Microsoft: go ask konami about xbox mgs4

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#51 -eitch8
Member since 2008 • 176 Posts

this is really getting pathetic. mgs4 will not go to 360. SE was different because they were never exclusivly on the ps brand only.

micrsoft litteraly cant come up with anything on their own. they took ff 13 because they had nothing else. only a gears sequal and a fable sequal that everyone already knew about. the new dashboard is copied from apples coverflow, and the new avatars are copies of the miis, and b.anjo kazooie just came from nintendo. microsft is loosing and thats why they keep stealing things

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#52 pappa-ray
Member since 2008 • 174 Posts

Kojima Is loyal to Sony

there wont be 360 mgs4


If he is loyal to Sony, then why did he make games for Nintendo first. The same could be said about Square, and we all know how that turned out.

um........cause the nintendo was the only game console out at the 1990.........and square soft for the most part shifted to sony in the 90's cause nintendo wouldnt adopt the cd format...restricting development and no allowing them to create the cinematic games they wanted to such as final fantasy 7-9.

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#53 Pariah_001
Member since 2003 • 4850 Posts
[QUOTE="Pariah_001"][QUOTE="yanni1"]yeah, just like square?

oh.. my bad


Square has never been strictly loyal to Sony.

And Konami is..?

Where did I imply Konami was loyal.

Reading comprehension is your friend.

Please to note however that Hideo Kojima is not the kind of man to reneg. While neither Konami nor him are loyal to Sony, there's very little chance Konami's gonna go over his head and port the game.

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#54 readingfc_1
Member since 2004 • 2548 Posts

Kojima Is loyal to Sony


Thats why MGS was on the PC? Thats why MGS2 was on the X-box and PC? Thats why MGS TTS was on the Gamecube? Thats why Metal Gear: Ghost Bable was on the Gameboy Color? Thats why the entire boktai series was on the GBA and Nintendo DS?

I agree that MGS4 will likely never apear on the 360, but I wouldnt say it's because Kojima is loyal.

Yeah that probably explains why MGS3 went to the Xbo--oh wait....

Sorry, I just had to do that :P

It didn't go to the Xbox because of the awful sales of MGS2. The control system was so bad.

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#55 AlphaGamer469
Member since 2008 • 1881 Posts

I don't think MS went out of their way to acquire FFXIII, I think they just lucked out from SE's new multiplat strategy.

It's really up to Konami and it is possible, although I'd say a PC release is more likely.


No...SE must have been paid, cause they put off all their other projects (FFXIII versus), just to begin porting code? If they were smart they would work their buts off to finish FFXIII and finish Versus, but their must have been a huge lump sum that Microsoft paid to SE.

When yopu can provide more proof then your fanboy rants then post it .

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#56 readingfc_1
Member since 2004 • 2548 Posts

this is really getting pathetic. mgs4 will not go to 360. SE was different because they were never exclusivly on the ps brand only.

micrsoft litteraly cant come up with anything on their own. they took ff 13 because they had nothing else. only a gears sequal and a fable sequal that everyone already knew about. the new dashboard is copied from apples coverflow, and the new avatars are copies of the miis, and b.anjo kazooie just came from nintendo. microsft is loosing and thats why they keep stealing things


As appose to Sony who had loads of new stuff to tell us about. I'm so excited about that fat woman game ;) Anyway, the only really exciting game announced (although not really a suprise) was God of War 3. On the subject of Microsoft copying, everyone copies each other. I could site a fair few things that Sony have copied from other companies.

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#57 xxThyLordxx
Member since 2007 • 3200 Posts
did you guys not watch the conference. Sony's Jack confirmed that MGS 4 aint going nowhere.
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#58 AlphaGamer469
Member since 2008 • 1881 Posts

did you guys not watch the conference. Sony's Jack confirmed that MGS 4 aint going nowhere.xxThyLordxx

People missed it because Sony's conference was a snoozefest...

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#59 AlphaGamer469
Member since 2008 • 1881 Posts
Why pine over this game anyway? The 360m gamer cares more about playing a game then watching it. MGS4 going on the 360 would just be used for ownage then anything. ^ jours of gameplay whoopee...
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#61 the_dark-knight
Member since 2007 • 455 Posts

I don't think MS went out of their way to acquire FFXIII, I think they just lucked out from SE's new multiplat strategy.

It's really up to Konami and it is possible, although I'd say a PC release is more likely.


