@Celtic_34 said:
and greedy. Even with the price drop i'm amazed they've sold 5 million units. People will still buy it that's the thing. The ps4 is still better hardware, has better games and didn't come with this stuff you don't need in the first place. If Microsoft overtakes sony I will be upset because there are too many people out there who buy things because of brand vs who makes the better product.
Why would anyone want Microsoft to win? They are greedy and sell crap at more expensive prices. Would milk everyone dry if they could.
Why do most people on the forums forget about opinions? You all speak as if the knowledge you have should be 100% applicable to any humans mindset, but it simply is not. I have a PS4 and an X1 and there is no surprise they are both selling as well as they are. The PS4 has SLIGHTLY better hardware, which is grossly exaggerated by 90% of Sony fanboys. It started as 1080p vs 720p and now games are coming out at 1080(PS4) and 900(X1) or 900p (PS4) and 792p (X1), it is fact that optimization is bringing them closer together. At the end of the day the graphical difference between the two consoles will be crazy close, with the PS4 having a handful extra frames or the X1 version lacking a slight visual effect, either way hardware should not be defining your purchase.
"PS4 has the best games" Uhm, no that's an opinion. Firstly, I'd argue that Sony is known for having strong IP's, that is a fact. As for the currently released and announced PS4 games, it's more than underwhelming. I'm an early adopter an an owner since day one, and my PS4 is dust collecting until Infamous goes on sale or a new game is released. My Xbox see's gameplay every day between Killer Instinct and Titanfall, with lots of epic exclusives announced and on the way (Sunset Overdrive, Fable Legends, New Halo).
"didn't come with this stuff you didn't need in the first place". Uhm, I'm a huge fan of Kinect. I personally think everyone who buys one without one will eventually end up getting it anyway, the console is designed around it. Once you see how many features are missing and how much convenience it adds to the overall console experience, you'll be able to understand that the Kinect is part of what makes the X1 feel more next gen.
I get that you're a Sony fan, I really do, but understand that not everyone wants exactly what you want. Some people hate the games you love and don't value the features you do. That's just how the world works.
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