"The PC version of Lionhead role-playing game Fable III will launch on Steam and Games for Windows Live, Microsoft has announced."
They are finnally ditching that GFWL Only. Thank God, Games for Windows LIVE is the worst thing to happen. I guess I am picking this up now.
Now I hope Microsoft releases;
Age of Empires on Steam
Gears of War 2/3 on Steam
Halo 3 and/or Halo Reach on Steam (Tho I could careless for Halo 3)
Forza 3/4 on Steam (This would highly increase sales for Forza 4)
Perfect Dark 2 on Steam =D =D =D
Alan Wake on Steam
umm..what else?
NOTE****- Nevermind =(, I was just reminded that Microsoft will most likely still use GFWL on the Steam Game. LAME, but w/e At Least it is Still Better then buying it off Games for Windows LIVE Marketplace.
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