No...SE must have been paid, cause they put off all their other projects (FFXIII versus), just to begin porting code? If they were smart they would work their buts off to finish FFXIII and finish Versus, but their must have been a huge lump sum that Microsoft paid to SE.

When yopu can provide more proof then your fanboy rants then post it .

How does that make me a fanboy? Look at the facts: Microsoft paid Take 2 for exclusive content, they paid Epic to keep Gears 1 and 2 exclusive, and they also bought Bungie (which Bungie later bought themselves back). If you are so ignorant to believe SE is dumb to just (out of the blue) start making FF for M$, than you are really dumb. And don't call me a fanboy cause I make an educated guess (which is more than likely true).

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#62 AlphaGamer469
Member since 2008 • 1881 Posts

I don't think MS went out of their way to acquire FFXIII, I think they just lucked out from SE's new multiplat strategy.

It's really up to Konami and it is possible, although I'd say a PC release is more likely.


No...SE must have been paid, cause they put off all their other projects (FFXIII versus), just to begin porting code? If they were smart they would work their buts off to finish FFXIII and finish Versus, but their must have been a huge lump sum that Microsoft paid to SE.

When yopu can provide more proof then your fanboy rants then post it .

How does that make me a fanboy? Look at the facts: Microsoft paid Take 2 for exclusive content, they paid Unreal to keep Gears 1 and 2 exclusive, and they also bought Bungie (which Bungie later bought themselves back). If you are so ignorant to believe SE is dumb to just (out of the blue) start making FF for M$, than you are really dumb. And don't call me a fanboy cause I make an educated guess (which is more than likely true).

You have no proof, just your educated guess? SE just saw the light or realized 360 was a smarter choice. Give it up until you can prove otherwise...

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#63 Asim90
Member since 2005 • 3692 Posts

too much work to port the game over. if u played the game, u would notice how team kojima made it like literally impossible. snake using a sixaxis controller to direct REX MK.II and the countless apple products in the game. snake has a freakin ipod in gear. you gotta go back in the game, redo those scenes with the apple powerbook, give snake a 360 remote when controlling the MK.II, and take out the ipod and give him a zume. not gonna happen.


Thats exactly right, but most people choose to ignore this fact for some reason. This game has exclusive written all over it, more so then any other game released to date. There are countless Sony and Apple products placed in game and in the cutscenes, not to mentioned codec conversations boasting about PS3 technology. If it was ported they would have to re-do the cutscenes, codec conversations and remove the in game sony products like the DS3, PSP, IPOD etc, which would require remodelling the characters. It just seems highly unlikely. Also, after losing FF13 as exclusive and hearing Sony in the conference, I think they're gonna hold on to MGS4.

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#64 lowe0
Member since 2004 • 13692 Posts

If he doesn't, then they'll simply get someone else to do it. Konami isn't some sort of charity. They're a business. If they see the 360 as being a potential source for further income, they'll pursue it.


who wants a mgs game not made by kojima

Who would know? The game itself is already designed. Simply put in disc swaps in place of installs, get a team of crack 360 coders to port and optimize it, and you've got a 360 game. The only thing you can't duplicate is the motion controls, and those aren't exactly integral to the game.

Anyone so obsessed with Kojima that they wouldn't buy the game just because he didn't authorize a port has already bought the PS3 version. Konami simply has to decide whether the costs of a port would be offset by the extra sales.

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#65 GreyFoXX4
Member since 2008 • 3612 Posts
Lemmings are getting real sad around here lol. I mean if yall hate Sony so much why you wanting its games so bad, dang get a ps3 for god sake lol. Oh never mind the MS conference didn't show much to yall. Multiplat after multiplate lol. Maybe you lemmings will get some games sometime.
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#66 ithilgore2006
Member since 2006 • 10494 Posts

Kojima Is loyal to Sony

there wont be 360 mgs4

Tha explains all those MGs games on non-Sony systems, he's showing his loyalty by going to other companies with his games, that's perfect logic, I understand Kojima so much better now.
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#67 Jack-o-Thompson
Member since 2007 • 2166 Posts

If he doesn't, then they'll simply get someone else to do it. Konami isn't some sort of charity. They're a business. If they see the 360 as being a potential source for further income, they'll pursue it.


who wants a mgs game not made by kojima

Who would know? The game itself is already designed. Simply put in disc swaps in place of installs, get a team of crack 360 coders to port and optimize it, and you've got a 360 game. The only thing you can't duplicate is the motion controls, and those aren't exactly integral to the game.

