And Cows NEVER hide behind the PC :lol: Go check the last time I played a game on the 360. It must be really hard for your tiny brain to accept someone criticizing the PS4...clyde46
Yes but not like you..And sure you haven't play anything for 360 in a long time the damn console is game less this year,the last exclusive was Gears and sucked badly.
Dude you are a lemming who hide under a PC be proud at least most cows don't deny been one,you remind me of Tess he go all the time hyping PC as the most powerful but only on PS4 threads,when an xbox one thread pops you see him defending the xbox one which is even weaker,remember what i told you about hypocrite arguments,so dishing the PS4 graphics oh the PS4 can't do 1080p 60FPS when the xbox one can even less is a joke,because i never see you claiming it for the xbox one..
Hell Forza 5 had to fake effect to hit 1080p 60FPS is basically a last gen game in 1080p,but some how that doesn't bother you,because it fix well with PC mentality,where you give up resolution and visuals and detail in the search for more frames,PC gamers are not so different from console one,the only difference is that we got a closed code that can't be change,while you get to downgrade graphics if you feel that your game is not running at 60 FPS,i my self don't care for 60FPS,most games on consoles are always 30.
And the fun part is that the highest rated games this pass 20 years are consoles games,hell 3 are from Nintendo so you can't imagine why console gamers are not kill by running games at 30fps.
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