So you didn't like the PS3 and it's forced BR player? Don't be a hypocrite now. BR was forced and wasn't needed for gaming at all. Sony trojan horsed it in to get a movie format in so HD-DVDs didn't take over. It was the worst choice for gaming they could have done and it showed in the mando installs and redundant data filled discs.
Have to remember cows don't like change, Same reason they stuck with the 20 year old controller. Options are bad according to cows. It's better to limit your optionts than to give you plenty of them.
Blu ray is so bad, not need for gaming, MS includes in next system. Another copy. :lol: selfown. Stop crying because hddvd lost, get over it xbox fan MS fails. Metal Gear Solid 4 is still not on xbox, next system has blu ray and MGS5 multiplat LOL. Cows do not like change, yet every system introduce new format to console gaming, introduce camera gaming two generation ago, wide variety of game genre instead of fps, dudebro shooter, and sports. Can use old headset, can shoose to play download or disc. Many option for sony gamer. Option are bad according to lemrat, MS is daddy and he know best, why he doesn't allow use old camera mic, doesn't allow to play old game on new system with cloud, force camera on you even if do not want, does not trust you to play 24hr without check inwith mommy and daddy on internet, try to force DRM and take away used game because you are not intellegent to choose for yourself.Please do not cry xbox fan.I said for the PS3 it wasn't needed. The games didn't require such a large disc and BR player with such slow read speeds that the disc were filled with redundant data and had to be installed. You can't really be this stupid can you?
BR will most likely be needed for this gen and the read speeds have vastly improved over the PS3s.
They're coming out with an adapter that allows you to use the headset but either way i don't care about that. Wtf do you mean "can shoose to play download or disc"? What options do you have as a Sony gamer?
Why would you want to use and inferior version of the camera if kinect 2.0 is vaslty superior in every way possible? How would that make any sense?
Dumb@ss the 24 hour check in is no longer in effect remember? You going to complain now because it WAS a feature at one time but no longer is?
WTF does DRM have to do with choosing or intelligence? Even with the DRM you could still trade in your games, at designated stores, or buy a used game. You obviously have no idea what DRM is.
Wasn't needed, yet still no MGS4. own. How can you claim Blu ray pack in is bad, yet kinect is good. One is useful for media system(this why MS copy and include) other is spy camera that most gamer do not want. Now MS make you buy adapter to use old headset, let me guess, they choose what adapter you can use? Special made nickel and dime, like plug and play because using old AA battery in controller. I list option for sony gamer, many more option than xbox gamer. Xbox gamer can choose to play disc offline no DRM thanks to sony competition. Oh wait, still have to check in with with daddy MS to play forza first time. Why do I have to use camera at all? Many will not, because they will buy the superior console. Calling such name only reveals your low intellect and weakness. You are frustrate and cannot debate. 24hr check is no longer there because complaints and competition and bad preorder sale. Does not change fact that daddy MS try to make decision for you. No option as xbox gamer, MS make all decision for you because blind follower. LMAO "designated stores." Now MS choose for you what stores you shop at. Lemrat really do blindly follow daddy MS. :lol:
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