Anyone so obsessed with Kojima that they wouldn't buy the game just because he didn't authorize a port has already bought the PS3 version. Konami simply has to decide whether the costs of a port would be offset by the extra sales.

you need six axis motion controls to finish the game, its used in a boss fight O_o

btw why do lemmings insist that mgs is going multiplat?

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#68 Supafly1
Member since 2003 • 4441 Posts

yeah, just like square?

oh.. my bad


Square was never loyal to Sony, they've been making Spinoff FF games for Nintendo, they STARTED on nintendo, and they made FFXI on 360.

They're different, MGS4 on 360 won't happen.

Just like MGS 2 was on PC?

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#69 xX0LDSCH00LXx
Member since 2007 • 1423 Posts

Kojima Is loyal to Sony

there wont be 360 mgs4

Kojima is racist!
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#70 CBCstillmatic
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Definitely think it will stay PS3 only for awhile. MGS2 was a shot(i think) to see how it would sell on the Xbox platform but was overshadowed quickly by(at the time exclusive) Splinter Cell. Splinter Cell did very well on Microsoft's platform and I'm sure Konami knew this and also knew MGS was bigger and did better on the PS brand systems so no MGS3 on Xbox. I could be wrong but that would be my guess as to why they gave up on any future MGS on the Xbox. This is a new generation however so I guess anything can happen, but it does seem like they did everything they could to fit everything anti-microsoft into the game(not to mention the dics swap comment)

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#71 ThePlothole
Member since 2007 • 11515 Posts

this is really getting pathetic. mgs4 will not go to 360. SE was different because they were never exclusivly on the ps brand only.


Konami has developed games for the MSX, MSX2, Amiga, NES, PC Engine, Genesis, Gameboy, SNES, Saturn, N64, Gameboy Advance, 3DO, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox, DS, 360, Wii, and PC. In fact it was the MSX2, not the Playstation, where the Metal Gear series truly began.

Konami is no more exclusive to Sony than SquareEnix. If anything, they have less "loyalty" with the company.

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#72 Flamestos
Member since 2004 • 2487 Posts
Kojima didn't do the MGS port to the Gamecube Silicon Knights did it and second MGS2: Substance sold like garbage on the original X-Box. MGS4 on the 360 would bomb in Japan if it was released but it'd still get decent sells elsewhere. I doubt it will be ported.
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#73 tman93
Member since 2006 • 7769 Posts

Stop bumping threads about rumors from a year and a half ago.

Oh wait, this was created today :|

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#74 Wasdie  Moderator
Member since 2003 • 53622 Posts

Kojima Is loyal to Sony

there wont be 360 mgs4


yeah, just like square?

oh.. my bad

Not like Square. Square made a lot of games for Nintendo consoles. It wasn't to suprising to see FFXIII on the 360.

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#75 VirtuaCast
Member since 2008 • 840 Posts

Lemmings are getting real sad around here lol. I mean if yall hate Sony so much why you wanting its games so bad, dang get a ps3 for god sake lol. Oh never mind the MS conference didn't show much to yall. Multiplat after multiplate lol. Maybe you lemmings will get some games sometime. GreyFoXX4

First of all it's not Sony's games, they are third party. Plus Lems got FF didn't they? Lems now have are sights on MGS4.

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#76 Flamestos
Member since 2004 • 2487 Posts

[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]Lemmings are getting real sad around here lol. I mean if yall hate Sony so much why you wanting its games so bad, dang get a ps3 for god sake lol. Oh never mind the MS conference didn't show much to yall. Multiplat after multiplate lol. Maybe you lemmings will get some games sometime. VirtuaCast

First of all it's not Sony's games, they are third party. Plus Lems got FF didn't they? Lems now have are sights on MGS4.

First of all fanboys(Lems) didn't get FF XIII Microsoft did. If you saw Sqaure's last financial report that was announced you would have saw the bad state the company is in. Konami is different and Kojima is pretty much done with MGS4 and looking forward to new projects.

Also DLC is becoming the norm now so there probably won't be a substance/subsistence since DLC can take care of that for the PS3.

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#77 TyrantDragon55
Member since 2004 • 6851 Posts

yeah, just like square?

oh.. my bad


Square was never loyal to Sony, they've been making Spinoff FF games for Nintendo, they STARTED on nintendo, and they made FFXI on 360.

