And again...This forum isn't my life and I could give 2 left ones about what people think. And now, I'm done with this thread and going to watch the Sunset Overdrive gameplay trailers over at IGN. Ciao
This topic is locked from further discussion.
And again...This forum isn't my life and I could give 2 left ones about what people think. And now, I'm done with this thread and going to watch the Sunset Overdrive gameplay trailers over at IGN. Ciao
The part of this claim that amuses me the most is the one about Epic making a game for X1 based on the Samaritan demo. That demo was made as a plea for 2.5 tflops consoles and X1 is only half of that.
That list sucks so its probably real. Ryse 2 as their lead game is pure comedy. More HaloForzaCOD and not much else.
Had me going til the Watchdogs lead platform BS. So fake it's hilarious! No one switches lead platform months before release.
I think you mean The Division. Still bogus, you don't switch lead this late in the game development, but let's get the game right. Watchdogs will be out by the time of E3 :).
Why not? We haven't seen much of the game anyways and I don't remember any lead platform being announced for the game.
It's pretty common to have the weakest platform as lead anyways. It will make it easier to have a universal framework. If it works on the weakest console, it will work on the stronger ones (PS4 and then PC).
and it's Ubisoft.
Sounds too good to be true, whereas the Sony fake list sounded horrible.
A secret Platinum Games game has me intrigued though, hope that bit is true no matter what system it ends up on. Best of wishes to Quantum Break, though it's sad to hear it's a planned trilogy... guess they'll never get back to reviving Alan Wake. New Games With Gold model seems to be stepping up their game, that alone makes me too suspicious that this is even real.
Highly believable because of the wow factor. They are aiming to blow Sony off the stage this year and if both leaks are true, Sony doesn't stand a chance.
Oh and cows immediately DC'ing a rumor is just classic.
Probably fake, but my God if it wasn't. There's alot of details here. The person who wrote this will either be proven a troll or one hell of a insider. Id say 50% is very likely.
That list sucks so its probably real. Ryse 2 as their lead game is pure comedy. More HaloForzaCOD and not much else.
Clueless troll opinions don't count on SW. lol!! You hate everything XB1 & XB1 games, so no one should take anything you say seriously. Especially since you don't own one.
Sunset Overdrive already looks incredible and the gameplay looks fun. There's more to come.
Had me going til the Watchdogs lead platform BS. So fake it's hilarious! No one switches lead platform months before release.
I think you mean The Division. Still bogus, you don't switch lead this late in the game development, but let's get the game right. Watchdogs will be out by the time of E3 :).
Why not? We haven't seen much of the game anyways and I don't remember any lead platform being announced for the game.
It's pretty common to have the weakest platform as lead anyways. It will make it easier to have a universal framework. If it works on the weakest console, it will work on the stronger ones (PS4 and then PC).
and it's Ubisoft.
Fairly certain the PC was announced as the lead platform for The Division very early on, Using the weakest version as the lead platform as makes zeros sense when all 3 platforms share similar architecture. Start with high end PCs then PS4 and finally Xbone. All you have to do is remove or tone down features using this approach.
This was posted yesterday or the day before.
It was locked for being a blog/untrusted source.
it was my thread and why isn't this locked yet
so my thread on this gets lock due to a blog but this doesn't?
Peculiar. I remember your thread and I may have even posted in it. Yes, I did, I spoke of Phantom Dust. I was sad to see my post wasted.
Ah well, I'm not sure what's up with the mods.
"Epic will be there to unveil their new game base on the Samaritan demo from 2012. This will be XBOX ONE EXCLUSIVE as Microsoft is the publisher. Possibly the best looking game of this generation."
This proves this is fake. Epic stated you need a 2.5 tflop machine to run this properly. We all know the Xbox One is 1.1156739 tflops minus the 13.4414% reservation.
Mods lock this down. We are being trolled by some blogger.
People need to give up on Crackdown 3 coming out anytime soon. If it's announced at E3 next month, I'll eat my words but honestly, I don't expect to be.
That's all we heard last year. *preparation for E3* "Crackdown 3! Announce it, Microsoft!" *nothing announced* "Don't worry! There's always Gamescom" *nothing announced* "Maybe it'll happen?" *Phil Spencer pretty much confirms it's not in development* "Naaaaah, they're just pulling our leg. It's definitely in development." Same with Crash Bandicoot rebooted by Sony. It's not gonna happen.
