ok. i'll give you the fact that the xbox never one a gen. that's indisputable. but it's actually worse to go from being number one, selling over 100 million units in one generation, to being in last place with an over priced console in the next generation.
how can you say that lems praise AAA games that don't translate to sales? halo 3, and gears 1 &2 would like to say hello. as would few others like ME and gta 4 which sold more on the 360 than the ps3.
cows and sheep bash others. true. i'll give you that. but cows this gen have become so delusional that they would hype anything and everything ranging from firmware upgrades, the standard features that should've been in place since the beginning but were left out because sony refused to pay the company they stole the invention from despite the fact a judge ruled them to (read: left out rumble because sony didn't want to pay immersion for it), to over hyping games that are clearly going to be failures (lair, heavenly sword, motorstorm, etc.) the sheep can't hype anything or be proud of anything because nintendo took their money and told them to wait in the rain for a hardcore oriented title only just to give them abysmal shovelware. when the sheep ask where's mario and zelda, nintendo's response is "well we have wii music. that has mario in it. who was the other guy you mentioned?"
the xbox 360 may not come out in first place this gen. in fact, it's pretty much guaranteed nintendo will to everyone's dismay. but at least they won't be in last place like sony.
Lemming hyped everything too. As a matter of fact, lemmings hyped the most games during the PS2 era. it's funny that what you see cows nowadays are the same action and reaction XBox was, and XBox was in 2nd place.One of the most lame post the lemmings did, which by all standards, the lowest ever from any post from other fanboys like cows and sheeps, is to say that buying XBox and X360, are patriotic, or don't buy Japanese.
Another low for lemmings, which was not done by either cows or sheeps, is the games vs sales threads. The thread was created (even endorsed by some moderator) to discredit Wii's success and to limit lemmings insecurities. It's so low that lemmings forgot the difference between subjective and objective. You can throw some of the worst tantrums of cows and sheeps, but remember, it is neither of these fanboy who started the havoc thread about games vs sales. It is lemmings who created that thread that almost change the rules in the forum on how we judge a console (with the help of a moderator). Fortunately, with the help of other voice of majority of gamers, on the second voting, the rule that games>sales was overturned. Ironically, that voting thread happened when Wii outsold X360 worldwide. We all bashed here and there, but cows and sheep never, ever, change the rules like the lemmings attempted (which almost succeed).
i wasn't around for the highlighted.
if i remember correctly, it was the cows that tried to changed the rules about what scores to use regarding games. they were the ones that introduced the idea of using meta critc and game ranking to try to say that their hyped games that flopped on gs are not flops at all, but that overall they were doing well and fell within their hype. also, cows tried to change the rule by creating polls saying that ign scores should be used and not gs scores because "teh lemmspot iz teh biazed".
as for the patriotic thing, let's not forget the petitions that were created by cows after dmc4, ff13 and re5 were announced for the 360. the cows even went so far as to say they want people to boycott capcom and not buy dmc4 because they weren't being loyal to the sony franchise. fact is all fanboys say and do incredibly stupid things. this gen, the cows win by far in most outrages fanboyisms.
Actually, it was the lems who introduced the idea of games>sales, not cows. It's simple, during the time when Wii outsold the X360, PS3 does not have much high rated games to brag about, X360, due to it's one year start, has the most AAA, exclusive or non-exclusive, and use that as an advantage to discredit Wii success and damage control X360 being outsold despite a year headstart. So you don't remember it correctly my friend. Lems started the thread because they have most to gain from it, not the cows.
Also, sure, boycotting Capcom due to DMC 4 exclusivity can be low. Nonetheless, its "just a company" compare to lemmings whosaid that whoever does not buy X360 are unpatriotic and do not buy Japanese, or Japan should support X360 because US saved them. There are even some lems, during those time, banned for a while for racial slur on the japanese (using the name J*P in a racial tense) to despise Japanese companies like Sony and Nintendo.
So, no matter how much arguement you put on cows, and sheeps, at least, these fanboysnever rant or hint of racial bias, and DID not try to change the rule of gamespot in judging who wins the console war (Games>Sales) to their advantage.
Again, let me tell you, it was lems who posted the thread about Games>Sales within the moment when Wii outsold X360 worldwide.
Sony did use Meta-Critic or Gamerankings to brag their scores, but Lems went beyond low when they propose a voting for Games>Sales in the forums (with the moderator who is clearly for X360 supporting it). Lems almost succeeded since a moderator sided with them, only that other members of the gamespot forum, fanboy and non-fanboycomplained that the voting is biased, to the point that second voting is require. There was a creditbility crisis in Gamespot at the time when Greg K. was still around as chief editor. I think it happened in mid-end 2007 just several month after Wii beats X360 in worldwide sales.
So no, lems since 2001, are the lowest overall in terms of offense and fanboyism. Hopefully, you are not a lem or gamer elitist, but rather ahardcore gamer who embraces gaming whether PS3, Wii, or X360.
I like X360, it has the best game for my taste, but I hate the lems the most since I knew their attitude during 2001, and still is.
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