They're different, MGS4 on 360 won't happen.

Kojima started on the MSX, and has made games for all three companies. Clearly he's not loyal either.

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#78 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

If he doesn't, then they'll simply get someone else to do it. Konami isn't some sort of charity. They're a business. If they see the 360 as being a potential source for further income, they'll pursue it.


who wants a mgs game not made by kojima

Who would know? The game itself is already designed. Simply put in disc swaps in place of installs, get a team of crack 360 coders to port and optimize it, and you've got a 360 game. The only thing you can't duplicate is the motion controls, and those aren't exactly integral to the game.

Anyone so obsessed with Kojima that they wouldn't buy the game just because he didn't authorize a port has already bought the PS3 version. Konami simply has to decide whether the costs of a port would be offset by the extra sales.

The game is constantly self referential, so they'll have to re-record several large areas of VO and remove alot of things.
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#79 ThePlothole
Member since 2007 • 11515 Posts

you need six axis motion controls to finish the game, its used in a boss fight O_o


All you do is yank the controller. That hardly puts the 6DOF sensor to use.

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#80 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

you need six axis motion controls to finish the game, its used in a boss fight O_o


All you do is yank the controller. That hardly puts the 6DOF sensor to use.

Peeking out of trash cans? :P You need sixaxis for that.
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#81 Mongo-Boss
Member since 2008 • 2108 Posts

MGS4 is impossible on the 360, the guy from SE already mentioned how they will not use the Six Axis in FF13 so 360 owners don't feel left out. You need Six Axis to beat one of the bosses in MGS4!


I would expect Sony to have made an exclusivity contract or something but who knows.

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#82 sireclaborn
Member since 2008 • 1305 Posts

[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]Lemmings are getting real sad around here lol. I mean if yall hate Sony so much why you wanting its games so bad, dang get a ps3 for god sake lol. Oh never mind the MS conference didn't show much to yall. Multiplat after multiplate lol. Maybe you lemmings will get some games sometime. VirtuaCast

First of all it's not Sony's games, they are third party. Plus Lems got FF didn't they? Lems now have are sights on MGS4.

its really starting to get sad now. really i glad im not a lem. it seems as if the only things going for the 360 is getting sony's 3rd party games. i think im staring to get the routine here bash sony 1st party because there no way the 360 can get it but beg for sony 3rd party games. i guess the 360 games aren't good enough

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#83 ThePlothole
Member since 2007 • 11515 Posts

you need six axis motion controls to finish the game, its used in a boss fight O_o


All you do is yank the controller. That hardly puts the 6DOF sensor to use.

Peeking out of trash cans? :P You need sixaxis for that.

I never even bothered to use the trash cans, so I didn't experience that function. Still I highly doubt that it used the sensor in such a way that it would be difficult to substitute.

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#84 VirtuaCast
Member since 2008 • 840 Posts

[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]Lemmings are getting real sad around here lol. I mean if yall hate Sony so much why you wanting its games so bad, dang get a ps3 for god sake lol. Oh never mind the MS conference didn't show much to yall. Multiplat after multiplate lol. Maybe you lemmings will get some games sometime. Flamestos

First of all it's not Sony's games, they are third party. Plus Lems got FF didn't they? Lems now have are sights on MGS4.

First of all fanboys(Lems) didn't get FF XIII Microsoft did. If you saw Sqaure's last financial report that was announced you would have saw the bad state the company is in. Konami is different and Kojima is pretty much done with MGS4 and looking forward to new projects.

Also DLC is becoming the norm now so there probably won't be a substance/subsistence since DLC can take care of that for the PS3.

What!? Being a fan of Microsoft (Lems) get the game. You can tell your self (that they didn't) what ever makes you feel better. Konami is in the business of making money and if they want reach a larger audience they will.

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#85 Flamestos
Member since 2004 • 2487 Posts

[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]Lemmings are getting real sad around here lol. I mean if yall hate Sony so much why you wanting its games so bad, dang get a ps3 for god sake lol. Oh never mind the MS conference didn't show much to yall. Multiplat after multiplate lol. Maybe you lemmings will get some games sometime. VirtuaCast

First of all it's not Sony's games, they are third party. Plus Lems got FF didn't they? Lems now have are sights on MGS4.

First of all fanboys(Lems) didn't get FF XIII Microsoft did. If you saw Sqaure's last financial report that was announced you would have saw the bad state the company is in. Konami is different and Kojima is pretty much done with MGS4 and looking forward to new projects.