Some of that list, I can definitely see happening. e.g. Forza Horizon 2 and Halo 2 Anniversary are all but confirmed. I can see Ryse 2 happening as well. Same as plenty of the other games but Epic's new title is published by Microsoft? Bull. Hell, I doubt we'll even see their new title at E3 (what ever happened to Fortnite anyway?) Also, the Phantom Dust prequel has as much chance of happening as a Legend of Dragoon remake has of happening: 0%. Neither Microsoft nor Sony really seem that interested in reviving dead IPs that barely made a splash back in the day (no offense; they were both great games).
"The secret Japanese game is coming from Platinum Games and is a Viewtiful Joe like action- beat em up. Codename is "RugPuddle". This is part one of a multiple game deal with Microsoft to publish other titles in the future."
Please no no no no no no. I don't want to have to buy an Xbone.
Why is this thread open and the other one was closed? Anyway, I hope these leaks aren't legit. Otherwise, I'm not purchasing a console for a very long time :/
Just like sonys list this is very fake.
I think a lot of these "leaked E3" things take a bit from the rumor mill which is eventually proven true and a bunch of rumblings from the forums.
Either way some stuff on these lists I would say is true and most of it is bull pop.
haha that list is bs, both "leaks" are obviously fake, but this one more so, only fanboys would think there is any kind of truth in it
Hey lemmings: if you're going to fake a leaks list to keep each others peckers up, it's useful to include the most obvious thing that will be there: a price cut.
Fake, fake, fake. And if it isn't: Ryse 2, CGI trailers and rehashes means that Sony wins E3.
LOL - Achieved with Hidden GPU + DX12 + Cloud power amirite?
Who wrote this list? That insider guy?
@shawn30: Yeah the more I think about it, it is a incomplete list or fake. Not a mention of State of Decay (which we have heard another one was in the works) and no Minecraft X1 version. Notch said a while ago that they were close to completing the X1 version a while ago. So hopefully there is more surprises!
After playing Ryse on the hardest setting. I just don't see how the game scored a 4. I would give it a fun 7.0-7.5. I only paid 29.99. I had fun.
The production values alone make a 4 seem low.
I've actually grown to appreciate it more myself.
Ryse is definitely a 7 game. It could have been a really good game with more variety. This is something they could fix with a version two, especially since they don't have to fight against retooling for a different console and one with developing specs.
Hey lemmings: if you're going to fake a leaks list to keep each others peckers up, it's useful to include the most obvious thing that will be there: a price cut.
Fake, fake, fake. And if it isn't: Ryse 2, CGI trailers and rehashes means that Sony wins E3.
Sony is the CGI king. The leaked list of them included a lot of 2015 titles, you'll see it's all CGI.
Yeah, the fake leaked list of rehashes and borderline indie stuff you'll get whiplash over raving about.
Can't wait for all those CGI trailers at E3 with MS, Halo 5, Fable Legends, Gears 4 and those other 2016 games they have to announce very early too.
Even the fake games lists for Xbone look shitty lol
Get back under your bridge troll.
My question to everyone is doesn't anyone find this a little suspect?
Literally coming out right after sonys "leaked" E3 list.
This was posted yesterday or the day before.
It was locked for being a blog/untrusted source.
None of the sources are truly trusted, so they would need to lock all of them if that's the case. That's why I said this is all just rumors. I never saw many of the Thuway or CBoat leaks locked. They aren't trusted sources either.
so my thread on this gets lock due to a blog but this doesn't?
I'm the man.
haha that list is bs, both "leaks" are obviously fake, but this one more so, only fanboys would think there is any kind of truth in it
I've gotta find the Sony fake leaked list so I can save it. Then see if any of this crap turns out to be true when the E3 conference happens. Then I will do a new thread with the leaks and show everyone what was TRUE and what was FAKE. Should be fun and great for discussion.
A game that will be shown this E3 will be the best looking game for the REST fo the generation? Okay. this is even more suspsect than Sony's leak.
When have E3 leaks ever been correct? If MS conference even gets close to this leak than holy shit it's going to be one of the best conference evaaar! but I know it won't happen.....
They have a LOT to show which is why Sunset Overdrive was already revealed. Phil Spencer said there will be leaked info before the E3 because they don't have enough time to show everything at the E3. Sunset Overdrive is just the start.
"The secret Japanese game is coming from Platinum Games and is a Viewtiful Joe like action- beat em up. Codename is "RugPuddle". This is part one of a multiple game deal with Microsoft to publish other titles in the future."
