@goldenelementxl said:
@Antwan3K said:
the PC gamers who see the value in Game Pass are supporting the Microsoft Store via their subscriptions..
the PC gamers who prefer Steam are paying full retail prices for 1st party Xbox Games Studios titles..
this has been the case for a long time now, with games like Halo: MCC, Sea of Thieves, Gears 5, Gears Tactics, and more.. this isn't new and sounds more like "the best of both worlds" rather than "money left on the table".. care to elaborate?..
Forza Horizon 4 came out over 2 years ago. The game will likely hit the "best sellers" list on Steam when it releases there. That means there's likely 100K+ people that will rather pay for FH4 than subscribe to Game Pass or buy the game on the Microsoft store. The "money left on the table" refers to all those sales that could have happened in 2018... And the game being on Steam at launch would have more sales potential that it will over 2 years later. And is the game selling at $60 on Steam?
These moves to put games on Steam is showing us that the games aren't doing the numbers they want them to on Game Pass or the Microsoft Store. So now Xbox is willing to bring in less revenue in order to get more eyes on the game. Why not just launch on Steam day 1? This continues to be a trend all these years later. Game Pass and Microsoft Store aren't making any meaningful penetration on PC. Especially when a single Switch game can bring in more revenue that all Xbox first party games AND subscription revenue COMBINED on PC AND consoles.
wow, you're really reaching with this one..
not every game released day one in Steam.. in fact, a lot have launched in Steam retroactively simply because those games released before Microsoft started supporting Steam as a standard.. what's most important is that all current and future Xbox Games Studios titles are releasing into Steam day-and-date alongside Microsoft Store on PC and console.. which means there's no "money left on the table" and destroys the entire premise of your "concern"..
so tell me, is Sony leaving "money on the table" by not supporting Steam on day one with their software?..
if yes, then why are you trying to critique Microsoft on this issue when they are the only ones actually putting their games on Steam day-one?.. if no, then please explain why only Microsoft is "leaving money on the table" by putting Forza Horizon 4 on Steam years after release but Sony somehow isn't when they put Horizon: Zero Dawn on Steam years after its release as well?..
as far as Nintendo is concerned, they aren't competing directly with either Microsoft or Sony.. not sure why you're having such a hard time with this simple truth.. they are doing their own thing with a completely different strategy..
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