Also DLC is becoming the norm now so there probably won't be a substance/subsistence since DLC can take care of that for the PS3.

What!? Being a fan of Microsoft (Lems) get the game. You can tell your self (that they didn't) what ever makes you feel better. Konami is in the business of making money and if they want reach a larger audience they will.

X-Box 360 fans get the game, I just didn't like the way you said it because it was in a purely fanboy regard which is why I said that. Every company likes money and wants to reach the largest amount of gamers they can so yeah of course Konami does but you don't see every 360 3rd party game on the PS3 do you... no.

Kojima & Konami have said no and as of right now thats what it is.

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#86 jackvegas21
Member since 2007 • 3157 Posts
If this actually happens, I'm going to be kicking myself for buying a PS3.
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#87 Jamiemydearx3
Member since 2008 • 4062 Posts

Konami already making tons of money with MGS4 on PS3 alone........ Why would they wasting their & money time port this game to 360 ? 360 version never guarantee to sold more than PS3 version......Foxhound_spy

Ay, you never know...DMC 4 anyone? And we'll see how FF sells on both systems.

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#88 ThugKing6669
Member since 2008 • 725 Posts

I don't think MS went out of their way to acquire FFXIII, I think they just lucked out from SE's new multiplat strategy.

It's really up to Konami and it is possible, although I'd say a PC release is more likely.


No...SE must have been paid, cause they put off all their other projects (FFXIII versus), just to begin porting code? If they were smart they would work their buts off to finish FFXIII and finish Versus, but their must have been a huge lump sum that Microsoft paid to SE.

When yopu can provide more proof then your fanboy rants then post it .

How does that make me a fanboy? Look at the facts: Microsoft paid Take 2 for exclusive content, they paid Epic to keep Gears 1 and 2 exclusive, and they also bought Bungie (which Bungie later bought themselves back). If you are so ignorant to believe SE is dumb to just (out of the blue) start making FF for M$, than you are really dumb. And don't call me a fanboy cause I make an educated guess (which is more than likely true).

There may have been money involved, there may not have been. The main reason though that SE is putting Final Fantasy XIII on 360 is because SE wants to penetrate the Western and European Markets. Two places where 360 has the larger userbase.

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#89 lowe0
Member since 2004 • 13692 Posts
The game is constantly self referential, so they'll have to re-record several large areas of VO and remove alot of things.thrones
I'm not seeing it. So far I'm aware of one section that would have to be re-recorded (the ridiculous "we're on Blu-ray" section). I'm about halfway through the game, and haven't seen a single thing that would have to be taken out.
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#90 Mongo-Boss
Member since 2008 • 2108 Posts

[QUOTE="thrones"]The game is constantly self referential, so they'll have to re-record several large areas of VO and remove alot of things.lowe0
I'm not seeing it. So far I'm aware of one section that would have to be re-recorded (the ridiculous "we're on Blu-ray" section). I'm about halfway through the game, and haven't seen a single thing that would have to be taken out.

There is a PS3 in the second floor of the Nomad

Sony cellphones


All the computers are Mac

Snake uses a Dualshock 3 to control MarkII

Several easter eggs that I do not want to spoil, if you played the original MGS repeat the same strategy for Mantis and you'll get one.

I might be missing a few but it's nothing major that couldn't be redone.

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#91 Tjeremiah1988
Member since 2003 • 16665 Posts

too much work to port the game over. if u played the game, u would notice how team kojima made it like literally impossible. snake using a sixaxis controller to direct REX MK.II and the countless apple products in the game. snake has a freakin ipod in gear. you gotta go back in the game, redo those scenes with the apple powerbook, give snake a 360 remote when controlling the MK.II, and take out the ipod and give him a zume. not gonna happen.


yea and Twin Snakes was literally impossible.

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#92 Metsvideogame
Member since 2008 • 1145 Posts

ah Let Sony have one exclusive so that cows can put their foot in their mouth. Right now they dont have much.

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#93 deactivated-58b6232955e4a
Member since 2006 • 15594 Posts

Kojima Is loyal to Sony


Thats why MGS was on the PC? Thats why MGS2 was on the X-box and PC? Thats why MGS TTS was on the Gamecube? Thats why Metal Gear: Ghost Bable was on the Gameboy Color? Thats why the entire boktai series was on the GBA and Nintendo DS?