I would cry if this is true
After playing Ryse on the hardest setting. I just don't see how the game scored a 4. I would give it a fun 7.0-7.5. I only paid 29.99. I had fun.
The production values alone make a 4 seem low.
I've actually grown to appreciate it more myself.
Ryse is definitely a 7 game. It could have been a really good game with more variety. This is something they could fix with a version two, especially since they don't have to fight against retooling for a different console and one with developing specs.
I'll go with a 6. I applaud Crytek for branching out, no doubt. I really wish devs would do so more. I knew they could make FPS games. Now with some work, hopefully they can get a better 3 person hack n slash out. Wish Bungie and Valve would try something other than FPS again.
Not sure what's with all these leaks before the E3, but it'll be interesting to see if any of this turns out to be true or not. So take everything as a rumor for now. Enjoy
On the DL. This info comes from the highest source and contains near full details of Microsoft E3 2014 conference. I have had corroborations from a number of sources to its legitimacy:
The Division (Xbox One is now lead platform)
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Fallout 4
EA game (not specified here)
Exclusive/Timed DLC on all.
That's all.
lol, now let's compare this to the Sony e3 leaked list.
Ryse 2
Forza Horizon 2
Halo 2: Anniversary
Halo 5 will get its release date
re-boot of Battletoads and Perfect Dark. BT will initially be a download only title
Fable Legends
Phantom Dust : Sacrifice. The game will be episodic in nature.
Quantum Break
Sunset Overdrive
Twisted Pixel will reveal their next digital game
Platform Next Games is a new studio. They will be presenting an unnamed tech demo based on an upcoming project
Crackdown: Skyline
WOW what a great looking line up of games huh lems? *scarcasm*
Haha lems were saying the PS4 line up was disappointing? LMFAO. Look at this bone list, even for a fake hype dream list lt looks sad. Lems acting like they are excited to see such a pathetic fake list? Oh wow, now let's revisit the PS4 e3 leak games (also probably fake) to see how it stacks up.
God of War
Syphon Filter
Last Guardian
New RPG IP from Guerrilla
Heavenly Sword
Uncharted (time travel?)
Gran Turismo 7
New IP from Media Molecule
New IP from Quantic Dreams
TLOU PS4 GOTY complete
The Order
New IP from Sony London
Project Beast (SCJ & From Software)
Damn, almost any one of these games would flatten the xbone list. It's not even a close comparison.
lol, which list looks disappointing again lems? Lems in here actually have the nerve to say the bone list looks amazing when saying the PS4 list looked bad, just wow.
*awaits butthurt and damage control from lems and fakeboy herms*
Highly believable because of the wow factor. They are aiming to blow Sony off the stage this year and if both leaks are true, Sony doesn't stand a chance.
Oh and cows immediately DC'ing a rumor is just classic.
Sony's Leak has lots of sequels and reboots for the most part.
Uncharted, Syphon Filter, Heaven Sword, God of War, GT7, Wipeout, TLOU. They have The Order & DriveClub which were announced almost a year ago and won't be out until fall. We know nothing about the New IPs or when those will be released. Probably 2016 knowing Sony.
You also missed several things on the XB1 leak.
Good Science Stuidio Kinect game.
Platform Next Games tech demo for a new game.
Black Tusk new Gears game.
Lift London 2 projects.
Platinum Games Japan game.
I don't see either list being much better then the other. Both seem to have lots of sequels or reboots as well as several new IPs. I'm pretty sure some of the things on these lists will show up at the E3.
This was posted yesterday or the day before.
It was locked for being a blog/untrusted source.
None of the sources are truly trusted, so they would need to lock all of them if that's the case. That's why I said this is all just rumors. I never saw many of the Thuway or CBoat leaks locked. They aren't trusted sources either.
Firstly, some sources of rumors are more trusted than others. Not every rumor is equal. That's not the issue though, I actually don't care about the rumor, every year for over a decade E3 rumors pop up. However, if someone creates a thread and it gets locked for being a very poor blog source, then that standard should be maintained. My issue is community standards, not the rumors themselves. The other guy used the exact same link and said they were rumors.
That thread seems to also have been purged and the locking moderator said that this random internet blogger was a poor source and locked it. Then you used the same source and created a new thread in the same fashion as the last thread a day or two later.
It seems to me you are saying that other thread shouldn't have been locked.
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