What the hell is that, Microsoft? $100 for Wi Fi? For the same price you get it built into the PS3. Game developers are having to make sacrifies. Take Rage for instance. On Ps3 you got one Blu Ray disc, all the content, and the best graphics on consoles. With the 360 version, you're gonna have 2-3 discs, the game will look inferior (that's a quote from the developerS) and they have said Microsoft won't allow them to have a mandatory install so if you're playing that game without installing it will look and play worse than the PS3 version.
But that's not enough, you gotta charge the consumer $50 just to play their game online. When they go buy Modern Warfare 2 for the 360, they know damn good and well they arn't getting the full game. No, they have to pay MICROSOFT $50 just to experience their game fully. When you impose these restrictions upon the consumer, and charge them to experience their game fully, you have become an insult to the gaming industry.
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