows 7 sucks... Still using XP.
Waiting for a better OS... Something that doesn't bury my system tools in 500 pages of crap and have a ton of issues with games that arnt even 2 years old.
"Windows 7, is not my idea".
The OS uses the RAM simply because it's FASTER than using the HDD. Don't bash the OS because you can't figure out how to run the game :roll: System Tools is pretty much the same. Haters have to switch by 2014 anyway when security updates are dead for XP.X360PS3AMD05
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Yes, System tools are just about the same. The only difference is they are harder to find. Instead of 2-3 clicks. 7 makes you do 4-6+ clicks.
I could care less if they stop making security updates. I don't get them often and I never had a problem. If you are careless then you will.
Feel free to spend 2-3 times more for an apple product.[QUOTE="htekemerald"]
[QUOTE="RedruM_I"]Microsoft = monopoly = sucks.hkmp5a2
This along with apple's patents, which is pretty much causing a monopoly for furture tech. Just looking at the list is pretty painfull thinking they could get away with that,
How about M$ patents? I don't like Apple but at least they are not trying to make up patents for stuff that isn't theirs.
When will Microsoft sue Google over Linux?
Woo, Windows 7 is def win. I even like the fact that I got Ultimate for like 8 bucks :PsiLVURcrossI got it free for throwing a windows 7 party! :P
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