I agree that MGS4 will likely never apear on the 360, but I wouldnt say it's because Kojima is loyal.

There was alot more than that, dreamcast, mobile, and i believe there were more along with what you mentioned.

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#94 darkslider99
Member since 2004 • 11374 Posts

Kojima Is loyal to Sony

there wont be 360 mgs4


That's why MGS came to GC...and GB...and XBOX..or why Kojima shifted from Metal Gear being on Nintendo to MGS being on know what. I'm sorry, that was just stupid.
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#95 ThePlothole
Member since 2007 • 11515 Posts

[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="thrones"]The game is constantly self referential, so they'll have to re-record several large areas of VO and remove alot of things.Mongo-Boss

I'm not seeing it. So far I'm aware of one section that would have to be re-recorded (the ridiculous "we're on Blu-ray" section). I'm about halfway through the game, and haven't seen a single thing that would have to be taken out.

There is a PS3 in the second floor of the Nomad

Sony cellphones


All the computers are Mac

Snake uses a Dualshock 3 to control MarkII

Several easter eggs that I do not want to spoil, if you played the original MGS repeat the same strategy for Mantis and you'll get one.

I might be missing a few but it's nothing major that couldn't be redone.

Only the Sony stuff would be a real issue, not the apple stuff. I mean come on... Apple lets you install Windows on their computers now, and the iPod has come bundled with PC software for years.

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#96 nervmeister
Member since 2005 • 15377 Posts

[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="thrones"]The game is constantly self referential, so they'll have to re-record several large areas of VO and remove alot of things.Mongo-Boss

I'm not seeing it. So far I'm aware of one section that would have to be re-recorded (the ridiculous "we're on Blu-ray" section). I'm about halfway through the game, and haven't seen a single thing that would have to be taken out.

There is a PS3 in the second floor of the Nomad

Sony cellphones


All the computers are Mac

Snake uses a Dualshock 3 to control MarkII

Several easter eggs that I do not want to spoil, if you played the original MGS repeat the same strategy for Mantis and you'll get one.

I might be missing a few but it's nothing major that couldn't be redone.

Damn. Good point(s).
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#97 Mongo-Boss
Member since 2008 • 2108 Posts

[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="thrones"]The game is constantly self referential, so they'll have to re-record several large areas of VO and remove alot of things.ThePlothole

I'm not seeing it. So far I'm aware of one section that would have to be re-recorded (the ridiculous "we're on Blu-ray" section). I'm about halfway through the game, and haven't seen a single thing that would have to be taken out.

There is a PS3 in the second floor of the Nomad

Sony cellphones


All the computers are Mac

Snake uses a Dualshock 3 to control MarkII

Several easter eggs that I do not want to spoil, if you played the original MGS repeat the same strategy for Mantis and you'll get one.

I might be missing a few but it's nothing major that couldn't be redone.

Only the Sony stuff would be a real issue, not the apple stuff. I mean come on... Apple lets you install Windows on their computers now, and the iPod has come bundled with PC software for years.

I believe it has more to do with sponsorship than relationship. I assume Apple, Playboy and the other companies made a deal with Konami other than for their appearance at the end of the credits. Still it's not impossible for MGS4 to go to the 360 I just think it's highly unlikely. This game was bundled with the PS3, is used in all its comercial it is the closest thing Sony has to Halo at the moment. I also forgot the PSP Sunny has :P

You would also have to add the cost for porting since I believe it runs on an engine built from the ground up on the PS3, MGS4 will have big development costs even for porting, I assume that the reason they had so many sponsors was to pay for a part of the costs. Of course what do I know only Konami knows all the facts.

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#98 Kahuna_1
Member since 2006 • 7948 Posts

Kojima Is loyal to Sony

there wont be 360 mgs4


That's why MGS came to GC...and GB...and XBOX..or why Kojima shifted from Metal Gear being on Nintendo to MGS being on know what. I'm sorry, that was just stupid.

Kojima had them on the MSX, he cursed the Nintendo port and thats why he never brought part 2 to the Nintendo. He went to the Playstation brand because they offered him a CD drive so he could have cutscenes and have no limitations.

He tried MGS2 and Twin Snakes for other platforms, they bombed, so he stuck with what works.

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#99 AtrumRegina
Member since 2008 • 1584 Posts

Mgs4: Subsistance for Xbox360 Only sounds more than possible.AgentA-Mi6

Yup . They will call it something else tho...